Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Eps 30: Bad to the Bone

Once Kortana was ready, Kaijax took her to meet Princess Lira. As soon as Princess Lira heard that Kaijax had created his own daughter, she was speechless. Then she asked him how was he able to do such a thing, so Kaijax brought Princess Lira to the lab and showed her the Molecule Reconfigurater.

When Princess Lira saw the machine for the first time, she looked at Kaijax and said, “Are you kidding me?”

“Princess, just look at my daughter and tell me if I am lying to you?” calmly replied Kaijax.

“Very well, show me how it works”, commanded Princess Lira.

“You there”, shouted Kaijax at 1 of the Zetrans who was standing nearby, “Get into the chamber now.”

Once the Zetran was inside the chamber, Kaijax activated the machine and once the process was completed, everyone was waiting to see the results. As soon as the Zetran stepped out of the chamber, another Zetran stepped out of the other chamber. The differences between the 2 Zetarns were that the other Zetran was in a red base and it was more violent than the original one. Once the red Zetran saw the other Zetran, it began to attack it. Once the original Zetran was destroyed, the red Zetran had his eyes set on Princess Lira, it ran towards her and bowed to her feet.

“Kaijax”, said Princess Lira with a smile on her face, “Make me more of this kind of Zetrans.”

“Yes Princess”, replied Kaijax, “And what should we call them?” he added.

“I think I will name them ‘Riot Zetrans’. Now get back to work, I want them to be ready by tonight”, replied Princess Lira.

Meanwhile back on Earth, the rangers were all ready for their barbecue outing with some of their CCA friend. Once they have arrived at the barbecue site, Hairil, who brought them to the barbecue pit, greeted them. Once there, the boys began work on starting the fire while the girls prepared the food to be cooked. Once the fire was ready, the girls started cooking the foods while the boys played a little game of ‘Beach Soccer’.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira returned to the lab and found out that the lab was filled with her new Riot Zetrans. They came in all kind of colours and attitude. There are Riot Zetrans in Blue base, Red base, Green Base, Purple base and even Orange Base. Their attitudes were also like their colours. They were all more violent than the original version of the Zetrans but at different levels. Some were more fiercer looking, while another group were more cunning and others were relaxed and were willing to do anything that they were ordered to do.

“Well done Kaijax”, announced Princess Lira.

“Thank you Princess”, replied Kaijax.

“Kortana, I have a mission for you”, said Princess Lira.

“Yes Princess, I am here to serve you”, replied Kortana.

“I want you to lead the new Riot Zetrans down and destroy the rangers”, added Princess Lira.

“As you wish, Princess”, replied Kortana as she took the entire army of Riot Zetrans and went down to Earth.

Back on Earth, the rangers were enjoying their wonderful barbecued meal. While they were eating, a few bolts of lightning strike the ground near the area where the rangers area and began to walk to wards the rangers. Then Yong Sen was at the barbecue pit helping himself to a chicken wing when he noticed a group of monsters headed their way. Immediately, he dropped his plate and rush off to inform the others. Then Anand stood up and saw the group for himself before asking everyone to run. Then he looked at Hairil and told him to make sure everyone gets to safety. Immediately, Hairil began to lead every away from the monsters.

Once the coast was clear, the rangers raced towards the group of monsters. Soon the monsters stopped walking. Then Kortana introduced herself to the rangers. Then Nasrul asked Kortana if Kaijax was afraid of the rangers. Then he added on to why he said that. First Kaijax sent down a Chicken monster. Then Jerlin added that now he sents a female monster. Then Darryl added on saying that she was a beautiful monster at that. Then Kortana took out her sword and pointed it at the rangers and told them not to talk like that about her father. Upon hearing that, the rangers were speechless. Then Kortana gave the Riot Zetrans the ordered to attack the rangers. Then the rangers began to retaliate.

Meanwhile, Hairil had brought the others to safety but when he did a head count, he realized that 7 of them were missing. Soon he identified that Anand and the others were the missing ones. Then he told another guy to keep an eye on the others while goes back to find Anand and the others.

Back at the battle site, the rangers were having lots of trouble with the new Riot Zetrans. Then the rangers decided that it was time to morph up. While they morphed, they did not notice that Hairil was just behind the bushes. When Hairil saw his friends were the Power Rangers. Then the rangers called for their STAR Weapons and formed up the STAR Cannon and fired it at the Zetarns but it wasn’t effective. Then Kortana began laughing and told the rangers that they will not be able to defeat the Riot Zetrans. Upon hearing that, the rangers called for their S-Gear used the Dash mode but it was ineffective. Then they switched it to the Driller mode. Hoping that by going underground would give them some advantage, they rangers went underground. Even though the rangers were underground, the Riot Zetrans found a way to lure the rangers back on land. They began to strike the ground with their fists. They did that to cause an earthquake and began to force the rangers back to the surface.

While the rangers were being forced back to the surface, Anand and Farhan were struggling to attack the Riot Zetrans, as the ground was really unstable. Soon the Rangers were on the surface ground. Then Darryl told the rangers to switch to the Jet mode. Once the rangers were in their jet mode, they took to the sky. As the Riot Zetrans were looking above the rangers, Anand and Farhan wasted no time in attacking Kortana. Althought it may be 2 guys against 1 girl, it looks like Kortana is having the upper hand. Meanwhile still in the sky, the rangers called out for STAR weapons and formed up the STAR Cannon, again. Once the STAR Cannon was ready, the rangers concentrated all their power into the STAR Cannon and fired it at the Riot Zetrans. With that much firepower, the rangers eliminated all the Riot Zetrans and as soon as the rangers landed they demorphed and collapsed.

Once Kortana noticed that her Riot Zetrans were destroyed, she kicked Anand and Farhan away before teleporting back to the Zeta Base. Then Hairil jumped out of the bushes and ran towards the rangers. Once he got to the rangers, he told Anand that he saw everything. Then he offered to help to bring the others to safety. He also promised the rangers that he would not reveal their identities. Then Anand looked at Hairil and trusted him. Then he asked Hairil to help out in bringing the other rangers to a safe place.