Friday, October 28, 2005

EPS 14: Wish upon a Millennium STAR

“Okay class, please hand in your consent forms for the Historic Field Trip which we will be going on tomorrow”, announced Mr. Tay before he dismissed them for their lunch break.

During their break, the male rangers were very excited about their Field Trip that they just couldn’t stop talking about it. Soon, Hana and Jerlin joined them and asked them what they were talking about. So Darryl replied that they were going on a Historic Field Trip the next day. Then Jerlin told the others that they were also going on a Historic Field Trip as well but after talking about it they found out that they were going on 2 different Historic Field Trip. The boys were going to the Kranji War Memorial Site while the girls were going to the Museum of Nation History.

While they rangers were having their break, Princess Lira and everyone else on the Zeta Base were busily discussing on whom to send to assist Sentra against the rangers. During the discussion Sentra was not present, instead he was in his quarters wondering on why did he retreat from the battle against the rangers the other day. While he was pondering, Gumka came in and told him that Princess Lira had summoned to the Meeting Room. Once they arrived at the Meeting Room, Princess Lira asked Sentra to take a sit. Once Sentra has taken his sit, she began the meeting.

“As we all know that the Chimera Megazord was no match for both the STAR and Millennium Megazord. So I have come to a conclusion and that is from this point on, Sentra you will not be allowed to battle the ranger alone anymore. From this point….” announced Princess Lira.

“No, I refuse to accept any help from any monster. I can beat the rangers by myself”, interrupted Sentra.

“Looks like you fail to prove that during the last battle, Sentra”, replied Princess Lira.

Upon hearing that, Sentra could not reply to that comment and had no other choice but to accept help from another monster. Once the meeting was over Princess Lira ordered Ripster to summon the monster. Immediately, Ripster summoned a monster known as Unicron. After Unicron has been summoned, he and Sentra got acquainted with each other before they were sent down to Earth.

Meanwhile back on Earth, the rangers were still in class when Samsul’s laptop went off. When Samsul checked it out, he told the other guys that Sentra was on the attack at Japanese Garden and this time, he was not alone. Knowing that his teacher will not let a whole bunch of students out of the class for no reason, Anand decided that he will have to deal with the problem alone. So he went up to the teacher and told him that he needed to go the bathroom. With the teacher’s permission to leave the class, he raced to the bathroom and when the coast was clear, he morphed up.

Once Anand was at the location, he knew that he will no be able defeat both Sentra and Unicron but he was going to go down without a fight. So he called out for his Millennium Canon and started shooting at them. While Anand was shooting Sentra summoned for his Mystic Sword and ran towards him. As Sentra attacked Anand, Anand was able to block every strike that came his way but unfortunately for him, he was too concentrated on Sentra that he totally forgot about Unicron. Due to his carelessness, Unicron was able to get a clean strike on Anand from behind him. After Unicron had attacked Anand from behind, Anand fell to his knees and the onslaught began.

Back in class, the other rangers were worried about Anand. Fortunately for them, their teacher had an urgent call and he had to leave immediately. Due to that reason, their teacher ended class early. Once they were released from class, the other rangers found a quit place and morphed up to help Anand. While the other rangers went to help Anand, Samsul ran towards Jerlin and Hana’s class and informed them what was going on. So the girls got permission from their teacher to leave the class and immediately, they also morphed up and proceeded to Japanese Garden.

Once there the other 5 rangers called for their STAR Weapons and attacked Sentra and Unicron from behind before helping Anand up. Once they’ve helped Anand help, they decided to form up their STAR Canon. Once that was done, Anand told the rangers to fire at Unicron while fires his Millennium Canon at Sentra. After they had agreed on what to do, the rangers fired their Canons at their own targets. After both Canons were fired, Unicron was destroyed and Sentra was lying on the ground in pain.

Back at the Zeta Base, Ripster pressed the big red button to fire 3 poles to make Unicron grow. Once Unicron has grown, Sentra got up and summoned his Chimerazord. Then the rangers called for their zords. When Sentra converted his zord to the Chimera Megazord, so did the rangers. Now in a 2 on 2 battle, Sentra has full confidence in himself that this day the rangers will be defeated. Then Sentra started to attack the Anand’s zord and the rangers battles Unicron. After a while, the rangers found out that the combined powers of the Chimerazord and Unicron is proven to be too much for them to handle.

Meanwhile at the school’s library, Samsul found out something amazing on his laptop. Immediately, he informed the rangers. After they received the information, the rangers were a bit surprised to her the info but with no other choice and with time not on their side, they’ve agreed to give it a shot.

So the rangers search their cockpits for a control panel and soon found it. With no time to waste, Darryl and Anand pressed the ‘Transformation Button’, as it was within their reach in their cockpits. Then the 2 Megazords begin to transform and finally they form the ‘Millennium STAR Megazord’. Now everyone in the Zeta Base was shocked to see the Millennium and STAR Megazord able to combine. This also comes as a shock for the rangers. After the transformation, Sentra was the first to attack the new Megazord but the rangers were up to the challenge and evaded the attacks. Then the rangers attacked the Chimera Megazord with its primary weapon, the ‘Drill Punch’. Then Unicron went to help Sentra. While Unicron was helping the Chimera Megazord up, the Millennium STAR was preparing to finish them off with its final attack, ‘Hyper Drill Canons’.

Once the Unicron and the Chimerazord were in position, the rangers shouted, “Hyper Drill Canons, Fire.”

