Friday, October 07, 2005

Eps 11: Rise of Darkness (Part 1)

It was fairly peaceful and quite at the Zeta Base when all of a sudden, Princess Lira called out for the three officers. At the sound of their names, they rushed out of their quarters to find out what the Princess wanted.

When they got there, Princess Lira smiled at all of them and said, ”Since none of you can defeat the rangers, I know of someone who can. His name is ‘Sentra’ and he will be the one who destroys the rangers once and for all.”

Then Kaijax asked who the heck was Sentra but Princess Lira could reply to them that they will just have to wait. Then she told Kaijax that when Sentra comes, he will have to bring Sentra to Earth and introduce him to the rangers. Just then, a Zetran came up to Princess Lira and whispered something to her. Immediately she got up and asked the 3 officers to follow her as she brought them a certain lab in the Zeta Base.

“Now allow me to introduce to you the one who will destroy the rangers”, exclaimed Princess Lira, ”Sentra, Prince of Darkness”, she continued as Sentra stepped up beside her.

Then all the officers looked at Sentra with doubts that he will be the one who destroys the rangers. Then Princess Lira look at Kaijax and immediately Kaijax nodded his head and asked Sentra to follow him.

Meanwhile on Earth, the rangers had just finished school and Samsul lab-top started to make a buzzing sound. When he checked the lab-top, found out that Kaijax attacking people at Woodlands area. Immediately the ranger find a quite spot and morphed up to do battle with Kaijax, Kaijax stopped his attacks and told the rangers that today will be the day that Earth will belong to Princess Lira. Then Anand told Kaijax that that day will never come as long as the STAR Rangers are around. Then Kaijax looked up to the now darken clouds in the sky and call upon Sentra.

As soon as Kaijax called. Sentra, a dozen bolts of lighting striked the ground between Kaijax and the rangers and out of nowhere Sentra appeared. Then Kaijax walked toward towards Sentra and ordered him to destroy the rangers. Without any hesitation, Sentra ran towards the rangers. Then the rangers took out their blasters and began to shoot at Sentra but he was just too agile as he evaded every oncoming blasts. Then as quick as a flash, he striked down one of the ranger at a time. When rangers got back to their feets, they call for their STAR Weapons and Sentra again. Then called out for his weapon, the Mystic Saber and stopped the rangers in their tracks.

When Sentra was about to finish off the rangers, Kaijax told him to stop. Immediately, Sentra stopped and walked straight towards Kaijax. Once he was standing beside Kaijax, they teleported back to the Zeta Base. Once they arrived back at the base, Sentra asked Princess Lira why did she asked Kaijax to withdraw him from battle. Then she replied that she wants the rangers to suffer before they are completely destroyed. Then Sentra replied that he liked the idea a lot and together they let out a sinister laugh.

Meanwhile at the Command Base, the rangers were badly injured and were confused about what just happen to Sentra. Samsul couldn’t provide the rangers with any answers as this type of situation is new to him as well. Then Anand told the rangers that they had to be prepared for anything now. After that, Samsul told the rangers to take a

rest first while he tries to find out more about Sentra.

Samsul immediately searched the Mega Computer for any information about Sentra but he couldn’t find any information. So he decided to play back the battle scene between the Rangers and Sentra in hopes of finding some weakness on Sentra but he again couldn’t find any. The next thing he did was, he scanned Sentra’s armor for any weak point but in the end, he came up with nothing. The last idea he had was to watch the battle scene over and over again until he has learnt how Sentra fights. Then after 15 minutes of intense tape studying, he has found out how Sentra begins his attacks, the areas he attack and from where he attacks. Once he gathers up all those information, he made a small battle plan to assist the ranger the next time they battle Sentra.

When all the rangers were up and ready, Samsul called for a meeting. Once all the rangers had gathered, he told them what he has done while they were taking a rest. He told them that Sentra also attacks head on with full force. Then he suggests that the rangers to try to evade his attacks before attacking him. While Samsul was still briefing the rangers, the M.A.S went off. When they checked the Mega Computer, they found out that Sentra is back. This time, Sentra came alone. Immediately, the rangers morphed up and put Samsul’s plan into motion.

“Hold it right there Sentra”, shouted Darryl.

“Ah, rangers welcome. Didn’t had enough beating the last time? Well your in luck, I just happened to be in a ‘Beat-up-Rangers’ mood”, replied Sentra as he charged up towards the rangers at full force.

As Sentra runs towards the rangers, they prepared their Saber Blasters and when the time was right, one by one the evade Sentra’s attacks and striked him instead. This impressed Sentra a little bit. Then he turned towards the rangers and told that they he is going to have to change his battle plan of attack. Immediately after saying that, he took out his Mystic Saber, swang it in front of the rangers and said ‘Mystic Slash’. With that move, he took out all the rangers.

When the rangers got back to their feet and called for their STAR Weapons. With their STAR Weapons in hand, they attack Sentra. Then Sentra attack them with another Mystic Slash and once again getting back on their feet, Anand told Darryl to engage in a sword fight with Sentra while he get ready other rangers to prepare to form the STAR Canon.

“Sentra”, called out Darryl, “I challenge you to a duel. Do you accept?, he added.

“I accept your challenge, Red Ranger”, replied Sentra as he got into position.

Soon both Darryl and Sentra had begun their duel. Once the duel had started, Anand told the other to prepare to form the STAR Canon on his signal. When the other rangers were getting into their positions, Darryl was having a hard time dueling with Sentra. He had taken a lot of beating and was not able to take anymore of it but he still continue to fight on. Once the rangers were in their positions, Anand signal Darryl to stop the duel and form up the STAR Canon.

Now it’s Anand’s turn to attack Sentra. Anand began to shoot at Sentra with his Millennium Canon hopping to weaken him and buy the rangers some time to prepare their

canon. After a couple of shoots from the Millennium Cannon, Sentra has fallen to the ground. By now the rangers already formed up the STAR Cannon and are waiting for Sentra to get back on his feet. The moment Sentra got back on his feet, the rangers fired their cannons at him from his front and back. Just when the rangers thought they had this battle won, Sentra did the impossible. He jumped up in the sky avoiding both the blasts, whereas the rangers weren’t so lucky as the were struck by their own blasts which cost huge explosion. After the explosion, all 6 rangers were being flung into air and landed a few distance away. The moment they landed, they demorphed and passed out.

Just then, Sentra landed back on the ground, he told the rangers, “Nice try rangers. Sleep tight”, before he walked away.

To be continued…


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