Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Eps 32: Kortana’s Fury

At the Zeta Empire, Kortana was having a conversation with Kaijax in the room. She was asking him if it was okay for her to take over his place as the Princess’s new bodyguard. Then Kaijax looked at her and told her that he was proud that Kortana was able to take over his place in just a short period of time. Upon hearing that from her father, Kortana gave Kaijax a big hug and told him that she was lucky to have him as a father. Soon Kortana heard Princess Lira calling for her.

Elsewhere at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was sitting on her throne when Kortana walked in and asked, “You call or me Princess?”

“Yes”, replied Princess Lira, “Have you summoned a monster yet?” she added.

“No, not yet but I will summon a monster as soon as possible”, replied Kortana before she leaves to find a way to summon a monster.

Meanwhile on Earth, the rangers were still in Club Darrome, as they spent the night there, preparing to decorate the Club for a big concert, which will be happening late that night and the band that will be performing is Linkin Park. The rangers were really excited as Linkin Park is their favorite band and it is a huge honor for them to be involve in such an event.

Back at the Zeta Empire, Kortana was walking around the Zeta Base, she soon found herself in the lab where the Molecule Reconfigurater was. Then she began to stare at the machine until an idea strike her head. Then she rushed off to her room and grabbed her pet Spider before rushing back to the lab. Once she was in the lab, she spotted a Zetran walking pass the lab’s door. Then she called it and asked it to stand inside the chamber. Once the Zetran was inside, she let it hold her pet spider before she activates the machine.

Once the process was completed and both her pet spider and the Zetran had emerged from the chamber, a weird looking creature that has both ant and spider feature emerged. Then she walked towards the monster and told it that she will call it ‘Trant’. After Kortana had given her creation a name, she took it to see Princess Lira. Once Kortana had showed her monster to Princess Lira, she gave the orders to attack the rangers.

Soon on Earth, Samsul’s laptop went off and when he checked it, he noticed that a weird-looking monster was attacking the Sentosa area. Immediately, he informed the rangers and they left the club to do battle. Soon the rangers arrived at the location with their vehicles ready to do battle. Once they jumped off their vehicles, they called out for their STAR Weapons and began to run towards the Trant but before they could even reach Trant, they would have to deal with some of Trant’s friends, Zetrans.

Within a few minutes, the Zetrans were destroyed. And now the rangers turn their attention towards Trant. When the rangers tried to strike down Trant, Trant stopped them in their tracks by shooting of his Spider Web from his hands at them.

“Rangers thanks for sticking around”, said Trant before he causes an electrical shock wave through the web.

“Now, was that a shocking experience or what?” added Trant after he had finished electrocuting the rangers.

Then the rangers got up and tried to remove the web but before they could remove it, Trant shocked them again. Then after the second shock, the rangers tired to break free again but were stopped again with another electrical shock. After the third shock, all the rangers were down and in a bad shape. All except for Hana as she had her STAR Baton buried deep underground. After that, she pulled her STAR Baton from the ground and freed herself before freeing the other rangers.

Once all the rangers were freed, Darryl gave the word to form the STAR Cannon and when the STAR Cannon was formed, they were ready to fire it at Trant but before they could even fire the cannon, Trant used his webbing and pulled the STAR Cannon away from the rangers. Once Trant got hold of the STAR Cannon, he pointed it at the rangers and fired it. Soon a huge explosion erupted and the rangers were sent hurling into the air. Then Anand and Farhan began to attack Trant from behind. They were successful in forcing Trant to release the STAR Cannon.

Then Anand picked up the STAR Cannon and gave it back to the rangers. While Anand was returning the STAR Cannon, Farhan was not having an easy time dealing with Trant all by himself. Soon Anand arrived blasting away his Millennium Cannon at Trant. Once Frahan was freed Anand told the rangers to fire their STAR Cannon at Trant one more time. So the rangers took aim at Trant again and when they have him locked on, they fired the STAR Cannon. Then both the Millennium and Nova Ranger fired their weapons and finally they destroyed Trant.

Back at the Zeta Base, Kortana now has her chance to press the big red button to make her monster grow. Once Trant had grown, the rangers called for their STAR Zords. As the Nova Carrier was approaching towards the rangers, Trant started attacking the Nova Carrier. Then Farhan jumped into the cockpit of his Nova Jet, took off and formed the Nova Megazord to help the Nova Carrier to land properly to allow the other rangers to board up their zords. Once the Nova Carrier has landed, the rangers wasted no time forming up the Millennium STAR Megazord.

Then when the Millennium STAR Megazord is ready, Trant fired his webbings at it and sent a few shock waves towards it. While Trant was busily attacking the Millennium STAR Megazord, Farhan called for his Nova Saber and cut off the webbing to free the other rangers before attacking Trant. Then Trant was furious with the Nova Ranger, so he made it his personall duty to destroy the Nova Ranger first. Soon Trant began to attack the Nova Magazord violently. Just then, the Millennium STAR Megazord had already freed itself from the remaining webbing and noticed that Trant was using the Nova Saber against the Nova Megazord. Immediately, the rangers power up the Hyper Drill Cannon but before they could even fire it at Trant, they would have to free the Nova Ranger first.

With that in mind, the rangers tried their best to distract Trant so that they can get a clear shot at him but everytime they try to help the Nova Ranger, they were always strike down by Trant. Then Darryl had an idea but he when he told the other what it was, they told him that it was suicidal. Then Anand added that Darryl’s idea might be the only way to destroy Trant. So the Rangers proceeded with Darryl’s idea. Then the Millennium STAR Megazord grabbed Trant off the Nova Megazord and incidentally forcing Trant to release the Nova Saber. Then the Nova Megazord picked up its Nova Saber. While the Millennium STAR Megazord is carrying the Trant, the rangers were preparing to fire the Hyper Drill Cannon at close range but before they could even open fire, the Nova Ranger told the rangers to release Trant, so immediately the rangers did as they were told. Then the Nova Megazord began to strike Trant violently. Once Farhan had weakened Trant, the rangers fired their Hyper Drill Cannon and destroyed Trant.

Back at the Zeta Base, Kortana was furious at the rangers for destroying her very own monster. Just then, Kaijax walked into her room and told her that the rangers will pay for what they have done. While both father and daughter were having their little chat, Princess Lira was hearing what they were talking about from outside Kortana’s room. Then she had an idea on what to do to the rangers. After pondering about it, she went back to her Throne room.

Back on Earth at Club Darrome, the rangers were having a time of their lives as they watch Linkin Park perform live in front of them. Then after Linkin Park had finish performing 1 of the number, ‘In The End’, they called up Nasrul to play with them another number, ‘Faint’. Being excited about it Nasrul brought up his guitar and played along side with Linkin Park. This will be 1 event that will remain in the minds and hearts of the rangers forever. Especially Nasrul.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

tht's cool...
u're such a gd writer...
tht was a great story!loved it.keep up the gd work dude!

10:14 PM  

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