Then as the attack traveled towards Unicron and Sentra’s zord, Sentra used the Chimera Megazord to pull Unicron in between the blasts and his zord before he ran away. In the end, the blasts hit Unicron who was destroyed in a horrorible way. As Sentra flew back to Zeta Base, he felt that having another monster to help him didn’t seem to be a bad idea at all, especially if they take the hit for him.

“Yo thanks for the last minute info man”, said Darryl, “Or else we would have been goners.”

“Indeed”, added Jerlin,”Thank you Samsul.”

Once all the thank you was said and done, the girls headed back to class to resume their lessons as the guys made their way to the Command Base.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Eps 13: Believing in oneself

As a new day begins, the rangers were finding it hard to concentrate in school as memories of the Sentra defeating them were racing through their mind like a spoilt tape recorder. Even Samsul was having headaches thinking of plans and ways to defeat Sentra and coping with his school work.

When school ended, all the rangers, except for Anand, made their way back to the Command Base. Anand was on his way to the Driving Center for his motorcycle lessons. While on his way there, he was attacked by a group of Zetrans. He had no problem defeating them within minutes. After he finished of the Zetrans, he informed the other rangers to be on the look out for anything suspicious. Back at the Command Base, the other rangers were not in the mood to train up even though they knew that they had to if they ever want to beat Sentra. All they can do was just sit around and do nothing.

Suddenly, Hana stood up and shouted at the others, “I can’t take this any more. Why are we not doing anything when we know very well that Sentra will strike again?”

“What’s the point?” replied Darryl in an angry tone, “We also know that we will get beaten down as usual.”

“That’s where you’re wrong Darryl”, replied Yong Sen with confidence, “We were able to beat Sentra. Now we just have to figure out how to beat Sentra’s Chimerazord.”

Then Darryl apologized to Hana for shouting like that to her for no apparent reason. Then Hana accepted Darryl’s apology and told him to relax as everyone was also stressed out as well. She also told him that same day they will beat Sentra but until that day comes, they will have to keep trying. Then Darryl agreed and thanked Hana for her forgiveness and support.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Sentra was trying to find out what else could the Chimerazord do. As he was doing that, Princess Lira came in and asked him what he was doing. Then Sentra replied that he was trying to find out what else could the Chimerazord do. After hearing what Sentra said, she laughed and asked why he didn’t ask her in the first place. Then Princess Lira got into the cockpit with Sentra and told him what buttons did what. Once that was done, she got out of the cockpit and told Sentra that there will be a briefing at the Meeting Room. She also told him not to be late.

Once Sentra arrived at the meeting room, he took a seat beside Kaijax and the meeting began. The first thing Princess Lira announced was about Sentra. She commented on his excellent work on piloting the Chimerazord. Then she added that this time Sentra was not going to battle the rangers alone. Immediately, she looked at Kaijax and asked him to send down a monster to assist Sentra. Once Sentra heard this, he stood up and protest. He told Princess Lira that he could finish off the rangers alone. After awhile of debating, Princess Lira finally allowed Sentra to attack the rangers alone.

Once the meeting was over, Sentra went down to Earth and started to create havoc. Immediately went Sentra started to create havoc, the rangers M.A.S went off. Then without Anand, the rangers morphed and went to battle Sentra. When they arrived at Sentra’s position, Sentra was already prepared to attack with his Mystic Saber at hand. Once Sentra had his sight set on the rangers, he ran towards them with full force. When the rangers noticed Sentra, they call out for their STAR Weapons. With their STAR Weapons in hand, they began to retaliate Sentra. The rangers tried attacking Sentra with the method which they used the last time they met but this time Sentra was well prepared and was able to avoid almost every attack.

After about 5 minutes of battling, the rangers were down and were having a bit of trouble getting up. Then Sentra walked towards the rangers preparing to finish them off when suddenly, he was attacked from behind. When he turned around to find out who attacked him, he was attacked again with a canon to the face. It was the Millennium Ranger who had attacked Sentra.

“Yo Sentra”, shouted Anand, “How’s about battling with me?”

“I’ll finish you off first”, replied Sentra.

Immediately, Sentra began to attack Anand. While Anand and Sentra was battling each other, the other rangers took this time to get back to their feet and help out Anand but Anand refused their help as he determinedly battled Sentra. The other rangers noticed a bit of difference in his fighting. They noticed that he was fighting in a more aggressive manner. It also looks like he was determined to win. After a while, Anand was beaten but Sentra looked a little weakened as well. Then Sentra told Anand that he has improved a lot since the last time they met. Then Anand replied that it was because he wasn’t afraid of Sentra any more and that he was more determined to beat him. Immediately, Sentra called for his Chimerazord. Then Anand called for his zord, the Millennium Tankzord. Once their zords has arrived, the jumped into their own individual zords and began attacking each other.

After a while, Sentra shouted, “Chimerazord, covert to Megazord mode now!”

Then Anand transformed his zord into the Millennium Megazord. Immediately, the other rangers called for their own zords, formed up the STAR Megazord and helped out Anand to attack the Chimera Megazord. While the Millennium Megazord was engaged in battle with the Chimera Megazord, the STAR Megazord was preparing to attack with their STAR Rapid Blasters. When the Millennium Megazord was thrown to a side, the other rangers took this opportunity to fire their STAR Rapid Blasters. Due to their good sense of timing, they were able to hit the Chimera Megazord right in the chest region. Then the Millennium Megazord fired his Millennium Blaster and hit The Chimerazord right in the back. Realizing that he was out numbered, Sentra converted his zord back to its beast mode and flew away.

