Friday, October 28, 2005

EPS 14: Wish upon a Millennium STAR

“Okay class, please hand in your consent forms for the Historic Field Trip which we will be going on tomorrow”, announced Mr. Tay before he dismissed them for their lunch break.

During their break, the male rangers were very excited about their Field Trip that they just couldn’t stop talking about it. Soon, Hana and Jerlin joined them and asked them what they were talking about. So Darryl replied that they were going on a Historic Field Trip the next day. Then Jerlin told the others that they were also going on a Historic Field Trip as well but after talking about it they found out that they were going on 2 different Historic Field Trip. The boys were going to the Kranji War Memorial Site while the girls were going to the Museum of Nation History.

While they rangers were having their break, Princess Lira and everyone else on the Zeta Base were busily discussing on whom to send to assist Sentra against the rangers. During the discussion Sentra was not present, instead he was in his quarters wondering on why did he retreat from the battle against the rangers the other day. While he was pondering, Gumka came in and told him that Princess Lira had summoned to the Meeting Room. Once they arrived at the Meeting Room, Princess Lira asked Sentra to take a sit. Once Sentra has taken his sit, she began the meeting.

“As we all know that the Chimera Megazord was no match for both the STAR and Millennium Megazord. So I have come to a conclusion and that is from this point on, Sentra you will not be allowed to battle the ranger alone anymore. From this point….” announced Princess Lira.

“No, I refuse to accept any help from any monster. I can beat the rangers by myself”, interrupted Sentra.

“Looks like you fail to prove that during the last battle, Sentra”, replied Princess Lira.

Upon hearing that, Sentra could not reply to that comment and had no other choice but to accept help from another monster. Once the meeting was over Princess Lira ordered Ripster to summon the monster. Immediately, Ripster summoned a monster known as Unicron. After Unicron has been summoned, he and Sentra got acquainted with each other before they were sent down to Earth.

Meanwhile back on Earth, the rangers were still in class when Samsul’s laptop went off. When Samsul checked it out, he told the other guys that Sentra was on the attack at Japanese Garden and this time, he was not alone. Knowing that his teacher will not let a whole bunch of students out of the class for no reason, Anand decided that he will have to deal with the problem alone. So he went up to the teacher and told him that he needed to go the bathroom. With the teacher’s permission to leave the class, he raced to the bathroom and when the coast was clear, he morphed up.

Once Anand was at the location, he knew that he will no be able defeat both Sentra and Unicron but he was going to go down without a fight. So he called out for his Millennium Canon and started shooting at them. While Anand was shooting Sentra summoned for his Mystic Sword and ran towards him. As Sentra attacked Anand, Anand was able to block every strike that came his way but unfortunately for him, he was too concentrated on Sentra that he totally forgot about Unicron. Due to his carelessness, Unicron was able to get a clean strike on Anand from behind him. After Unicron had attacked Anand from behind, Anand fell to his knees and the onslaught began.

Back in class, the other rangers were worried about Anand. Fortunately for them, their teacher had an urgent call and he had to leave immediately. Due to that reason, their teacher ended class early. Once they were released from class, the other rangers found a quit place and morphed up to help Anand. While the other rangers went to help Anand, Samsul ran towards Jerlin and Hana’s class and informed them what was going on. So the girls got permission from their teacher to leave the class and immediately, they also morphed up and proceeded to Japanese Garden.

Once there the other 5 rangers called for their STAR Weapons and attacked Sentra and Unicron from behind before helping Anand up. Once they’ve helped Anand help, they decided to form up their STAR Canon. Once that was done, Anand told the rangers to fire at Unicron while fires his Millennium Canon at Sentra. After they had agreed on what to do, the rangers fired their Canons at their own targets. After both Canons were fired, Unicron was destroyed and Sentra was lying on the ground in pain.

Back at the Zeta Base, Ripster pressed the big red button to fire 3 poles to make Unicron grow. Once Unicron has grown, Sentra got up and summoned his Chimerazord. Then the rangers called for their zords. When Sentra converted his zord to the Chimera Megazord, so did the rangers. Now in a 2 on 2 battle, Sentra has full confidence in himself that this day the rangers will be defeated. Then Sentra started to attack the Anand’s zord and the rangers battles Unicron. After a while, the rangers found out that the combined powers of the Chimerazord and Unicron is proven to be too much for them to handle.

Meanwhile at the school’s library, Samsul found out something amazing on his laptop. Immediately, he informed the rangers. After they received the information, the rangers were a bit surprised to her the info but with no other choice and with time not on their side, they’ve agreed to give it a shot.

So the rangers search their cockpits for a control panel and soon found it. With no time to waste, Darryl and Anand pressed the ‘Transformation Button’, as it was within their reach in their cockpits. Then the 2 Megazords begin to transform and finally they form the ‘Millennium STAR Megazord’. Now everyone in the Zeta Base was shocked to see the Millennium and STAR Megazord able to combine. This also comes as a shock for the rangers. After the transformation, Sentra was the first to attack the new Megazord but the rangers were up to the challenge and evaded the attacks. Then the rangers attacked the Chimera Megazord with its primary weapon, the ‘Drill Punch’. Then Unicron went to help Sentra. While Unicron was helping the Chimera Megazord up, the Millennium STAR was preparing to finish them off with its final attack, ‘Hyper Drill Canons’.

Once the Unicron and the Chimerazord were in position, the rangers shouted, “Hyper Drill Canons, Fire.”

Then as the attack traveled towards Unicron and Sentra’s zord, Sentra used the Chimera Megazord to pull Unicron in between the blasts and his zord before he ran away. In the end, the blasts hit Unicron who was destroyed in a horrorible way. As Sentra flew back to Zeta Base, he felt that having another monster to help him didn’t seem to be a bad idea at all, especially if they take the hit for him.

“Yo thanks for the last minute info man”, said Darryl, “Or else we would have been goners.”

“Indeed”, added Jerlin,”Thank you Samsul.”

Once all the thank you was said and done, the girls headed back to class to resume their lessons as the guys made their way to the Command Base.


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