Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Eps 29: Cock-A-Doodle-Doo

At the Zeta Base, Kaijax was still searching for an idea to help strengthen their army. While he was searching, he heard Princess Lira called out his name, so he rushed over to her in a hurry. Once he was there, Princess Lira asked him if he had found an idea. Then he replied that he had not. Then Princess Lira gave him another job to do and that was to send down a monster to attack the rangers. Immediately, he summoned ‘Roostoo’.

Meanwhile back on Earth, the rangers were at IMM shopping for food to bring to a Barbecue, which they are planning to go to the next day. After they had finish and ready to head on home, a group of Zetrans attacked the rangers at the entrance of the shopping center. Once the rangers had finished of the Zetrans, they picked up their groceries and headed straight for the Nova Carrier.

Once the rangers were on board the Nova Carrier, Samsul checked the computer to see if there has been any more random attacks through out the country and soon found out that the Zetrans was decoy attack to keep the rangers busy while a monster attack the country. Without any hesitation, the rangers morphed up to do battle with Roostoo.

“Stop right there, bird brain”, shouted Jerlin.

“I don’t think so, rangers”, replied Roostoo as he threw some exploding feathers at the rangers.

After the explosion, Anand was seen running towards Roostoo with his Millennium Cannon in hand. Soon the others could be seen running towards Roostoo with their STAR weapons in hand. As the rangers were running towards the Roostoo, Roostoo began to fly towards the rangers and grabbed Anand’s shoulders with his claw-like feet. Once he had caught Anand, Roostoo began to put fear into him. Once that was done, he let Anand go. Then the other rangers went to help Anand up. As got back to his feet, Roostoo made his landing and as soon as Anand saw Roostoo, Anand began to tremble with fear.

When the others noticed this they were really puzzled by what had happened to Anand. Then Farhan asked Roostoo what he had done to Anand. Then Roostoo told Farhan that he will not only tell but he will also show him what he had done and soon Farhan fell victim to Roostoo. After Farhan had become just like Anand, the other rangers had no other choice but to retreat for now.

When the rangers arrived back on the Nova Carrier, Darryl shouted, “Sam, we got a problem.”

“I know”, replied Samsul as he walked towards the rangers, “They aren’t the only ones. The monster has turned most of the people into ‘Chickens’, so to speak.”

“That’s a problem but do you know how to turn them back to normal?” asked Hana.

“Fortunately, yes but unfortunately, you need to destroy the monster to break the spell”, added Samsul.

Meanwhile back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was a little impressed with what Roostoo has done with 2 of the rangers. Then she asked him to continue the good job and finish off the other 5 rangers. Immediately, Roostoo went back to Earth to complete his job.

Back on Earth, the remaining 5 rangers were planning on how to destroy the Roostoo and not to fall under his spell. Soon enough, Samsul alerted the rangers that Roostoo was back. Immediately, the rangers morphed up and did battle with Roostoo. Once the rangers arrived at Roostoo location, Roostoo began to run away.

“Hold it you chicken”, shouted Yong Sen as he and the rangers gave chase to Roostoo.

“Oh I may be a chicken but I’m certain I’m not a chicken”, replied Roostoo as he continued to run.

Soon, the rangers had Roostoo cornered at an alley but that didn’t seem to be the case as Roostoo summoned a group of Zetrans to aid him in his battle. While the rangers battling the Zetrans, Roostoo took to the sky and decided on which ranger he would like to put some fear into. As he was deciding, Nasrul noticed that Roostoo was in the sky, so he called for his S-Gear and used the Jet mode to battle with Roostoo. Not long after, the rangers called for their S-Gear and used the Dash mode to finish off the remaining Zetrans before switching it to the Jet mode to help Nasrul battle Roostoo.

While the other rangers were on the way to help Nasrul, Roostoo’s exploding feathers scored a direct hit on Nasrul. Once Nasrul had regained his balance, he attacked Roostoo with his blasters. Then the other rangers did the same and soon Roostoo crashed landed on the ground hard. While still hovering in the sky, the rangers called for their STAR weapons and formed up the STAR Cannon. Once the STAR Cannon was formed up, the rangers fired it and destroyed Roostoo.

Back at the Zeta Base, Kaijax fired the 3 poles and made Roostoo grow. Once Roostoo had grown, the rangers called for their STAR zords and formed up the STAR Megazord: Sheath mode. Once the STAR Megazord: Sheath mode was formed, Roostoo wasted no time attacking it. Roostoo attacked it with rights, lefts and some exploding feathers. Soon the rangers retaliated with the Knee Drill Attack. Then the rangers gave Roostoo a taste of the Megazord’s rights and lefts. Not long after, the rangers took the STAR Megazord into the sky and prepared to fire the STAR Rapid Blasters. Once Roostoo was locked on, the rangers opened fire at Roostoo and destroyed it. Upon destroying Roostoo, everyone that was attacked by Roostoo was turned back to normal. Including Anand and Farhan.

Meanwhile back at the Zeta Base, Kaijax did not care much about Roostoo being destroyed, instead he was interested about re-strengthening his army. Soon, he found himself in Ripster’s room. As he was going through some of Ripster’s files, he spotted a note that really got his idea running. After thinking about it, he decided to take the file and continue to read the other pages in his own room.

Once he was in his own room, he continued to read on and found out that Ripster had build an invention the knowledge of Princess Lira or himself for that matter. The invention is some kind of a cloning machine called the ‘Molecule Reconfigurater’. Soon an idea strikes his head and he soon realized that he had found away to re-strengthen his army.

After reading the rest of the notes, Kaijax went on a search for the Molecule Reconfigurater. After about half an hour of searching, he finally found the machine and soon decided to give it a try. So Kaijax called one of the Zetran to assist him. Once he got a Zetran to help him, he stood in one of the chamber and asked the Zetran to start the machine.

Once the process was completed, Kaijax stepped out of the chamber and looked at the other chamber. Soon a monster came out of the chamber and to Kaijax surprise, the monster did look a little like him. Only problem is the monster was a female monster. Once the monster had stepped out of the chamber and looked at Kaijax, it ran towards it and bowed at his feet.

“Hello father, how can I serve you?” asked the monster.

“Father?” replied Kaijax.

“You are the one who created me is it not?” added the monster.

“Yes, yes I did, my daughter”, replied Kaijax, “But first you need a name and I shall call you ‘Kortana’ ”, added Kaijax.

“Kortana, I like that name. Thank you father”, replied Kortana.


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