When Sentra arrived back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was there waiting for him. The only problem was she did not look the slightest bit happy. When he got out of his zord, Princess Lira walked up to him and told that the next time he battles the rangers, he will be bringing along another monster to back him up. After saying that to Sentra’s face, she walked away disappointed and a little heart broken.

Meanwhile back at the Command Base, Anand told the other rangers in a very serious tone, that they must not show fear when fighting with Sentra as it will only give him more strength and it will allow him to overpower them. When being asked by Nasrul how he got that information, Anand simply replied that he had learned this during his motorbike lesson. That lesson was that “If anyone was afraid of falling from their motorbikes, then they will never truly know if they can ride a bike or not.”

Friday, October 14, 2005

Eps 12: Rise of Darkness (Part 2)

After the fierce battle with Sentra, which left the rangers lying motionless at the battle site, Samsul brought the rangers back to the Command Base where he bandaged and applied first aid on them.

About an hour later, Anand woke up with pain forcing through his body. Despite the pain, he walked out of the ‘Medic Room’ and walked straight into the room where Samsul was. Upon seeing Anand, Samsul immediately jumped out of his seat and rushed to help him.

“What are you doing out off bed? Your not well yet”, questioned Samsul to Anand.

“Listen, I’m a ranger not Sleeping Beauty ok”, replied Anand.

“Even rangers need their rest, now go back to bed”, added Samsul.

Then Samsul brought Anand back to the Medic Room. Once they arrived there, they noticed that 3 more rangers had awaken. Then Samsul looked at them and shook his head.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was celebrating with Sentra and the three officers. They were celebrating because Sentra had left the rangers beaten during their last encounter. Everyone was in a party mood except Sentra. While celebrating, Princess Lira noticed Sentra standing at a corner not having fun. Then she walked up towards him and asked him why he wasn’t celebrating with the others. Then Sentra told her that he wasn’t celebrating because the rangers were still alive and they were learning his way of fighting.

In an instant, Princess Lira stopped the celebration and ordered everyone to go back to work. Then she asked Sentra to follow her to the hanger bay. Once there, she showed Sentra a surprised gift. Then Sentra laugh at the sight of the gift and thanked Princess Lira for it. Then Princess Lira laughed along side with Sentra.

Back at the Command Base, all the rangers had already woken up feeling like they were hit by a speeding truck several times over. Then Samsul told the rangers what had happen back there. He told them that Sentra had changed his fighting style at the last possible minute. Then Anand got up and said that they should start training harder. Immediately, Samsul got up and told Anand not to push it as they were still recovering from the last battle. Then Hana and Darryl seconded Anand’s motion but Jerlin and Nasrul seconded Samsul’s motion. Now that the score is tied at 3 a piece, all 6 friends looked at Yong Sen as he has given his vote.

“Yes, we should start training”, said Yong Sen looking at Samsul, “But not now”, he continued now looking at Anand, “Now we should plan our attack wisely and try not get beaten down again.”

Then one by one the other six friends agreed to Yong Sen’s motion instead. At once they began planning their attacks. While planning, the M.A.S went off. When they checked it out, they found out that Sentra is back. Immediately the rangers morphed and prepared to attacked Sentra. Once they caught up with Sentra, they put their plan into action. Then the rangers called out for their STAR Weapons and upon receiving it,

Anand and Nasrul ran ahead of the group and opened fire at Sentra. Then Sentra ran towards Anand and Nasrul deflecting every shot in his way with his Mystic Sword.

Once he got pass Anand and Nasrul, Darryl and Hana striked Sentra unexpectedly. Now it’s Darryl and Hana to do a number on Sentra but after a while he overpowered them. Now he expected the last two to attack but instead, he was attacked by Anand and Nasrul again. Then he started to run towards them. As Sentra was so concentrated on attacking Anand and Nasrul, he didn’t notice Yong Sen and Jerlin positioned behind them. Then at just the right moment Anand and Nasrul moved out of the way to allow Jerlin and Yong Sen to get a clean strike at Sentra. At this point of time, Sentra was getting weak. Immediately the rangers formed up their STAR Cannon.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira realized what was going to happen, so she sent down a group of Zetrans to distract the rangers and give Sentra enough time to get back to his feet. Then when the rangers were about to fire, a group of Zetrans arrived and stood in front of Sentra. Without any moment’s hesitation, the rangers opened fire at the Zetrans. Once the smoke and dust has settled, they noticed Sentra had already gotten up.

When they were to open fire again. Sentra shouted, “Chimerazord, hear my call.”

Immediately, the sky turned dark and a loud roar could be heard from the sky. Then all the ranger looked up towards the sky and suddenly a huge dragon like Zord appeared and it landed behind Sentra. Then Sentra introduce the rangers to his new Zord, ‘Chimerazord’, before entering the cockpit. Then the rangers call for their Zords. Once their Zords arrived, they jumped into their Zords. Once their Zords arrived, they jumped into their Zords. Nasrul was the first one to attack the Chimerazord but unfortunately, his Zord wasn’t strong enough to take on Chimerazord and neither was the Millennium Tankzord as it was being carried by the Chimerazord and dropped a few distance away. Next Darryl was up to try his luck but he was being flung aside by Chimerazords tail. Then Jerlin and Hana tried a double team attack but that didn’t work out as well.

