Friday, October 21, 2005

Eps 13: Believing in oneself

As a new day begins, the rangers were finding it hard to concentrate in school as memories of the Sentra defeating them were racing through their mind like a spoilt tape recorder. Even Samsul was having headaches thinking of plans and ways to defeat Sentra and coping with his school work.

When school ended, all the rangers, except for Anand, made their way back to the Command Base. Anand was on his way to the Driving Center for his motorcycle lessons. While on his way there, he was attacked by a group of Zetrans. He had no problem defeating them within minutes. After he finished of the Zetrans, he informed the other rangers to be on the look out for anything suspicious. Back at the Command Base, the other rangers were not in the mood to train up even though they knew that they had to if they ever want to beat Sentra. All they can do was just sit around and do nothing.

Suddenly, Hana stood up and shouted at the others, “I can’t take this any more. Why are we not doing anything when we know very well that Sentra will strike again?”

“What’s the point?” replied Darryl in an angry tone, “We also know that we will get beaten down as usual.”

“That’s where you’re wrong Darryl”, replied Yong Sen with confidence, “We were able to beat Sentra. Now we just have to figure out how to beat Sentra’s Chimerazord.”

Then Darryl apologized to Hana for shouting like that to her for no apparent reason. Then Hana accepted Darryl’s apology and told him to relax as everyone was also stressed out as well. She also told him that same day they will beat Sentra but until that day comes, they will have to keep trying. Then Darryl agreed and thanked Hana for her forgiveness and support.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Sentra was trying to find out what else could the Chimerazord do. As he was doing that, Princess Lira came in and asked him what he was doing. Then Sentra replied that he was trying to find out what else could the Chimerazord do. After hearing what Sentra said, she laughed and asked why he didn’t ask her in the first place. Then Princess Lira got into the cockpit with Sentra and told him what buttons did what. Once that was done, she got out of the cockpit and told Sentra that there will be a briefing at the Meeting Room. She also told him not to be late.

Once Sentra arrived at the meeting room, he took a seat beside Kaijax and the meeting began. The first thing Princess Lira announced was about Sentra. She commented on his excellent work on piloting the Chimerazord. Then she added that this time Sentra was not going to battle the rangers alone. Immediately, she looked at Kaijax and asked him to send down a monster to assist Sentra. Once Sentra heard this, he stood up and protest. He told Princess Lira that he could finish off the rangers alone. After awhile of debating, Princess Lira finally allowed Sentra to attack the rangers alone.

Once the meeting was over, Sentra went down to Earth and started to create havoc. Immediately went Sentra started to create havoc, the rangers M.A.S went off. Then without Anand, the rangers morphed and went to battle Sentra. When they arrived at Sentra’s position, Sentra was already prepared to attack with his Mystic Saber at hand. Once Sentra had his sight set on the rangers, he ran towards them with full force. When the rangers noticed Sentra, they call out for their STAR Weapons. With their STAR Weapons in hand, they began to retaliate Sentra. The rangers tried attacking Sentra with the method which they used the last time they met but this time Sentra was well prepared and was able to avoid almost every attack.

After about 5 minutes of battling, the rangers were down and were having a bit of trouble getting up. Then Sentra walked towards the rangers preparing to finish them off when suddenly, he was attacked from behind. When he turned around to find out who attacked him, he was attacked again with a canon to the face. It was the Millennium Ranger who had attacked Sentra.

“Yo Sentra”, shouted Anand, “How’s about battling with me?”

“I’ll finish you off first”, replied Sentra.

Immediately, Sentra began to attack Anand. While Anand and Sentra was battling each other, the other rangers took this time to get back to their feet and help out Anand but Anand refused their help as he determinedly battled Sentra. The other rangers noticed a bit of difference in his fighting. They noticed that he was fighting in a more aggressive manner. It also looks like he was determined to win. After a while, Anand was beaten but Sentra looked a little weakened as well. Then Sentra told Anand that he has improved a lot since the last time they met. Then Anand replied that it was because he wasn’t afraid of Sentra any more and that he was more determined to beat him. Immediately, Sentra called for his Chimerazord. Then Anand called for his zord, the Millennium Tankzord. Once their zords has arrived, the jumped into their own individual zords and began attacking each other.

After a while, Sentra shouted, “Chimerazord, covert to Megazord mode now!”

Then Anand transformed his zord into the Millennium Megazord. Immediately, the other rangers called for their own zords, formed up the STAR Megazord and helped out Anand to attack the Chimera Megazord. While the Millennium Megazord was engaged in battle with the Chimera Megazord, the STAR Megazord was preparing to attack with their STAR Rapid Blasters. When the Millennium Megazord was thrown to a side, the other rangers took this opportunity to fire their STAR Rapid Blasters. Due to their good sense of timing, they were able to hit the Chimera Megazord right in the chest region. Then the Millennium Megazord fired his Millennium Blaster and hit The Chimerazord right in the back. Realizing that he was out numbered, Sentra converted his zord back to its beast mode and flew away.

When Sentra arrived back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was there waiting for him. The only problem was she did not look the slightest bit happy. When he got out of his zord, Princess Lira walked up to him and told that the next time he battles the rangers, he will be bringing along another monster to back him up. After saying that to Sentra’s face, she walked away disappointed and a little heart broken.

Meanwhile back at the Command Base, Anand told the other rangers in a very serious tone, that they must not show fear when fighting with Sentra as it will only give him more strength and it will allow him to overpower them. When being asked by Nasrul how he got that information, Anand simply replied that he had learned this during his motorbike lesson. That lesson was that “If anyone was afraid of falling from their motorbikes, then they will never truly know if they can ride a bike or not.”


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