Tuesday, June 27, 2006

STAR Rangers: Cosmic Alliance

It has been 4 months since the rangers had put up a hard fought battle against the Zeta Empire to save Earth and now that the rangers have finished their ITE studies, they decided to go for a vacation to ease their minds.

“Yo guys, how about we go on a holiday?” questioned Nasrul.

“Ok, I’m in, but to where?” replied Jerlin.

“How about Pulau Tioman? I heard that we could go snorkeling to see the Corals and the water there is very clear. So how about it?” exclaimed Hairil excitedly.

Suddenly, there was a moment of silence among the rangers and as suddenly as the silence, the rangers began to agree with Hairil’s vacation plan to Pulau Tioman. Immediately, the rangers went shopping for some items that they will need for their vacation. After their shopping, everyone went back to their houses. All except for Hairil and Farhan, who went to book the tickets for the trip.

Meanwhile in space, a huge Spacecraft is on a course towards Earth. As the Spacecraft draws nearer to Earth, a shadowy-like figure walked up towards another shadowy-like figure that was sitting on a throne and told him that they will be arriving to Earth soon. Then the other shadowy figure replied that it was good to hear it.

Meanwhile back on Earth, Farhan and Hairil had already booked the tickets. They leave for Pulau Tioman the following day. Immediately, they informed the other before they rushed home to pack their own things. While they were in the bus, they noticed something strange. The sky suddenly turned dark. Then both of them thought that it was going to rain but it did not. Soon as suddenly as the dark sky appeared, it disappeared. Immediately, Farhan called a meeting with the other rangers on board the Nova Carrier. Within minutes, all the rangers arrived onboard the Nova Carrier and soon the meeting began.

“So what’s this meeting about?” questioned Anand.

“Did anyone of you notice that the sky suddenly turned dark and bark to bright again?” replied Farhan.

“Ya, so?” added Hana.

“Guys, this is serious. When was the last time you ever since the sky turned dark and back to bright so suddenly?” added Hairil.

“Ok, ok let’s check to see if anything SERIOUS had happen on Earth lately”, replied Samsul as he checked his laptop.

After check his laptop twice, Samsul had found nothing and told the others that everything was ok down on Earth. Then Anand walked up to Farhan and told him to relax and that it might only be his imagination. Then Anand looked towards the others and declared the meeting over.

The next day, the rangers were all ready to begin their holiday. At about 9 am, both Farhan and Farizah arrived at the meeting point and soon noticed that the others had not arrived. Not long after, Anand, Darryl, Nasrul, Yong Sen and Samsul arrived. About 5 minutes later, Hana and Jerlin came along. Finally, Hairil and Nareeza arrived at the meeting point. Then it was time for them to board up the coach and not long after, their journey to Pulau Tioman began.

The coach ride was about 3 hours and when they arrived at Marsing Ferry Point at Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Then they had to wait for about half-an-hour for the next ferry to bring them to the island. Once the ferry had arrived, the rangers boarded it and then it was another 3 hours ferry ride to the island. During the ferry ride, Darryl was getting really restless. Then he looked towards Hairil and told him that it was all Hairil’s fault. Then Hana looked at Darryl and told him that he agreed to go for the holiday along with the others. Then she added that Darryl was really acting childish. Soon a small argument began to erupt between Darryl and Hana. Then Anand stood up and told the both of them to stop quarreling because they were not the only ones onboard the ferry. Upon saying that, both of them looked around and began apologizing before they returned to their seats.

After a grand total of 6 hours and 30 minutes of traveling time, they had finally arrived at Pulau Tioman. Upon arrival, the rangers were separated into 3 groups. Farhan, Anand, Darryl and Hairil shared 1 chalet, while Nasrul, Yong Sen and Samsul shared another. As for the girls, they shared another room. Then everyone rushed to his or her allocated chalets to unpack. After they had unpacked, Nasrul came running out of his chalet, wearing nothing but his Hawaiian pants and headed straight for the beach. Then the others looked at each other before they run back into their chalets, changed up and headed for the beach as well.

Once everyone was in the water, they began to splash about in the water. While everyone was splashing away, Hairil, along with the man who rents out the snorkeling gears, walked towards the other and asked them if anyone wants to go snorkeling. In an instant, everyone rushed out of the water and grabbed a snorkeling mask from Hairil and flippers from the man. Once everyone had their gear on, they went snorkeling. While snorkeling, they saw a lot of interesting fishes and Corals. After about an hour of snorkeling, they rangers came out of the water tried and hungry, so they returned the snorkeling gears before they headed back to their chalet to wash up and get ready for dinner.