While the Chimerazord was busily attacking the Drill and Hovercraftzords, Anand was preparing the Millennium Tankzord to open fire at the Chimerazord. When the timing was right, he opened fire causing Sentra to pilot the Chimerazord out of the Millennium Tankzord’s firing range. Once he was out of range, he was attacked by Nasrul and his B-1 Bomberzord. Soon there was a huge battle in the Sky. It didn’t look like Nasrul was going to win the battle. So Anand decided to give Nasrul a helping hand and began opening fire at Chimerazord. Soon Sentra had figured out what the Millennium Ranger was doing, so he cooked up a little plan of his own.

As Anand continued to open fire, Sentra piloted the Chimerazord towards the B-1 Bomberzord. By the time Anand had figured out what was going on, it was a little too late as the Chimerazord flew pass the B-1 Bomberzord causing it to fly right into the path of the Millennium Tankzord’s missiles. After the impact, Nasrul tried to avoid crashing into the other STAR Zords but was not able to crash land in front of the other Zords. Then the Chimerazord breath out fire which surrounded the rangers’ Zords. Once that was done, Sentra piloted his Chimerazord back to the Zeta Base leaving the ranger in their firery grave.

“My circuits are burning up”, exclaimed Hana.

“Jerlin”, called out Darryl, “Can you try to dig up a tunnel so that we can escape from here”, he added.

“What about Nasrul? I can’t drill a tunnel big enough for the B-1 Bomberzord”, replied Jerlin.

Then Nasrul told her not to worry about him. Immediately she began help to drill up a tunnel to allow the other Zords to escape. Then Anand detached his pulley cables and assist Nasrul’s Zord of the ring of fire. Once they were out of the ring of fire, one by one the rangers alighted from their Zords and in an instant, their Zords returned back to their hiding place.

“Sentra has taken this fight to the next level rangers”, explained Anand, “Looks like we got to be prepared for anything from now on”, he added.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Eps 11: Rise of Darkness (Part 1)

It was fairly peaceful and quite at the Zeta Base when all of a sudden, Princess Lira called out for the three officers. At the sound of their names, they rushed out of their quarters to find out what the Princess wanted.

When they got there, Princess Lira smiled at all of them and said, ”Since none of you can defeat the rangers, I know of someone who can. His name is ‘Sentra’ and he will be the one who destroys the rangers once and for all.”

Then Kaijax asked who the heck was Sentra but Princess Lira could reply to them that they will just have to wait. Then she told Kaijax that when Sentra comes, he will have to bring Sentra to Earth and introduce him to the rangers. Just then, a Zetran came up to Princess Lira and whispered something to her. Immediately she got up and asked the 3 officers to follow her as she brought them a certain lab in the Zeta Base.

“Now allow me to introduce to you the one who will destroy the rangers”, exclaimed Princess Lira, ”Sentra, Prince of Darkness”, she continued as Sentra stepped up beside her.

Then all the officers looked at Sentra with doubts that he will be the one who destroys the rangers. Then Princess Lira look at Kaijax and immediately Kaijax nodded his head and asked Sentra to follow him.

Meanwhile on Earth, the rangers had just finished school and Samsul lab-top started to make a buzzing sound. When he checked the lab-top, found out that Kaijax attacking people at Woodlands area. Immediately the ranger find a quite spot and morphed up to do battle with Kaijax, Kaijax stopped his attacks and told the rangers that today will be the day that Earth will belong to Princess Lira. Then Anand told Kaijax that that day will never come as long as the STAR Rangers are around. Then Kaijax looked up to the now darken clouds in the sky and call upon Sentra.

As soon as Kaijax called. Sentra, a dozen bolts of lighting striked the ground between Kaijax and the rangers and out of nowhere Sentra appeared. Then Kaijax walked toward towards Sentra and ordered him to destroy the rangers. Without any hesitation, Sentra ran towards the rangers. Then the rangers took out their blasters and began to shoot at Sentra but he was just too agile as he evaded every oncoming blasts. Then as quick as a flash, he striked down one of the ranger at a time. When rangers got back to their feets, they call for their STAR Weapons and Sentra again. Then called out for his weapon, the Mystic Saber and stopped the rangers in their tracks.

When Sentra was about to finish off the rangers, Kaijax told him to stop. Immediately, Sentra stopped and walked straight towards Kaijax. Once he was standing beside Kaijax, they teleported back to the Zeta Base. Once they arrived back at the base, Sentra asked Princess Lira why did she asked Kaijax to withdraw him from battle. Then she replied that she wants the rangers to suffer before they are completely destroyed. Then Sentra replied that he liked the idea a lot and together they let out a sinister laugh.

Meanwhile at the Command Base, the rangers were badly injured and were confused about what just happen to Sentra. Samsul couldn’t provide the rangers with any answers as this type of situation is new to him as well. Then Anand told the rangers that they had to be prepared for anything now. After that, Samsul told the rangers to take a

rest first while he tries to find out more about Sentra.

Samsul immediately searched the Mega Computer for any information about Sentra but he couldn’t find any information. So he decided to play back the battle scene between the Rangers and Sentra in hopes of finding some weakness on Sentra but he again couldn’t find any. The next thing he did was, he scanned Sentra’s armor for any weak point but in the end, he came up with nothing. The last idea he had was to watch the battle scene over and over again until he has learnt how Sentra fights. Then after 15 minutes of intense tape studying, he has found out how Sentra begins his attacks, the areas he attack and from where he attacks. Once he gathers up all those information, he made a small battle plan to assist the ranger the next time they battle Sentra.

When all the rangers were up and ready, Samsul called for a meeting. Once all the rangers had gathered, he told them what he has done while they were taking a rest. He told them that Sentra also attacks head on with full force. Then he suggests that the rangers to try to evade his attacks before attacking him. While Samsul was still briefing the rangers, the M.A.S went off. When they checked the Mega Computer, they found out that Sentra is back. This time, Sentra came alone. Immediately, the rangers morphed up and put Samsul’s plan into motion.

