Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Eps 26: S-Gear

At the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was having a little conversation with her father, King Rocon, via the Viewing Monitor. Then she told her father what had happened the other day with the White STAR Ranger. After hearing what his daughter had said, he decided to send down his most powerful General to help his little Princess.

After a while, King Rocon’s General had arrived at the Zeta Base. Upon his arrival, he was greeted by Kaijax , who brought him to see the Princess.

“Greetings, Princess. I am General Rhinex and I am here to assist you”, exclaimed the monster.

“Yes I’ve been expecting you General”, replied Princess Lira, “So I also heard that you’re my father’s most powerful General, am I right?”

“Of course I’m the king’s most powerful General, I helped him conquer many other planets for him”, replied Rhinex.

“Very well, show me what you can do. I want you to go and destroy the Power Rangers”, said Princess Lira.

Immediately, Rhinex went down to Earth and began to get the rangers attention. Not long after the rangers arrive to the scene and confronted Rhinex. Then Rhinex told the rangers that he is Rhinex, King Rocon’s most powerful General and he is here to help Princess Lira to conquer Earth. Then Nasrul walked up in front of the group and told Rhinex that that will not be possible while the rangers were around. Then Rhinex told them that that will be easy before he opened fire at the rangers.

Immediately, the rangers called for their STAR Weapons and began to retaliate. Unfortunately for the rangers, Rhinex was too strong for them. Even with the combine power of the STAR Canon, the Millennium Canon and the Nova Riffle, the rangers were still unable to beat him. Then Samsul contacted the rangers via their communicator and topld them to retreat for now. In an instant, the rangers made their retreat and began to regroup on broad the Nova Carrier.

“Man that Rhinex character is too strong for us”, said Yong Sen.

“Even with the combine power of the STAR Canon, the Millennium Canon and the Nova Riffle we couldn’t even starch him”, added Hana.

“Ok, ok guys, slow down. Let me see if I can get to the bottom of this”, replied Samsul.

Meanwhile back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was totally impressed by Rhinex strength. Then Rhinex told Princess Lira that at this rate, Earth will belong to the Zeta Empire in no time and soon began laughing with Princess Lira.

Back on the Nova Carrier, Samsul had already began working on a new weapon with he hopes will be able to beat Rhinex the next time they battle. While Samsul was working on the new weapon, the rangers were busily working on a plan of attack if Samsul is done with the new weapon by the time Rhinex makes his attack again. While they were busy cooking up a plan, Samsul told the rangers that Rhinex was on the attack. He also told them that the new weapon was not ready. Then Anand looked at the rangers and told them that it was time to put their plan into action.

“STAR Power, Ignite!” shouted the STAR Rangers

“ Millennium Power, Ignite!” shouted Anand.

“Nova Blast!” shouted Farhan.

Soon the rangers caught up with Rhinex. Then Rhinex ask the rangers if they were back for more before he began his attack. Then once again the rangers called out for their STAR Weapons and attacked him, even though they knew that it was on effective against him. During The battle, the rangers were being beaten down. Then just to add insult to injury, Rhinex summoned a group of Zetrans down to assist him in the destruction of the rangers. While that was going on, Sansul was still struggling to finish the new weapon. Soon he has completed the new weapon but he doesn’t know if it works or not. Knowing the risk if the weapon does work, Samsul contacted the rangers and told them that he will be sending them the new weapon. He also told them to call out ‘S-Gear, Power Up’ to receive the weapons.

“You guys ready”, asked Anand.

“Yes”, replied the rest of the rangers in a single voice.

“S-Gear, Power up!” shouted all the rangers.

Soon, a beam of light shined down upon the rangers. While the light was shinning on the rangers, they were being armored with shield and new weapons and when the light began to fade, the rangers armed with their new S-Gear was revealed. The amours are attached to a backpack, which is located on the back of the rangers. These backpacks have 3 different modes. The modes are Driller Mode, Jet Mode and Dash Mode.

Hana and Nasrul used the Jet Mode, so backpack transformed into wings with booster on the tip. The weapons were located on the wings and they are blasters that fire out lasers. Jerlin and Yong Sen Used the Driller Mode, so their backpack transformed into a single booster and their weapons were located on their hands and they are also used to drill tunnels underground. Finally Darryl used the Dash Mode, so his backpack did not transform but instead, the backpack hooked 2 jagged-edged blades on his wrist and his boots were equipped with rocket powered roller blades. Then Samsul told the rangers that the good thing about these S-Gears is that the rangers can use any mode that they like but for the Nova and Millenium Ranger, they did not receive the backpacks, instead their suit base colour changed and their weapons power was increased. Farhan’s Nova suit was changed from a blackish grey to a white base with blue lining and Anand’s Millennium suit changed from a dark blue to an orange base with white shield.

With the new weapons, the rangers attacked the Zetrans and Rhinex. Hana and Nasrul took to the sky and attacked some of the Zetrans from there while Jerlin and Yong Sen attacked the rest of them from underground. Then, Darryl attacked Rhinex with super high speed and with several strike of his sword Rhinex was weakened, then it was Anand’s turn to attack, his Millennium Canon was now able to installed over his arm for maximum damage, so he used it to hit Rhinex. Then, Farhan used his Nova Blade, which was now engulfed with flame to weaken Rhinex further. Finally, Farhan placed his Nova Blade into his Nova Riffle and fired it at Rhinex. With that attack, Rhinex was destroyed.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira pressed the red button and fired the 3 poles to make Rhinex grow. Once Rhinex has grown, the rangers called for their zords. Once the rangers were onboard their zords, Samsul told the STAR Rangers that they could use the S-Gear to power up the STAR Megazord. With that in mind, the STAR Rangers formed up the STAR Megazord and due to the power of the S-Gear, the STAR Megazord changed its base colour from black to white. Then the rangers called the new mode, ‘STAR Megazord: Stealth Mode’. Then the Millennium Megazord and the Nova Megazord soon joined in the battle. Then the Millennium Megazord and the Nova Megazord began to walk towards Rhinex and do a little double team on him while the STAR Megazord: Sheath Mode was preparing to attack it with the STAR Rapid Blasters and the difference between the Stealth Mode and the Normal Mode STAR Rapid Blasters is that the Sheath Mode blasters are now equipped with the Drills. Once they were ready, they fired it at Rhinex destroying him completely.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira had no way of informing her father of what had just happened to his most powerful general because to satellite was not in line with the planet her father’s planet. Meanwhile back on Earth, the rangers thank Samsul for the new and cool S-Gear


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