Meanwhile in space, the Spacecraft was already hovering around Earth’s Atmosphere. While it was hovering, the same dark figure was looking at his scanner and soon had found the location of something they were looking for. Immediately, it raced of to inform the other dark figure who was still sitting on the throne.

“Father”, said the dark figure, “I have her location. She appears to be on Earth”, it added.

“Very good, Blitz. Now let’s go and give her a visit, shall we?” replied the other dark figure as it was looking at a 3rd dark figure who was sitting beside it.

Back on Earth, the rangers had already finished their meals and now, Farhan and Farizah were having a romantic walk along the beach, while the others were all gearing up for a little night hike along the forested area of the island. While Farhan and Farizah were having their little walk, a couple of lightning bolts strike the ground just a few meters away from them. It was the 3 dark figures from the Spacecraft. Then one of them took a step forward and began to speak.

“Lira, my child, where have u been?” asked a female figure which looked like a panther.

“Queen Nafari”, replied Farizah.

“You know her?” questioned Farhan.

“Yes, she is the Queen of the Zeta Empire”, replied Farizah.

Then the other 2 figures took a step forward and when Farizah took a step forward, she continued, “Hello King Rocon, Queen Nafari and Prince Blitz.”

“Lira what wrong with you?” questioned Prince Blitz, “Why are you calling us by you name?” he added.

“Maybe it’s because I’m not Princess Lira anymore?’ replied Farizah.

“What are you talking about?” added King Rocon.

“What I’m trying to say is that I am now Farizah”, replied Farizah.

“So you remembered? That means the STAR Rangers had won the first round and guess what, round 2 is about to begin and this time the Zeta Empire will be victorious”, added King Rocon.

“Not well we’re still around”, replied Farhan, “Nova Blast”, added Farhan.

Once Farhan had morphed up he contacted their others and within seconds, the other rangers arrived all morphed up and were ready for battle. Then the rangers called out for their STAR Weapons and began to attack the Zeta Royal family. While the rangers were running towards them, king Rocon summoned the Zetrans and ordered them to attack the rangers. Soon the rangers had finished off the Zetrans and were now setting their sights on the Zeta Royal family. Then the rangers began to run towards them but were stopped but were stopped by Prince Blitz’s Laser Boomerang. Now it was the Zeta Royal family’s turn is make their advance towards the rangers. While they were drawing closer, Farizah ran up and stood in between the rangers and the Zeta Royal family.

Then she asked King Rocon to stop the attack but King Rocon was not interested in the bargain. Soon he began to raise his sword and as he was about to strike down Farizah, Farhan pushed her aside and took the hit. Then when the other rangers tried to get up and help out Farhan, they were brought down again by Prince Blitz Boomerang. Then all of the Zeta Royal family was about to attack the now weakened rangers, something strike them with lightning quite speed and soon all 3 of them were on the ground. Then suddenly, the attackers revealed themselves. They were 3 new rangers.

“Hi again, hope you don’t mind we crush the party?” exclaimed one of the rangers.

“Father, I thought you destroyed them already?’ exclaimed Prince Blitz to his father.

“I guess we thought wrong. Never mind, we’ll retreat for now”, replied King Rocon.

Immediately, the Zeta Empire Royal family retreated back to the Spacecraft. After they had retreated, the 3 new rangers looked at the rangers. Then one of the new rangers walked towards them and helped Farhan to his feet before asking the rangers if they have a safe place to hide out for a while. Immediately, Yong Sen added that they do have a place. So the rangers brought Farhan and the 3 new rangers to the Nova Carrier.

Once all the rangers had arrived on the Nova Carrier, the ranger that helps Farhan placed him in the Medic Room. When Farhan was on the bed, he demorphed and revealed his identity to the ranger. When Farhan demorphed, the other ranger was surprised to see Farhan as the Nova Ranger. Immediately, he rushed out of the Medic Room and met up with the other rangers. Once he was there, he called out the other 2 rangers. Once the other 2 rangers had joined him, all 3 of them looked toward the rangers.

“So you guys did rescue Farhan?” questioned one of the other rangers.

“How did you know we rescue Farhan?” replied Jerlin.

“No one knows that, unless you are…” added Hana

“Sylvester?” replied the other rangers as he demorphs.