“Hold it right there Sentra”, shouted Darryl.

“Ah, rangers welcome. Didn’t had enough beating the last time? Well your in luck, I just happened to be in a ‘Beat-up-Rangers’ mood”, replied Sentra as he charged up towards the rangers at full force.

As Sentra runs towards the rangers, they prepared their Saber Blasters and when the time was right, one by one the evade Sentra’s attacks and striked him instead. This impressed Sentra a little bit. Then he turned towards the rangers and told that they he is going to have to change his battle plan of attack. Immediately after saying that, he took out his Mystic Saber, swang it in front of the rangers and said ‘Mystic Slash’. With that move, he took out all the rangers.

When the rangers got back to their feet and called for their STAR Weapons. With their STAR Weapons in hand, they attack Sentra. Then Sentra attack them with another Mystic Slash and once again getting back on their feet, Anand told Darryl to engage in a sword fight with Sentra while he get ready other rangers to prepare to form the STAR Canon.

“Sentra”, called out Darryl, “I challenge you to a duel. Do you accept?, he added.

“I accept your challenge, Red Ranger”, replied Sentra as he got into position.

Soon both Darryl and Sentra had begun their duel. Once the duel had started, Anand told the other to prepare to form the STAR Canon on his signal. When the other rangers were getting into their positions, Darryl was having a hard time dueling with Sentra. He had taken a lot of beating and was not able to take anymore of it but he still continue to fight on. Once the rangers were in their positions, Anand signal Darryl to stop the duel and form up the STAR Canon.

Now it’s Anand’s turn to attack Sentra. Anand began to shoot at Sentra with his Millennium Canon hopping to weaken him and buy the rangers some time to prepare their

canon. After a couple of shoots from the Millennium Cannon, Sentra has fallen to the ground. By now the rangers already formed up the STAR Cannon and are waiting for Sentra to get back on his feet. The moment Sentra got back on his feet, the rangers fired their cannons at him from his front and back. Just when the rangers thought they had this battle won, Sentra did the impossible. He jumped up in the sky avoiding both the blasts, whereas the rangers weren’t so lucky as the were struck by their own blasts which cost huge explosion. After the explosion, all 6 rangers were being flung into air and landed a few distance away. The moment they landed, they demorphed and passed out.

Just then, Sentra landed back on the ground, he told the rangers, “Nice try rangers. Sleep tight”, before he walked away.

To be continued…

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Eps 10: A Ninja’s Tale

While the rangers were training themselves out side the base, Samsul was in the Command Base searching through the Mega Computer for more information. Soon he had found something which he thought was interesting. What he found was a folder with the name, ‘History’.

Then he opened it and found out something interesting. It was so interesting that he called the rest of the rangers back to the base. Once the rangers had returned from training, he told them to gather around the Mega Computer. After they had gathered around the computer, Samsul told them what he had found. Samsul had found the folder which will tell them more about how Sylvester became a ranger. Upon hearing that, the others soon began to become interested to find out more. So Samsul proceeded on and opened the History folder. After he had opened that folder, he found 2 more folders. 1 was entitled ‘Thunder’ and the other was entitled ‘Storm’.

Then Nasrul asked Samsul to open up the Thunder folder. Without any objections from the others, Samsul opened the Thunder folder. In that folder, the rangers found a few picture files and 1 MS Word file. Then Samsul chose to open the MS Word first. Once the file had already opened up, the rangers began to read it.

‘It was the year 1996, when I was out with my cousins. There were 5 of us, 2 boys and 3 girls. As we were walking towards the cinema, we noticed a something shining from a distance, so we decided to go and check it out. It was located at a very deserted area. When we got there, we were somehow sucked into it. The next thing we knew was that we were in some kind of high-tech secret base. Soon we decided to get the hack out of there but before we could even escape the place, a man came out of a room and began to greet us. After that he told us that his name was ‘Trom’ before adding that we were chosen to save the world. Upon hearing that, all of us began to laugh. We laughed so hard that we soon started crying. Immediately, Trom shouted at us and told us that it was no laughing matter. Soon an alarm went off and Trom rushed to the Viewing Monitor and showed us what he meant. To our surprise, we saw a monster attacking Earth. At first we did not want to believe what we saw but unfortunately, it was the truth.’

‘Then Ivan, my cousin, rushed straight up to Trom and told him that he wanted to help. Soon the rest of us rushed up to Trom and agreed to help as while. Then Trom told us to wait a while as he walked towards a drawer and opened it. Then he took out a Metallic Briefcase and opened it in front of us. When he opened it, he revealed 5 morphers. Then he gave us our very own Thunder Morphers. Then he told us that if we were to activate the morphers, we had to say, ‘Thunder Rangers, Power Up’ followed by our animal power. So we did morph and become the ‘Thunder Ranger’. Kimberly became the ‘Pink Phoenix Ranger’, Jezabel became the ‘Yellow Griffin Ranger’, Felicia became the ‘Green Lion Ranger’, I became the ‘Blue Unicorn Ranger’ and finally, Ivan became the 'Red Dragon Ranger’. Once we have become the Thunder Rangers, we went out to battle the monster. We may be inexperienced but we managed to win our first battle.’

