Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Eps 27: High Flyers

As the rangers were walking home from school, the weather was hotter than usual. Suddenly, Nasrul asked the rest of the rangers if they wanted to go to the beach to cool off. Then one by one the rangers agreed, so they headed back to their house and pack their bags to head for the beach.

Once they were at the beach, the guys wasted no time stripping themselves down to their swimming trunks and dived into the cooling waters of the ocean. Once they were in the water, they began splashing about. Not long after the girls joined the guys in the water and soon, they were splashing water around as well. After a while, the rangers exited the water feeling hungry, so they open their bags and soon realized that they had forgotten to pack foods. Soon the rangers could hear some munching sound behind them and when they turned around to have a look, they noticed that Jerlin was enjoying the sandwiches that she has brought from home. Soon the rangers began to eye on the sandwiches but before any of them could grab sandwiches, Jerlin reached into her bag and pulls out 6 more packets of sandwiches and handed them to the rangers.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was having a little meeting with Ripster and Kaijax. Then she looked at Kaijax and asked him if he had any monsters left to summon to destroy the rangers. Then Kaijax told Princess Lira that he does have a few monsters left and in an instant, he summoned a monster known as 'Skydive'. Immediately, Kaijax gave Skydive the word to attack Earth and the rangers.

Back on Earth, the rangers were now resting under a big shady tree after after they had just finished eating their sandwiches. While they were resting, Samsul's laptop went off and when he checked it out, he realized that a monster was on the loose. Immediately, the rangers left the area and searched for a quite area to morph. After the rangers had morphed up, they caught up with the monster near the West Coast shores.

"Stop right there creep", shouted Hana to Skydive.

"And who's going to stop me, you little girl?" replied Skydive.

"No, we are going to stop you", replied Anand.

Immediately the rangers call for their STAR Weapons and began their attack on Skydive. Then Skydive summoned some Zetrans to help him attack the rangers. Soon the Zetrans were defeated and all 7 of the rangers were now setting their sights on Skydive. Then the rangers formed up the STAR Canon and prepared to fire it at Skydive. Once the rangers were ready, the fired the STAR Canon but to their surprise, Skydive flew out of the way and began to attackt the rangers from the sky.

"So he wants to take the battle to the sky, I say we give it to him", exclaimed Darryl.

"Right", replied the other rangers.

"S-Gear, Power up!” shouted the rangers.

Once the rangers were in their S-Gear, Darryl instructed the rangers to use the Jet Mode. Soon the 5 STAR Rangers were flying into the sky and began attacking Skydive. Then as if flying rangers were not enough, both the Millennium and Nova Rangers were attacking Skydive from the ground. Unable to concentrate with lasers firing at every direction, Skydive was shot from the sky by Yong Sen. As Skydive was falling to the ground, Farhan took his Nova Blade and ran towards Anand. Then he jumped of Anand's shoulder and was launched into the sky. As Farhan was going up, Skydive was falling down in his direction. Then Farhan slashed Skydive as they went passed each other. After being slashed, Skydive continue to fall. As he was falling, Anand had already locked his Millennium Canon on Skydive and when the timing was right, he fired it coursing Skydive to blow up in mid air.

Back at the Zeta Base, Kaijax pressed the red button to fire off 3 poles and made Skydive to grow. Once Skydive has grown, the rangers called for their zords and form up to the STAR Megazord: Stealth Mode, Millennium Megazord and Nova Megazord. When the 3 Megazords were ready, they each took turns to attack Skydive but before any of the Megazords could lay a hand on him, Skydive took to the sky again. As soon as Skydive took off, Farhan flew his Nova Megazord into the sky to chase. Not long after, the STAR Megazord took of as well leaving the Millennium Megazord all alone on the ground.

Once the Nova Megazord had caught up with Skydive, it attacked him with its Nova Saber, cutting of 1 of his wings. Then the STAR Megazord attacked Skydive with its Knee Drill Attack, cutting off the Skydive's remaining wing. Then as Skydive was falling helplessly to the ground, The Millennium Megazord was preparing to use its 'Double Barrel Arm Canon' to finish off Skydive. When the timing was right, Anand fire the canon. The shot hit Skydive but it did not destroy him.

"What that should have done it", announced Anand.

"We need to try something else", added Darryl.

"Guys let form up the Millennium STAR Megazord. That just might work", added Anand.

So as soon as the STAR Megazord: Stealth Mode landed, the rangers power down the S-Gear and combined their STAR Megazord with the Millennium Megazord to form the Millennium STAR Megazord. Once the Millennium STAR Megazord was formed up, the rangers prepared to finish off Skydive with the Hyper Drill Canon and when the timing was right, the rangers fired the canon and this time they were able to destroy Skydive.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was shouting over at Ripster and Kaijax. She was shouting at them because the rangers have always found a way to beat her monster every single time. Then after she had let out all of her anger on the 2 officers, she told them to get out off her sight.


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