Once Sylvester had demorph, everyone was really excited to their old friend back after a long time. Then Sylvester introduced the other 2 rangers to them. The ‘Eclipse Ranger’ is Nazrul and the’ Astro Ranger' is Saleh. Then Sylvester told the rangers that he is now the ‘Shadow Ranger’ after he introduced the rangers to Nazrul and Saleh. Soon he noticed that Hairil, Nareeza and Farizah were standing across the room. Then he asked the rangers why were they on board the Nova Carrier. So the rangers told him the entire story.

Meanwhiles back at the Spacecraft, King Rocon along with his wife, Queen Nafari, and his son, Prince Blitz were surprised to find out that the Shadow, Eclipse and Astro Rangers manage to escape the Planet Frozil when they thought that they had blown up the entire planet. So now if they want to conquer Earth, they would have to destroy 10 rangers. Then Prince Blitz added that they would need a plan if they were to succeed in conquering Earth. Then in an instant they began to discuss on a plan.

Back on the Nova Carrier, Sylvester, Nazrul and Saleh had found out that the Command Base was destroyed and that the rangers had received their S-Gear. After that, Jerlin asked Sylvester how he got the new powers. Then Sylvester replied that he had made the new powers just before he left for Frozil. Then he added that 10 Rangers would not be enough to stop the Zeta Empire Royal family. Then Nazrul stepped forward and told everyone that he still have 2 more Ring Morphers, the ‘Solar’ and the ‘Lunar Powers.’ Then he asks the rangers if they really trusted Hairil. Immediately, the rangers responded with a very loud 'Yes'. After that huge respond, Nazrul called Hairil to step forward. Once Hairil was standing in front of Nazrul, Nazrul gave Hairil the power of the ‘Solar Ranger.’ Then Nazrul added that if Hairil were to morph, he would have to say, ‘Cosmic Rangers, Awaken’. Then Hairil accepted the power with honor and pride.

“So now whom we will choose to be the ‘Lunar Ranger’ “, questioned Saleh as he was searching through Samsul’s Laptop for something.

“Choose her”, replied Farizah as she looked at Nareeza, “I believe she will be a good ranger”, she continued.

“What’s your name and which school are you from?” questioned Saleh towards Nareeza.

“My name is Nareeza and I’m from ITE (East) Bishan”, replied Nareeza.

Immediately, Saleh used Samsul’s Laptop and searched for Nareeza’s profile. Within seconds, Saleh had retrieved her files from her school. Then Saleh announced that she is indeed a good candidate. Then Sylvester and Nazrul looked at each other and nodded their heads. Then Nazrul asked Nareeza to step forward but Nareeza just didn’t want to. Then Hairil walked up to her and reminded her that her that she also wanted to save the Earth. Then he added that this would the 1 way of doing it. Then Nareeza replied that this is not the only way but Hairil reminded her again of the times she told him to grab the opportunity when it comes. Then he told her that the opportunity to save the world was right in front of her. After considering what Hairil had said, she walked up and accepted the Lunar Ranger’s power. Then Nazrul told her that if she were to morph, she would have to say, ‘Cosmic Rangers, Awaken’.

Then Sylvester told the ranger that their holiday was officially over. Not long after, Samsul’s Laptop went off and Saleh reported that the Zeta Empire Royal family was back and this time they were attacking Singapore. Immediately, Nazrul told the rangers that it was time to battle. Then Nazrul asked everyone if they were ready and the he received a very positive yes.

“STAR Powers, Ignite”, shouted the STAR Rangers.

“Millennium Power, Ignite”, shouted Anand.

“Nova Blast”, shouted Farhan.

“Cosmic Rangers, Awaken”, shouted the other 5 rangers.

Soon all 12 Rangers arrived at the scene and stood on top of a hill. Then Anand told the Zeta Empire to stop the attack before they introduced themselves to the Zeta Empire Royal family.

“STAR Red”, announced Darryl.

“STAR Blue”, announced Nasrul.

“STAR Green”, announced Yong Sen.

“STAR Yellow”, announced Jerlin.

“STAR White”, announced Hana

“Millennium Ranger”, announced Anand.

“Nova Ranger”, announced Farhan.

“STAR Rangers”, announced the 7 rangers.

“Lunar Ranger”, announced Nareeza.

“Solar Ranger”, announced Hairil.

“Astro Ranger”, announced Saleh.

“Shadow Ranger”, announced Sylvester.