‘As time went on, our enemy began to grow stronger and soon we needed re-enforcements. So Trom recruited 2 more students to aid us in our battle. They were the ‘White Tiger Ranger’ and the ‘Tor Ranger’, who were actually Nazrul and Saleh respectively. With the 2 addition rangers on our side, we felt like nothing could stop us but we were wrong. After 3 years of battling with the Frude’s minions, we finally met Frude in an all out battle for Earth. We may have won the battle but we lost Trom as he scarified his life to save ours.’

“Wow, I feel a little bit sorry for Sylvester”, exclaimed Yong Sen.

“Kinda, but we do know 1 thing for sure and that Sylvester has been a ranger for 8 years”, added Jerlin.

“Come on guys, let’s check out the picture files”, added Hana.

Then Samsul opened up the the picture files, they saw who the rangers were. Then they decided to open the other folder. Once the 2nd folder was opened, the saw the exact same things in the folder. Only difference was that there were 7 picture files in the 1st folder but in the 2nd folder, there were only 5 picture files. Then they decided to open the MS Word file. After opening it, they began to read the file.

‘It has been 2 years after we defeated Frude and now, Nazrul, Saleh and I were studying in the same class in Hong Kah Secondary School. Then one day after school, we decided to play soccer but both the field and the soccer court were full of students, so we decided to play in the school’s Bomb Shelter. While playing there, Nazrul kicked the ball and it accidentally hit a light switch. After the light switch was switched on, a ray of light began to shine on 5 statues. When we went to take a closer look at it, we saw 3 of the statues with morphers and 2 of them without morphers. So we decided to take the morphers. After taking the morphers, we continued to walk along to try to find out more about these morphers. Soon we found ourselves standing in front of a computer, so Saleh decided to try to access it for information. Not long after, we found our answer. These powers were made by the Japanese during the Japanese Occupation while they were in Singapore. Then Saleh found out that the Japanese made 5 morphers altogether but we only found 3. Then we decided to morph up and see what powers we have received. After we had morphed, we decided to call ourselves ‘Storm Rangers’. Nazrul became the ‘Yellow Storm Ranger’, ‘Saleh became the Blue Storm Ranger’ and I became the ’Red Storm Ranger’. Soon 3 different spot lights began to shine on 3 different robots. Then Nazrul decided to name the robots ‘GR’, which means ‘Giant Robots’. ‘

‘After we became the Storm Rangers, we did not see any ranger action until one day when we saw the news in school that a giant monster was attacking the twin towers in Malaysia. The monster was from a terrorist group known as ‘The Brotherhood of Cells’. Immediately, we went into the bomb shelter, morphed up and prepared for battle. We deployed our GRs and defeated the monster. Upon our return, we were surprised to see a lot of reporters in our school. To make matters worst, upon our arrival into our school’s compound, we were attacked by 2 other rangers. Soon we won the battle, and brought the other 2 rangers back to the bomb shelter. Once we were in the bomb shelter, we began to strike a conversation with the other 2 rangers. They were Kasumi, the ‘Kabuto Ranger’ and her sister, Ayane, the ‘Kuwaga Ranger’. Together they were known as the ‘Beetle Rangers’. Soon the 2 groups joined forces and began to fight a common enemy. We battled the terrorist group for 2 years. Our battle was so intense that the battle was brought all the way to Frozil, the home planet of the Brother of Cells. So the rest of my teammates decided to follow them but I volunteered to stay back on Earth to protect it in case any other evil forces would want to invade it and boy, was I right. Earth was attacked by another group of aliens, known as ‘The Zeta Empire’. Since I was the only rangers on Earth, I knew I needed help. So I recruited 6 teens to help save the world.’

“Ok so I guess this is where we come in, right?” exclaimed Nasrul.

“I think so. Should we make a new folder?” added Darryl.

“I think it should be ok”, replied Anand.

“Then I’ll get right on it”, added Samsul.

Then the rangers began to add their own chapter into the Ranger History.

Eps 9: Tank you, Millennium

While the rangers were having their lunch brake, Samsul came up with the idea of watching the movie titled, ‘Van Helsing’. Darryl was the first to agree to that motion. Then one by one, the others agreed as while. Then Anand asked when will they be watching the movie.

“Tonight. Eng Wah Cinema at West Mall has vacant seat at 9pm”, exclaimed Samsul confidently with a newspaper in his hands.

After moment of discussing, all of them agreed to go for the movie. Then once school has ended, three rangers, Anand, Darryl and Nasrul, made their way to Eng Wah Cinema at West Mall and they booked their tickets, they went back to their houses to get ready for later that night. At about half past 8, most of the rangers were waiting out the Cinema for everyone to arrive before proceeding into the Cinema. They were waiting for Yong Sen to arrive. When Yong Sen finally arrived, it’s already 5 minutes to 9 and immediately without any questions, they went into the Cinema.

While the rangers were in the cinema watching the movie, Ripster had an idea to send a monster that resembles a monster from the movie, which the rangers were watching. Then he decided to summon two monsters instead of one. First, he summoned ‘Howler’ then he summoned ‘Nightshade’. After summoning both monsters, he told them to destroy the rangers. He also gave them the location of the rangers. Immediately, the two monsters went to West Mall and waited at the rooftop for the rangers. While they were waiting, Ripster sent down a group of Zetrans to lure the ranger out.

Halfway through the movie, Sylvester’s laptop went off and when he checked it, he was surprised to see Zetrans attacking innocent people outside West Mall. Immediately, Sylvester and the rangers, including Samsul, left the Cinema to deal with Zetrans outside. Once they were outside, they attacked the Zetrans. Unknowingly, to the rangers, both Howler and Nightshade had their sight set on them and when the time was right, they made their attack on the rangers. As the rangers were still fighting the Zetrans, a few explosion erupted in front of them sending them to the ground. While the rangers were down, they looked up and noticed two monsters walking towards them.

