Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Eps 9: Tank you, Millennium

While the rangers were having their lunch brake, Samsul came up with the idea of watching the movie titled, ‘Van Helsing’. Darryl was the first to agree to that motion. Then one by one, the others agreed as while. Then Anand asked when will they be watching the movie.

“Tonight. Eng Wah Cinema at West Mall has vacant seat at 9pm”, exclaimed Samsul confidently with a newspaper in his hands.

After moment of discussing, all of them agreed to go for the movie. Then once school has ended, three rangers, Anand, Darryl and Nasrul, made their way to Eng Wah Cinema at West Mall and they booked their tickets, they went back to their houses to get ready for later that night. At about half past 8, most of the rangers were waiting out the Cinema for everyone to arrive before proceeding into the Cinema. They were waiting for Yong Sen to arrive. When Yong Sen finally arrived, it’s already 5 minutes to 9 and immediately without any questions, they went into the Cinema.

While the rangers were in the cinema watching the movie, Ripster had an idea to send a monster that resembles a monster from the movie, which the rangers were watching. Then he decided to summon two monsters instead of one. First, he summoned ‘Howler’ then he summoned ‘Nightshade’. After summoning both monsters, he told them to destroy the rangers. He also gave them the location of the rangers. Immediately, the two monsters went to West Mall and waited at the rooftop for the rangers. While they were waiting, Ripster sent down a group of Zetrans to lure the ranger out.

Halfway through the movie, Sylvester’s laptop went off and when he checked it, he was surprised to see Zetrans attacking innocent people outside West Mall. Immediately, Sylvester and the rangers, including Samsul, left the Cinema to deal with Zetrans outside. Once they were outside, they attacked the Zetrans. Unknowingly, to the rangers, both Howler and Nightshade had their sight set on them and when the time was right, they made their attack on the rangers. As the rangers were still fighting the Zetrans, a few explosion erupted in front of them sending them to the ground. While the rangers were down, they looked up and noticed two monsters walking towards them.

“And these are the Power Rangers?”, questioned Howler.

“Man and I thought that we were ugly”, added Nightshade and ended with a sarcastic laugh.

Then, one by one the rangers got back to their feet and morphed up to do battle with both monsters. Once the rangers were ready, Sylvester told them to be careful as they looked much stronger then the other monsters that they have defeated. After receiving the advice, the rangers split into 2 groups of 3. Anand, Yong Sen and Jerlin were in one group attacking Nightshade, while Darryl, Nasrul and Hana were in another group attacking Howler. While the rangers were fighting the monsters, Sylvester and Samsul teleported back to the Command Base.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was surprised to see two monsters battling the rangers. As she looked careful, she noticed that the two monsters looked familiar. Suddenly, she realized that they were the 2 Elite Guards of the Zeta Empire. Then she summon for all the three officers. Once all 3 Officers met up with Princess Lira, she

angrily asked them who had summoned the Elite Guards. Without a moment’s hesitation, Ripster stepped up and admitted that he was the one who had summoned them. Then Princess Lira looked at him, smiled and told him that he has out-done himself. Having said that, she promoted Ripster to the rank of ‘General’. She added that both Kaijax and Gumka should learn from Ripster. This made both of them furious.

Meanwhile on Earth, the rangers were having trouble dealing with both the Elite Guards. Then, Sylvester told the rangers that they should try to destroy them one at a time. Then, Anand rounded up all the rangers and asked them to lead the Elite Guards away. As the rangers fled from the battle site, the Elite Guards chased after them unknowly running into a trap. Once the rangers where out of sight of the Elite Guards, they formed up the STAR Canon and waited quietly to ambush anyone of the Guards. Soon enough the Guards arrive and once they have locked on Nightshade, they jumped out of their hiding place and fired both the STAR and Millennium Cannons. As the rays of blast travel towards Nightshade, he jumped out of the way allowing the rays of blast to hit and destroy Howler instead.

With Howler gone, the rangers had only Nightshade to destroy but before they could attempt to destroy Nightshade, three poles came down from the sky and made Howler grow. Immediately, the rangers called for the STAR Zords and form up the STAR Megazord. As Nightshade was instructing his friend, Howler, the Millennium Ranger took aim at him with his Millennium Canon. Once he had a lock on Nightshade, he pulled the trigger and destroyed Nightshade. Then another three poles came and made Nightshade grow as well. Now the STAR Megazord has two monsters to defeat.

“Anand, get back to the Command Base now”, ordered Sylvester to Anand.

“But the rangers ……” replied Anand.

“I said now”, interrupted Sylvester.

Immediately, Anand went back to the Command Base. Once he reached there, he asked Sylvester why did he call him back to the Command Base. Sylvester only replied to him that it was time. Immediately, Anand smiled as he had an idea of what of Sylvester had in store for him.

Meanwhile back at the battlefield, the STAR Megazord was having trouble dealing with the two monsters at the same time. As the Elite Guards were about to finish the job, something opened fire at them. When they turned back, they saw a tank moving towards them and stopped suddenly.

“Millennium Tankzord, Megazord mode”, commanded Anand as his Zord transforms into the ‘Millennium Megazord’.

Then Millennium Megazord opened fire at the Elite Guards for the second time, chasing them away from the STAR Megazord. After that, it helped the STAR Megazord to its feet. Then both Megazords aimed their blaster at the Elite Guards and fired at them, causing them to be weak.

“STAR Rapid Blaster, Fire”, command the STAR Rangers, once the Elite Guards were weaken.

“Millennium Blaster, Fire”, added Anand.

With both Megazord’s blasters being fired at the Elite Guards, there was absolutely no chance for them to survive the attack. Back of the Zeta Base, Ripster was furious that even the Elite Guards were no match for the Power Rangers. Then Princess Lira stepped in and said that it was her turn to attack the rangers.

Meanwhile, when the rangers went back to the Command Base to thank Sylvester for the Millennium Tank, they could find him anyway. Instead, they found Samsul with a letter from Sylvester. Once all the rangers gather around Samsul, he began to read the letter.

‘Dear Rangers, by the time you read this letter, I have my no longer be on Earth as my mission on Earth is complete. I am able to rejoin my fellow teammates on Frozil now thanks to you. I feel I must apologize as to leave suddenly without saying good-bye but I had to, because I don’t think I could leave with all of your sad face looking at me. The main thing now is that I strongly believe that all of you can handle any situation without my help and guidance. Now the fate of the world rests in your hands, STAR Rangers and I’m confident that I have made the right choice in choosing you to protect and defend her. Thank you my friends for all the good memories and don’t worry because we will meet again. Until that day comes, I will miss you all. So take care of each other and may the powers protect you all, forever. Signed your friend, Sylvester. PS, Samsul, my laptop is now yours. Use it aid the rangers in the battle as I have aided them.’


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