“Eclipse Ranger”, announced Nazrul.

“Cosmic Rangers”, announced the 5 rangers.

“Power Rangers Cosmic STAR”, announced all 12 rangers, which was followed by a huge explosion behind them.

After the rangers had introduced themselves to the Zeta Empire Royal family, they jumped of the hill and began to attack them. Then the rangers split up into 3 groups. All the 3 girls along with Yong Sen attacked Queen Nafari, while Nazrul, Saleh, Darryl and Nasrul did battle with Prince Blitz and finally, Anand, Farhan, Hairil and Sylvester did battle with King Rocon.

As all this were happening, Yong Sen was attacking Queen Nafari with his STAR Hammer but soon she took his STAR Weapon away from him and began attacking the rangers with it. Meanwhile the other 4 rangers were also not having an easy time dealing with Prince Blitz as he was constantly using his Boomerang against them. Elsewhere, the final group of rangers were also not able to stop King Rocan from attacking as they were being thrown almost allover the area.

Then Anand gat up and told the rangers to call for their S-Gear. Immediately, the rangers got up and called for their S-Gear. Once the rangers had received their S-Gear, Jerlin and Yong Sen used the Driller mode, while Hana used the Jet mode to attack Queen Nafari. While Hana was attacking Queen Nafari from the sky, Jerlin and Yong Sen were busily attacking her from underground. Finally, Nareeza attacked Queen Hafari with her Lunar Blaster as she was running towards the Queen. Once Nareeza was close enough to Queen Nafari, she gave her kick to the abs, which sent her flying.

Meanwhile, Darryl and Nasrul used the Dash mode and began to counter attack Prince Blitz’s Boomerang. Due to their high-speed movement, they managed to bypass the Boomerang and strike Prince Blitz with their Jagged-Edge Blade. Then Both Saleh and Nazrul began to attack Prince Blitz with their Sabers. After the dual Saber attack, both of them jumped out of the way and ironically, Prince Blitz was strike down with his own Boomerang.

Finally, the Anand and Farhan were giving King Rocon a royal size beating with their combine attacks of the Millennium Cannon and the Nova Blade but King Rocon wasn’t affected by the attacks badly. Soon he began to run towards both of them without realizing that both Hairil and Sylvester were also running up to him from behind him. Once King Rocon was about to strike Anand and Farhan, they gave him a double kick to his abs and chest and sent him flying towards Hairil and Sylvester. Then when King Rocon was in range, they strike him with their own Sabers, which sent him flying towards his family.

Now that all of the Zeta Empire Royal were now weakened and were also standing together, Sylvester told the Rangers to form up their STAR Cannon. Immediately, the rangers formed up their STAR Cannon, as Anand prepared his Millennium Cannon and Farhan prepared his Nova Riffle. After the STAR Rangers had formed up their STAR Cannon, the Cosmic Rangers called out for their Cosmic Cannon. Once all the rangers had received their Cannons they locked them on target and were ready to fire.

“STAR Cannon, Fire”, shouted the STAR Rangers.

“Millennium Cannon, Fire”, shouted the Millennium Ranger

“Nova Riffle, Fire”, shouted the Nova Ranger.

“Cosmic Cannon, Fire”, shouted the Cosmic Rangers.

Then the 4 mega-power attacks caused a huge eruption upon contact with the Zeta Empire Royal family. Once all the smoke has cleared and the dust has settled, the rangers were surprise to see all 3 of them alive but they were badly weakened. Then King Rocon told the rangers that they might have won this battle. Then he added that the war isn’t over yet before he and the rest of his family grew big. Immediately, the rangers called for their STAR Zords. Upon the arrival of the Nova Carrier, King Rocon began to attack it. Without wasting any time, Farhan beamed himself into the cockpit of the Nova Jet and began to form up the Nova Megazord in hopes to distract the Zeta Empire Royal family long enough for the other rangers to form up the STAR and Millennium Megazords.

Then Saleh noticed that the Nova Megazord was taking heavy damage and the STAR Rangers were still running towards the Nova Carrier, so he told the others that they needed to form up the Cosmic Megazord. Immediately, the Cosmic Rangers called for their Zords and form up the Cosmic Megazord to help out the Nova Megazord. Then the Cosmic Megazord began to attack the Prince Blitz with its Cosmic Blade. Not long after, the Millennium STAR Meagzord joined in the battle as they took on King Rocon. Once King Rocon and Prince Blitz were removed from his sight, Farhan called for his Nova Saber and began to attack Queen Nafari.