“And these are the Power Rangers?”, questioned Howler.

“Man and I thought that we were ugly”, added Nightshade and ended with a sarcastic laugh.

Then, one by one the rangers got back to their feet and morphed up to do battle with both monsters. Once the rangers were ready, Sylvester told them to be careful as they looked much stronger then the other monsters that they have defeated. After receiving the advice, the rangers split into 2 groups of 3. Anand, Yong Sen and Jerlin were in one group attacking Nightshade, while Darryl, Nasrul and Hana were in another group attacking Howler. While the rangers were fighting the monsters, Sylvester and Samsul teleported back to the Command Base.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was surprised to see two monsters battling the rangers. As she looked careful, she noticed that the two monsters looked familiar. Suddenly, she realized that they were the 2 Elite Guards of the Zeta Empire. Then she summon for all the three officers. Once all 3 Officers met up with Princess Lira, she

angrily asked them who had summoned the Elite Guards. Without a moment’s hesitation, Ripster stepped up and admitted that he was the one who had summoned them. Then Princess Lira looked at him, smiled and told him that he has out-done himself. Having said that, she promoted Ripster to the rank of ‘General’. She added that both Kaijax and Gumka should learn from Ripster. This made both of them furious.

Meanwhile on Earth, the rangers were having trouble dealing with both the Elite Guards. Then, Sylvester told the rangers that they should try to destroy them one at a time. Then, Anand rounded up all the rangers and asked them to lead the Elite Guards away. As the rangers fled from the battle site, the Elite Guards chased after them unknowly running into a trap. Once the rangers where out of sight of the Elite Guards, they formed up the STAR Canon and waited quietly to ambush anyone of the Guards. Soon enough the Guards arrive and once they have locked on Nightshade, they jumped out of their hiding place and fired both the STAR and Millennium Cannons. As the rays of blast travel towards Nightshade, he jumped out of the way allowing the rays of blast to hit and destroy Howler instead.

With Howler gone, the rangers had only Nightshade to destroy but before they could attempt to destroy Nightshade, three poles came down from the sky and made Howler grow. Immediately, the rangers called for the STAR Zords and form up the STAR Megazord. As Nightshade was instructing his friend, Howler, the Millennium Ranger took aim at him with his Millennium Canon. Once he had a lock on Nightshade, he pulled the trigger and destroyed Nightshade. Then another three poles came and made Nightshade grow as well. Now the STAR Megazord has two monsters to defeat.

“Anand, get back to the Command Base now”, ordered Sylvester to Anand.

“But the rangers ……” replied Anand.

“I said now”, interrupted Sylvester.

Immediately, Anand went back to the Command Base. Once he reached there, he asked Sylvester why did he call him back to the Command Base. Sylvester only replied to him that it was time. Immediately, Anand smiled as he had an idea of what of Sylvester had in store for him.

Meanwhile back at the battlefield, the STAR Megazord was having trouble dealing with the two monsters at the same time. As the Elite Guards were about to finish the job, something opened fire at them. When they turned back, they saw a tank moving towards them and stopped suddenly.

“Millennium Tankzord, Megazord mode”, commanded Anand as his Zord transforms into the ‘Millennium Megazord’.

Then Millennium Megazord opened fire at the Elite Guards for the second time, chasing them away from the STAR Megazord. After that, it helped the STAR Megazord to its feet. Then both Megazords aimed their blaster at the Elite Guards and fired at them, causing them to be weak.

“STAR Rapid Blaster, Fire”, command the STAR Rangers, once the Elite Guards were weaken.

“Millennium Blaster, Fire”, added Anand.

With both Megazord’s blasters being fired at the Elite Guards, there was absolutely no chance for them to survive the attack. Back of the Zeta Base, Ripster was furious that even the Elite Guards were no match for the Power Rangers. Then Princess Lira stepped in and said that it was her turn to attack the rangers.

Meanwhile, when the rangers went back to the Command Base to thank Sylvester for the Millennium Tank, they could find him anyway. Instead, they found Samsul with a letter from Sylvester. Once all the rangers gather around Samsul, he began to read the letter.

‘Dear Rangers, by the time you read this letter, I have my no longer be on Earth as my mission on Earth is complete. I am able to rejoin my fellow teammates on Frozil now thanks to you. I feel I must apologize as to leave suddenly without saying good-bye but I had to, because I don’t think I could leave with all of your sad face looking at me. The main thing now is that I strongly believe that all of you can handle any situation without my help and guidance. Now the fate of the world rests in your hands, STAR Rangers and I’m confident that I have made the right choice in choosing you to protect and defend her. Thank you my friends for all the good memories and don’t worry because we will meet again. Until that day comes, I will miss you all. So take care of each other and may the powers protect you all, forever. Signed your friend, Sylvester. PS, Samsul, my laptop is now yours. Use it aid the rangers in the battle as I have aided them.’

Eps 8: Attack of the Claws

Nasrul came running into the base with good news. Once he got everyone’s attention he told them that he had received a letter from an old friend, who migrated to Thailand 13 years ago.

Then he took out a photo of Nur Diana, from the envelope and noticed that how much she has changed. Then, he took out an old photo of her from his wallet and compared it with the current photo. While he was comparing them, Darryl snatched the current photo of Nur Diana and started to make fun of Nasrul. Then one by one, the other rangers went to have a look at the photo. Then Jerlin, who was the last one to see the photo, gave it back to Nasrul and told him that she’s very pretty. Nasrul also added that she will be coming to Singapore on the 14th of July and her flight will be coming in at 2pm.

