Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Eps 8: Attack of the Claws

Nasrul came running into the base with good news. Once he got everyone’s attention he told them that he had received a letter from an old friend, who migrated to Thailand 13 years ago.

Then he took out a photo of Nur Diana, from the envelope and noticed that how much she has changed. Then, he took out an old photo of her from his wallet and compared it with the current photo. While he was comparing them, Darryl snatched the current photo of Nur Diana and started to make fun of Nasrul. Then one by one, the other rangers went to have a look at the photo. Then Jerlin, who was the last one to see the photo, gave it back to Nasrul and told him that she’s very pretty. Nasrul also added that she will be coming to Singapore on the 14th of July and her flight will be coming in at 2pm.

“Ah Nas, it’s the 14th of July and it’s already 12 noon”, mentioned Samsul.

Then Nasrul looked at his watch to confirm whether or not Samsul was telling the truth. To his horror, it was true and he rushed out of the Command Base. Then he ran to the main land and took a taxi to the Airport.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Ripster has decided to summon a monster known as Clawster. Then Ripster told Clawster that the rangers must be destroyed at all cost and by any mean necessary. Then Clawster accepted his mission and proceeded straight for Earth.

Back on Earth, Nasrul was at the Airport waiting anxiously for the arrival of Nur Diana. As he was waiting, he looked at her picture and remembered the good old days when they were younger. He remembered the times they played with marbles, chapteh and many other types of games. While he was still recalling the past, a girl, about his age, came up from behind him and covered his eyes.

“Guess who?”, questioned the girl.

“Nur Diana”, replied Nasrul with a smile on his face.

Then the girl removed her hands from Nasrul’s eyes and revealed herself. As she jumped in front of him, she said that he was correct. Then Nasrul told her that she has changed a lot and looks very beautiful. After a moment of staring at each other, Nasrul snapped back to reality and offered to help Diana carry her bags. Then first place they went to was Nasrul’s apartment where Diana was greeted by many familiar faces when she has not seen for a long time. The next place they went was the shopping district at Orchard Road. They visited one Shopping Centre to another. While they were shopping, Clawster began his attack in the Eastern part of Singapore. Immediately, the other five ranger rushed off on their STAR vehicle to do battle with Clawster.

When the rangers arrive at the scene, they were greeted by a group of Zetrans. Immediately, the rangers alighted from the vehicles and did battle with the Zetrans. About three minutes or so, the Zetrans was defeated and now all the rangers had one more monster to deal with, Clawster. Then the rangers called out their STAR Weapons and begun their attack on Clawster. Then both Clawster and the rangers ran towards each other. Unfortunately, Clawster was the first to strike and once he begins, he just can’t stop. After a while of being beaten down, Darryl decided to call Nasrul for back up but

before he could contact Nasrul, Anand stopped him. Then as the rangers got up, they were sent back to the ground by a few rays of blast fired by Clawster from his claws before running away.

While the rangers were having trouble with Clawster, Nasrul was having his own problems. It seems that Diana has really changed a lot. Not just by her appearance but her attitude as well. In the past she was very decent and fun loving girl but now she is a wild and a self-concern type of girl. When they were shopping at Center Point Shopping Centre, Nasrul noticed something disturbing, Diana actually stealing a lip sticking from the counter. Then before she could even put the lipstick into her handbag, Nasrul forced her to return the lipstick and dragged her out of the Shopping Centre. Once they were outside, he continued to dragged her to a quite alley and questioned why she did what she did in the Shopping Centre. Then she shouted back at him that it was none of his business. Soon a huge argument broke out between the two friends. Then there was a moment of silence and Diana ran away crying. Soon after, Nasrul realized that he was a little too harsh on her, so he decided to find her and apologize but it was a little too late.

Then Nasrul began to go on a hunt for Diana. He searched and searched but had no luck. Soon, he met up with the rest of the STAR Rangers, who told him that Clawster is somewhere in the area. Immediately, after hearing the news Nasrul could only think of Diana’s safety. Suddenly, the rangers heard screams, they noticed that Diana was captured by Clawster. Upon the sight of this, Nasrul morphed up and ran towards Clawster but was shot down halfway through. When the other rangers wanted to help Nasrul, they were suddenly attacked by Zetrans leaving Nasrul to battle Clawster alone. Then Nasrul called out for his Dual STAR Blasters and continued to run towards Clawster again. Then Clawsters tossed Diana to the ground and ran towards Nasrul.

As the two were running towards each other, they opened fire and both were hit during exchange for fire. Then Nasrul ran toward Diana as he was the first to his feet. As Nasrul was checking up on Diana. Clawster was back to his feet and prepares to fire but the rangers who had finished the Zetrans interrupted him. Then Nasrul ran back to the rangers and called for the STAR Cannon to be formed. Once the STAR Cannon was formed, they opened fire at Clawster the moment he got to his feet for the second time.

Back at the Zeta Base, Ripster fired the three pole and made Clawster grew. Then the Rangers called for their STAR Zords and formed the STAR Megazord. Without hesitation, Clawster fired at the STAR Megazord and the STAR Megazord retaliated with its own fire power. Then the ranger s prepared to strike Clawster with Knee Drill attack and scores a direct hit. Once Clawster was a little weak, the rangers prepare to finish him off with the STAR Rapid Blasters and when the time is right, they opened fire and destroyed Clawster for good. Immediately after the battle, Nasrul rushed down to check on Diana.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira questioned Ripster, “That’s two monster down already. What are you planning to do now?”

“I’ll do better the next time Princess and the rangers won’t stand a chance”, replied Ripster confidently.

“You’d better”, added Princess Lira.

Back on Earth, Nasrul and Diana had a small talk at East Coast Park. They talked

about a lot of things why Diana started stealing and stuff. Then Nasrul forgive Diana and told her not to do it again. He also made her swore not to reveal his identity as the BLUE Ranger to anyone. Not even her parents. When everything was settled by the two friends, they went back to Nasrul’s apartment to end their long and tiring day.


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