Now a mega-size battle was happening and the rangers were giving it their all but unfortunately, it just wasn’t enough as the combine power of all the 3 royal family has proven to be too much for the rangers’ megazord. Despite the over powering attacks from the royal family, the rangers refuse to give up. Then the Cosmic Megazord began to move forward and tried to strike down at least 1 of the royal family member but failed to do so as it was the 1 that was strike down. After the Cosmic Megazord was strike down, the Zeta Empire Royal family could not see the other 2 megazords anywhere. Suddenly, the 2 megazord began to attack the royal family from behind them. Due to the fact that the Cosmic Megazord was still on the ground, all 3 family members tripped over the fallen megazord.

Then the Cosmic Megazord was helped back to its feet by the other 2 megazord. After that, the Millennium STAR Megazord was prepared to fire the Hyper Drill Cannon while the Nova and Cosmic Megazords was prepared to attack with their Sabers. When the timing was right, all 3 megazords attacked the royal family and soon another huge explosion erupted. To the rangers surprise, the Zeta Empire Royal family were still alive but only weakened.

“No way, that should have done it”, exclaimed Hairil.

“That’s it rangers we have had enough with you”, announced King Rocon, “It’s time to take this up to the next level”, he added.

Then all of a sudden, all 3 family members began to fuse with each other and grew into a huge monster, which was way bigger than the rangers’ megazords.

“Guys, I think we are in big trouble now”, added Nareeza.

“I was afraid it would come to this”, announced Sylvester calmly.

“Ready to do this?” questioned Nazrul to Saleh.

“Let’s go”, replied Saleh.

Then Sylvester told the other rangers that they were able to combine the STAR, Millennium, Nova and Cosmic Megazords together with the Nova carrier to form up the ‘Orion Megazord’. Upon hearing that, the rangers speechless but were ready to do whatever it takes to save the world. Then when all the rangers were ready, they began to form the Orion Megazord.

Once the majestic Orion Megazord was form, it began to attack the huge Zeta Royal family monster. Then it grabbed the monster and brought it into space to continue the battle as both the Zeta Monster and the Orion Megazord were too big to battle on Earth. Once they were in space, the Zeta Family Monster kicked the Orion Megazord. Due to space lack off gravity, the Orion Megazord began to drift away but not far enough as the Orion Megazord used it turbo boosters to help it regain balance. Once the Orion Megazord had regained its balance, it was kicked away again. Then once it regains its balance again, the Zeta Family Monster tried to attack the Orion Megazord for the 3rd time but failed to do so as the Orion Megazord evaded the attack and strike the monster.

After the monster was strike, Nazrul told the rangers that the megazord’s main weapon was the Orion Saber. Immediately, the rangers call out for the Orion Saber and upon receiving it, Saleh began to type some code into the megazord’s programme. Once the code was added, Saleh informed the rangers that the saber can now be used as a Blaster as well. Then the rangers began to attack the monster with the Saber after a couple of strikes, the monster was beginning to weaken. Then the rangers decided to convert the Saber into the Blaster mode and when the timing was right, the rangers fired the blaster at the monster but it was still not destroyed.

Then Yong Sen had an idea to combine the Megazord’s power with the rangers’ S-Gear. Once they had their S-Gear on, they began to transfer the power to the Megazord’s weapon and once the power was transferred, the rangers tried the Orion Blaster 1 more time. This time with the additional power of the S-Gear, the rangers were able to destroy the monster and finally saved the world from the Zeta Empire.

Now that the battle was over, the rangers went back to Pulau Tioman to continue with their holiday. While the STAR Rangers were having fun dancing around the campfire, Saleh, Nazrul and Sylvester were just observing them from a cliff. Then Sylvester asked both of them what do they think of the rangers. Then Nazrul replied that they may have saved the world once but that they still have a long way to go. Then Saleh added that they were indeed a prefect group to add to the ranger family. While they were talking, Hana and Jerlin began to call them from the campfire. Immediately, all 3 of went down the cliff and joined in the celebration.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

woah cool man..u r really gd!kp it up!

10:01 PM  
Blogger Shadow said...

Thx for reading.
Don't worry, season 2 will be out soon.
Thx again for reading.

12:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, 1st time reading ur Blog and its super co0l.. I really enjoy it!

winks! DEviLGaL

7:41 PM  

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