“Ah Nas, it’s the 14th of July and it’s already 12 noon”, mentioned Samsul.

Then Nasrul looked at his watch to confirm whether or not Samsul was telling the truth. To his horror, it was true and he rushed out of the Command Base. Then he ran to the main land and took a taxi to the Airport.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Ripster has decided to summon a monster known as Clawster. Then Ripster told Clawster that the rangers must be destroyed at all cost and by any mean necessary. Then Clawster accepted his mission and proceeded straight for Earth.

Back on Earth, Nasrul was at the Airport waiting anxiously for the arrival of Nur Diana. As he was waiting, he looked at her picture and remembered the good old days when they were younger. He remembered the times they played with marbles, chapteh and many other types of games. While he was still recalling the past, a girl, about his age, came up from behind him and covered his eyes.

“Guess who?”, questioned the girl.

“Nur Diana”, replied Nasrul with a smile on his face.

Then the girl removed her hands from Nasrul’s eyes and revealed herself. As she jumped in front of him, she said that he was correct. Then Nasrul told her that she has changed a lot and looks very beautiful. After a moment of staring at each other, Nasrul snapped back to reality and offered to help Diana carry her bags. Then first place they went to was Nasrul’s apartment where Diana was greeted by many familiar faces when she has not seen for a long time. The next place they went was the shopping district at Orchard Road. They visited one Shopping Centre to another. While they were shopping, Clawster began his attack in the Eastern part of Singapore. Immediately, the other five ranger rushed off on their STAR vehicle to do battle with Clawster.

When the rangers arrive at the scene, they were greeted by a group of Zetrans. Immediately, the rangers alighted from the vehicles and did battle with the Zetrans. About three minutes or so, the Zetrans was defeated and now all the rangers had one more monster to deal with, Clawster. Then the rangers called out their STAR Weapons and begun their attack on Clawster. Then both Clawster and the rangers ran towards each other. Unfortunately, Clawster was the first to strike and once he begins, he just can’t stop. After a while of being beaten down, Darryl decided to call Nasrul for back up but

before he could contact Nasrul, Anand stopped him. Then as the rangers got up, they were sent back to the ground by a few rays of blast fired by Clawster from his claws before running away.

While the rangers were having trouble with Clawster, Nasrul was having his own problems. It seems that Diana has really changed a lot. Not just by her appearance but her attitude as well. In the past she was very decent and fun loving girl but now she is a wild and a self-concern type of girl. When they were shopping at Center Point Shopping Centre, Nasrul noticed something disturbing, Diana actually stealing a lip sticking from the counter. Then before she could even put the lipstick into her handbag, Nasrul forced her to return the lipstick and dragged her out of the Shopping Centre. Once they were outside, he continued to dragged her to a quite alley and questioned why she did what she did in the Shopping Centre. Then she shouted back at him that it was none of his business. Soon a huge argument broke out between the two friends. Then there was a moment of silence and Diana ran away crying. Soon after, Nasrul realized that he was a little too harsh on her, so he decided to find her and apologize but it was a little too late.

Then Nasrul began to go on a hunt for Diana. He searched and searched but had no luck. Soon, he met up with the rest of the STAR Rangers, who told him that Clawster is somewhere in the area. Immediately, after hearing the news Nasrul could only think of Diana’s safety. Suddenly, the rangers heard screams, they noticed that Diana was captured by Clawster. Upon the sight of this, Nasrul morphed up and ran towards Clawster but was shot down halfway through. When the other rangers wanted to help Nasrul, they were suddenly attacked by Zetrans leaving Nasrul to battle Clawster alone. Then Nasrul called out for his Dual STAR Blasters and continued to run towards Clawster again. Then Clawsters tossed Diana to the ground and ran towards Nasrul.

As the two were running towards each other, they opened fire and both were hit during exchange for fire. Then Nasrul ran toward Diana as he was the first to his feet. As Nasrul was checking up on Diana. Clawster was back to his feet and prepares to fire but the rangers who had finished the Zetrans interrupted him. Then Nasrul ran back to the rangers and called for the STAR Cannon to be formed. Once the STAR Cannon was formed, they opened fire at Clawster the moment he got to his feet for the second time.

Back at the Zeta Base, Ripster fired the three pole and made Clawster grew. Then the Rangers called for their STAR Zords and formed the STAR Megazord. Without hesitation, Clawster fired at the STAR Megazord and the STAR Megazord retaliated with its own fire power. Then the ranger s prepared to strike Clawster with Knee Drill attack and scores a direct hit. Once Clawster was a little weak, the rangers prepare to finish him off with the STAR Rapid Blasters and when the time is right, they opened fire and destroyed Clawster for good. Immediately after the battle, Nasrul rushed down to check on Diana.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira questioned Ripster, “That’s two monster down already. What are you planning to do now?”

“I’ll do better the next time Princess and the rangers won’t stand a chance”, replied Ripster confidently.

“You’d better”, added Princess Lira.

Back on Earth, Nasrul and Diana had a small talk at East Coast Park. They talked

about a lot of things why Diana started stealing and stuff. Then Nasrul forgive Diana and told her not to do it again. He also made her swore not to reveal his identity as the BLUE Ranger to anyone. Not even her parents. When everything was settled by the two friends, they went back to Nasrul’s apartment to end their long and tiring day.