Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Eps 28: Double Action

At the Zeta Base, Kaijax was discussing about their battle strategy with the Millennium and Nova Ranger later that day. While they were discussing, Princess Lira walked into the Meeting Room and asked them what they were talking about.

Then Kaijax told Princess Lira that both he and Ripster were discussing on a plan to defeat both of their ranger opponents. Upon hearing what Kaijax had said, a smile could be seen on Princess Lira’s face. Then she asked him who their opponents were. Then Ripster replied that their opponents are the Millennium and Nova Rangers. Then the smile upon Princess Lira’s face grew wider.

Meanwhile on the Nova Carrier, both Anand and Farhan were training themselves to keep their skills razor sharp for the duel with Kaijax and Ripster. While they were training, Jerlin walked into the room and asked if they could talk for a while.

“So what’s on your mind, Jerlin?” asked Anand.

“Nothing much. I just want to replace one of you for the battle later on because I still owe Ripster one for pulling that tiger cub stun on me”, added Jerlin with fire burning in her eyes.

“In other words, you want revenge don’t you?” added Farhan.

“Ya and is that wrong?” replied Jerlin.

Then Farhan looked at Anand, and then to Jerlin and back to Anand and say, “Ok I’ll stand down. Jerlin you can have my place”

Then Anand asked Farhan what he was doing. He also asked Farhan if he wanted to win. Then Farhan replied that he would allow Jerlin to have her revenge on Ripster. Then he added that he also wants to win but he that he has confident in her that she will beat Ripster. After saying that, Farhan looked at Jerlin and told her that it was time to start training.

Back at the Zeta Base, Kaijax and Ripster were about to leave the Zeta Base for their duel, when Princess Lira stopped them. Then Princess Lira told them to summon a monster to keep the other rangers busy, before they leave. Immediately, Ripster summoned a monster known as ‘Haredevil’. After Haredevil had been summoned, Ripster told him to destroy the rest of the rangers while he and Kaijax finish off the other 2 rangers.

When the time has come for the duel to begin, the rangers and the 2 officers, along with Haredevil, arrived at the duel site. Then both Anand and Jerlin stood in front of the rangers and asked the 2 officers if they were ready. Then Ripster was surprised to see that Farhan had given Jerlin his spot to challenge the 2 officers. Then he gave Haredevil the word to begin his attack on the rangers before telling Kaijax that he will be challenging the Yellow STAR Ranger. Upon hearing what Ripster had told Kaijax, Jerlin morphed up and began her attack on Ripster while Anand morphed up and attack Kaijax. The others morphed up to do battle with Haredevil. After the rangers had morphed up, they called up for their S-Gear.

While running towards Ripster, Jerlin used the Driller mode of her S-Gear and attacked Ripster. Ripster was having a hard time dealing with Jerlin because she was constantly diving in and out of the ground. As she was doing that, she was hitting Ripster every time she pops out of the ground.

Meanwhile, Anand was giving Kaijax a massive headache with massive blows to Kaijax’s head with his Millennium Cannon, which is mounted to his right arm. Finally, Anand finished his combo attack with a close range shot of his Millennium Cannon to the abs of Kaijax. While that was happening, the other rangers were dealing with Haredevil.

When Jerlin stopped her attack, Ripster looked at her and asks her, “Is that all you got?”

“No, this is”, replied Jerlin as she switched her S-Gear to the Dash mode and finished off Ripster with Rapid Strike.

After being hit by the Rapid Strike, a huge explosion erupted and Ripster was being flung aside where he lay motionless. Once she was done with Ripster, she helped the other rangers to finish off Haredevil with the STAR Cannon and Nova Riffle. Once Haredevil was destroyed, the rangers went on to help Anand.

Anand was still fighting Kaijax. Once Anand had weakened Kaijax, the joined the others to finally finish off Kaijax. Once they had their Cannons and Riffle locked on Kaijax, they fired the weapons. As the blasts were heading towards Kaijax, none of the rangers noticed Ripster racing towards Kaijax as well. Then just in the nick of time, Ripster pushed Kaijax away from the blast and scarified himself to save Kaijax.

Once Kaijax realized that Ripster had being destroyed, he vow that he will make the rangers pay for what they had done before he teleported back to the Zeta Base. Once he had returned to the Zeta Base, he pressed the red button and sent down 2 sets of 3 poles to make both of the fallen monsters grow.

Once Haredevil and Ripster had grown, the rangers called for their zords and formed up the Millennium STAR and Nova Megazords. As the Nova Megazords was dealing with Haredevil, the Millennium STAR was dealing with Ripster. While the Nova Megazord was having an easier time dealing with Haredevil, the Millennium STAR Megazord was giving Ripster a beating that he will never forget.

As the Millennium STAR Megazord was about to hit Ripster with a right fist, Ripster was able to stop the hit tossed the Millennium STAR aside. Once the Millennium STAR was down, Ripster was ready to attack with his razor sharp when the Nova Megazord stopped the attack with it’s Nova Megazord Saber.

“Guys get up, I can’t handle both of them alone you know”, exclaimed the Nova Ranger.

“Guys”, said Jerlin, Let’s finish of Ripster with the Hyper Drill Cannon.”

“Ok let’s do it”, replied the other rangers, as they brought the Millennium STAR Megazord to it’s feet.

Once the Millennium STAR Megazord was on its feet, the Nova Megazord continued its attack on Haredevil. After several slashes with its Nova Megazord Blade and Haredevil was destroyed. Meanwhile the other rangers were powering up the Hyper Drill Cannon. Once the timing was right, they fired it at Ripster and finally they destroyed him. Now that they have destroyed 2 Zeta Generals, they only have Kaijax left to destroy.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira found herself back to where she started. Trying to conquer Earth with only 1 General, Kaijax. After realizing this, she called for Kaijax. Once Kaijax had arrived, she asked him if he had any ideas to help strengthen their army. Then all Kaijax could reply was that he had none. Then he added that he would find a way to strengthen their army. Upon saying that, he left Princess Lira in search for that idea.


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