Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Eps 10: A Ninja’s Tale

While the rangers were training themselves out side the base, Samsul was in the Command Base searching through the Mega Computer for more information. Soon he had found something which he thought was interesting. What he found was a folder with the name, ‘History’.

Then he opened it and found out something interesting. It was so interesting that he called the rest of the rangers back to the base. Once the rangers had returned from training, he told them to gather around the Mega Computer. After they had gathered around the computer, Samsul told them what he had found. Samsul had found the folder which will tell them more about how Sylvester became a ranger. Upon hearing that, the others soon began to become interested to find out more. So Samsul proceeded on and opened the History folder. After he had opened that folder, he found 2 more folders. 1 was entitled ‘Thunder’ and the other was entitled ‘Storm’.

Then Nasrul asked Samsul to open up the Thunder folder. Without any objections from the others, Samsul opened the Thunder folder. In that folder, the rangers found a few picture files and 1 MS Word file. Then Samsul chose to open the MS Word first. Once the file had already opened up, the rangers began to read it.

‘It was the year 1996, when I was out with my cousins. There were 5 of us, 2 boys and 3 girls. As we were walking towards the cinema, we noticed a something shining from a distance, so we decided to go and check it out. It was located at a very deserted area. When we got there, we were somehow sucked into it. The next thing we knew was that we were in some kind of high-tech secret base. Soon we decided to get the hack out of there but before we could even escape the place, a man came out of a room and began to greet us. After that he told us that his name was ‘Trom’ before adding that we were chosen to save the world. Upon hearing that, all of us began to laugh. We laughed so hard that we soon started crying. Immediately, Trom shouted at us and told us that it was no laughing matter. Soon an alarm went off and Trom rushed to the Viewing Monitor and showed us what he meant. To our surprise, we saw a monster attacking Earth. At first we did not want to believe what we saw but unfortunately, it was the truth.’

‘Then Ivan, my cousin, rushed straight up to Trom and told him that he wanted to help. Soon the rest of us rushed up to Trom and agreed to help as while. Then Trom told us to wait a while as he walked towards a drawer and opened it. Then he took out a Metallic Briefcase and opened it in front of us. When he opened it, he revealed 5 morphers. Then he gave us our very own Thunder Morphers. Then he told us that if we were to activate the morphers, we had to say, ‘Thunder Rangers, Power Up’ followed by our animal power. So we did morph and become the ‘Thunder Ranger’. Kimberly became the ‘Pink Phoenix Ranger’, Jezabel became the ‘Yellow Griffin Ranger’, Felicia became the ‘Green Lion Ranger’, I became the ‘Blue Unicorn Ranger’ and finally, Ivan became the 'Red Dragon Ranger’. Once we have become the Thunder Rangers, we went out to battle the monster. We may be inexperienced but we managed to win our first battle.’

‘As time went on, our enemy began to grow stronger and soon we needed re-enforcements. So Trom recruited 2 more students to aid us in our battle. They were the ‘White Tiger Ranger’ and the ‘Tor Ranger’, who were actually Nazrul and Saleh respectively. With the 2 addition rangers on our side, we felt like nothing could stop us but we were wrong. After 3 years of battling with the Frude’s minions, we finally met Frude in an all out battle for Earth. We may have won the battle but we lost Trom as he scarified his life to save ours.’

“Wow, I feel a little bit sorry for Sylvester”, exclaimed Yong Sen.

“Kinda, but we do know 1 thing for sure and that Sylvester has been a ranger for 8 years”, added Jerlin.

“Come on guys, let’s check out the picture files”, added Hana.

Then Samsul opened up the the picture files, they saw who the rangers were. Then they decided to open the other folder. Once the 2nd folder was opened, the saw the exact same things in the folder. Only difference was that there were 7 picture files in the 1st folder but in the 2nd folder, there were only 5 picture files. Then they decided to open the MS Word file. After opening it, they began to read the file.

‘It has been 2 years after we defeated Frude and now, Nazrul, Saleh and I were studying in the same class in Hong Kah Secondary School. Then one day after school, we decided to play soccer but both the field and the soccer court were full of students, so we decided to play in the school’s Bomb Shelter. While playing there, Nazrul kicked the ball and it accidentally hit a light switch. After the light switch was switched on, a ray of light began to shine on 5 statues. When we went to take a closer look at it, we saw 3 of the statues with morphers and 2 of them without morphers. So we decided to take the morphers. After taking the morphers, we continued to walk along to try to find out more about these morphers. Soon we found ourselves standing in front of a computer, so Saleh decided to try to access it for information. Not long after, we found our answer. These powers were made by the Japanese during the Japanese Occupation while they were in Singapore. Then Saleh found out that the Japanese made 5 morphers altogether but we only found 3. Then we decided to morph up and see what powers we have received. After we had morphed, we decided to call ourselves ‘Storm Rangers’. Nazrul became the ‘Yellow Storm Ranger’, ‘Saleh became the Blue Storm Ranger’ and I became the ’Red Storm Ranger’. Soon 3 different spot lights began to shine on 3 different robots. Then Nazrul decided to name the robots ‘GR’, which means ‘Giant Robots’. ‘

‘After we became the Storm Rangers, we did not see any ranger action until one day when we saw the news in school that a giant monster was attacking the twin towers in Malaysia. The monster was from a terrorist group known as ‘The Brotherhood of Cells’. Immediately, we went into the bomb shelter, morphed up and prepared for battle. We deployed our GRs and defeated the monster. Upon our return, we were surprised to see a lot of reporters in our school. To make matters worst, upon our arrival into our school’s compound, we were attacked by 2 other rangers. Soon we won the battle, and brought the other 2 rangers back to the bomb shelter. Once we were in the bomb shelter, we began to strike a conversation with the other 2 rangers. They were Kasumi, the ‘Kabuto Ranger’ and her sister, Ayane, the ‘Kuwaga Ranger’. Together they were known as the ‘Beetle Rangers’. Soon the 2 groups joined forces and began to fight a common enemy. We battled the terrorist group for 2 years. Our battle was so intense that the battle was brought all the way to Frozil, the home planet of the Brother of Cells. So the rest of my teammates decided to follow them but I volunteered to stay back on Earth to protect it in case any other evil forces would want to invade it and boy, was I right. Earth was attacked by another group of aliens, known as ‘The Zeta Empire’. Since I was the only rangers on Earth, I knew I needed help. So I recruited 6 teens to help save the world.’

“Ok so I guess this is where we come in, right?” exclaimed Nasrul.

“I think so. Should we make a new folder?” added Darryl.

“I think it should be ok”, replied Anand.

“Then I’ll get right on it”, added Samsul.

Then the rangers began to add their own chapter into the Ranger History.


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