Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Eps 34: STARs Forever (part 2)

As Hana was about to answer, the Riot Zetrans something, which looks like stones, at the rangers and they exploded upon contact of the rangers. The explosion caused the rangers to hurl into the air and land a few meters away. While the rangers were down, the Riot Zetrans continued to attack the rangers. Then Kortana ordered the riot Zetarns to stop attacking the rangers as she, her father and Princess Lira want a piece of the rangers.

As all three of them walked closer towards the rangers, Farizah's mother suddenly appeared and stood in front of the rangers. Then she told Princess Lira to stop attacking the rangers. The Princess Lira asked her who she was to order her around while she had her sword point straight at Farizah's mother. Then Farhan told Farizah's mother to ran away and not get herself involved in this. Then Farizah's mother looked at Farhan and told him she had lost her daughter before and she is not going to lose 1 of her daughter's closest friend before she ended the sentance with his name. Upon hearing this, Farhan was suprised to that Farizah's mother had found out his indentity.

"Oh what a heart warming moment, too bad it will end for all of you", exclaimed Princess Lira as she eneded it with a laugh.

After hearing Princess Lira's laugh, Farizah's mum looked closely at Princess Lira and said, "Farizah?"

Immediately Princess Lira stopped laughing and asked, "Who are you talking about?"

"Farizah, you", added Farizah's mum as she walked towards Princess Lira.

"Stop there", exclaimed Princess Lira but Farizah's mum continued to walk closer towards her, "I said stop" added Princess Lira as she raised her sword.

Then as Princess Lira was about to strike down Farizah's mum, the Nova Ranger blocked the atack with his Nova Blade before telling Farizah's mum to run. Soon the other rangers got up and helped Farhan. Then Farhan told Hana to get Farizah's mum to a safe place. Immediately Hana did just that. Hana brought Farizah's mum to the Nova Carrier before rejoining the battle.

Soon Hana returned to the battle site and found the rangers in trouble again. Then without any hestation, she re-entered herself into the battle. Soon after fighting with 5 Riot Zetrans, Hana was in trouble along with the other rangers. Meanwhile back at the Nova Carrier, Farizah's mum and Samsul watched helplessly as the Zeta Empire began to give the rangers a really tough fight. Soon, Hairil came onboard and found both Samsul and Farizah's mum staring at the laptop. Then he asked Samsul who the lady was, he didn't receive the answer he wanted. Instead Samsul asked to do him a favour.

Back at the battle site, the rangers were down again for the 2nd time but this time they manage to destroy about 10 Riot Zetrans. Unfortunately it was good enough. Soon the reminding Riot Zetrans drew nearer to the now weakened rangers. As the Riot

Zetrans were about to strike the rangers, the were attacked by some kind of mini rocket which exploded on contact. Soon th eperson who was responsible could be seen and to the rangers suprise, it was Hairil. Then Hairl continued to fire the mini rockets at the Riot Zetrans as he ran towards the rangers. While he was running towards the rangers, Princess Lira ordered both Kaijax and Kortana to stop Hairil. Immediately, both of them began to shoot lasers at Hairil but somehow all the lasers missed Hairil.

Then once he got to the rangers, he told them to retreat back to the Nova Carrier for now. With no other choice left, the rangers retreated from the battle site. Realizing that the rangers were escaping, Princess Lira ordered the remining Riot Zetrans to stop the rangers but by the time the Riot Zetrans began to run, the rangers had already teleported back to the Nova Carrirer.

Back at the Nova Carrier, the rangers had already demorphed and were badly injured. Then Hairil asked the same qeustion which he asked early but did not receive any answer for it. The Farhan replied that the lady is the mother of an old friend of his. Then he added that his friend had ran away from home. Suddenly, Farizah's mother began to talk.

"She didn't run away from home, instead she was kidnapped by a group of alien years ago", exclaimed Farizah's mother with tears running down her eyes.

"But you told me.......", replied Farhan.

"I thought that if i told you the truth, would would think that i was nuts", replied Farizah's mother, "I didn't know you were a ranger that's why I lied", she added.

"So Farizah was kidnapped and now you think that she is Princess Lira", exclaimed Hana.

"I don't think, I know", replied Farizah's mother.

"But how could you be so certain that she is?" qeustioned Samsul.

"I'm her mother, I should know her better", replied Farizah's mother with a liitle anger within her as she was irritated by that question.

Then Farhan began to think to himself, "So that would explan why she wanted me all this time."

Then Farhan was interupted by Anand who asked him what he was thinking. Then Farhan replied that it was nothing and that he was a little tired. Then Nasrul thanked Hairil for saving their lives before asking him where did he get the Mini Rocket Launcher from. So Hairil replied that Samsul gave it to him. Upon hearing that, all the rangers began to look around for Samsul but he was nowhere in sight. Suddenly, Samsul appeared from a room with a trolley full of the Mini Rocket Launchers and told them that the weapon is known as the "STAR Rocket Launchers. Then he told the rangers that if the Zeta Empire is going to send all thier troops to attack, he was willing to join the rangers in battle with them. Then Hairil added that he will also be joinning them in battle. Once that was cleared, the rangers morphed up and picked up a STAR Rocket Launcher and prepared for battle with the Zeta Empire again. Then Farhan

looked at Farizah's mother and told her that he will bring Farizah back home before he teleported back to the battle site with the rest of his teammates.

Meanwhile the Zeta Empire was taking the oppotunity to attack as much as they want but were soon stopped by the rangers and their friends. Then Farhan walked in front of the group and told the Zeta Empire that if they wanted an all out battle, they will get an all out battle. After that, he began running towards the Zeta Empire and soon the other rangers followed up. Once the rangers began running, Princess Lira gave the word for her army to attack. Now round 2 of this battle for Earth has began and this time the rangers had brought along re-enforcemnets.

To Be Continued...


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