Sunday, January 08, 2006

Eps 23: Clash with the Past

“Hey what are you looking at, Hana?” asked Jerlin curiously.

“Huh? Nothing. Nothing at all”, replied Hana.

Then Jerlin looked at the direction in which Hana was facing and found out that she was looking at Farhan, who was making his way to class. Then Jerlin came up with a theory that Hana has a liking for Farhan and when she told Hana about her theory, Hana began to deny the theory. Immediately, Hana changed the topic by saying that they had to return to class.

Meanwhile, Farhan had already reached to his class and soon lessons have started. Once school has ended, Mr. Tay began to dismiss his class. Everyone expect Farhan. Then he told Farhan that he has missed a lot of lesson and he was willing to give Farhan remedial lessons to try and cover up those lessons that he has missed out. Then Farhan looked at the other rangers and told them to go off first and that he will catch up with them once he has finished his remedial. Immediately, the other rangers agreed and headed towards the Nova Carrier.

Once on board the Nova Carrier, the rangers began searching for an area where they could do their work and monitor the activities on Earth. Since this was their first time on board the Nova Carrier and the fact that the Nova Carrier was a huge zord, they do not know what level is for what purpose. So after looking around the Nova Carrier for about an entire hour, the rangers finally found a suitable area on the 3rd level to call the Command Bay. Immediately, the rangers began to setup their equipments.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Kaijax was given the order to test pilot the Chimerazord on the moon before he pilots it to attack the rangers. Then Kaijax walked towards the Chimerazord and sat in its cockpit. Once he was ready, he fired up the engines and began to pilot the Chimerazord out of the Zeta Base. The minute he was out, he piloted the Chimerazord to the moon and began the test piloting.

After awhile of testing, Princess Lira contacted Kaijax and asked him, “Well Kaijax, how’s the test piloting coming along?”

Then Kaijax replied, “Everything’s working perfectly, Princess. Soon the zord that once obeyed the Nova Ranger will now be his destructor”, before ending it with a hideous laugh.

Then back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira ordered Ripster to summon a monster to attack Earth. Immediately Ripster summoned a monster known as Octostrike. Then Ripster gave Octostrike the word to begin his attack.

Meanwhile, Farhan has just finished his remedial lesson and was about to make his way to the Nova Carrier when he was suddenly attacked by a group of Zetrans. Immediately, he contacted the other rangers and informed them of the situation but as the rangers were about to help Farhan, Samsul alerted them that a monster was on the lose near the Old Kallang Airport. Then Anand spilt the 6 rangers into 2 groups. 1 group will help Farhan and the other group will try to keep the monster at bay until the other group arrives.

Immediately, the rangers morphed up and when to their respective locations. Nasrul and Hana were the ones chosen to help Farhan, while the other 4 rangers began to attack Octostrike. Upon reaching Farhan’s location, Nasrul and Hana wasted on time in assisting Farhan with the Zetran problem. Once the Zetrans were defeated, Nasrul told Farhan that a monster was on the lose and that the other rangers were fighting him at that point of time. Immediately, Farhan morphed up and called for his Nova Rover. Then Nasrul called for his Top Speeder. Once both vehicles have arrived, Farhan looked at Hana and told her that he’ll give her a left to the battle site.

Meanwhile back at the battle site, the rangers had already defeated their share of the Zetrans that was sent down to help Octostrike and were now battling him. Half way through the battle, the sound of roaring engines could be heard. Soon both the Top Speeder and the Nova Rover could be seen. Then as Nasrul drove his Top speeder in front of Octostrike, he gave a little fancy kick right in the monster’s chest before joining the rest of his friends. Not long after, Farhan and Hana joined them.

Once all the rangers were ready, they called out for their STAR weapons. Upon receiving their weapons Darryl called out to the other rangers to form up the STAR cannon and when the STAR canon was ready, they fired it. Then followed by the Millennium Ranger, who fired his Millennium Canon and then the Nova Ranger, who fired his nova Rifle. With 3-mega-fire power, Octostrike was destroyed.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira gave the signal to Kaijax to begin his attack but before he could go down, Rispter would have to make his monster grow. Once Octostrike has grown, the rangers called for their zords. Then the Nova Carrier appeared from the sky and delivered the zords to the rangers. Once the zords were delivered, Anand told Darryl to form up the Millennium STAR Megazord. Then when the Millennium STAR Megazord was about to attack Octostrike, the sky suddenly turned dark and the Chimerazord appeared.

“Oh no! Guys look, it’s the Chimerazord”, announced Yong sento the other rangers.

“Don’t worry guys, that one’s mine”, replied Farhan caimly as he beamed himself into the Nova Jet’s cockpit.

As soon as the Nova Jet took off, the Chimerazord began its attack on it. Then Kaijax converted the Chimerazord into the Chimera Megazord. Knowing that the Nova Jet would be no match for the Chimera Megazord, Farhan asked the in-built computer whether or not the Nova Jet could be coverted into a Megazord. Then the in-built computer replied that it was able to. All Farhan needed to do was to hit the Megazord formation switch which was located on the right hand side of his control panel. Immediately after Farhan hit the switch, the Nova Jet began to covert itself into the Nova Megazord. Now that the Nova Jet has converted into the Nova Megazord, Farhan began to counter attack the Chimera Megazord just before he took the battle to the sky.

Meanwhile back on land, the Millennium STAR Megazord was giving Octostrike a mega headache with heavy rights and lefts to his head. Once the rangers noticed that Octostrike was weakened, they power up the Hyper Drill Canons and fired it at Octostrike. After destroying Octostrike, the rangers decided to join the battle in the sky and took off immediately. As the Millennium STAR Megazord made its way to help Farhan, Farhan was having not much problems dealing with the Chimera Megazord as he knew what it was capable of.

“Kaijax, what are you doing?” questioned Princess Lira as she noticed that Kaijax has not even scratched the Nova Megazord, “Quit playing around and finish off the Nova Megazord, now.”

“But Princess, I’m doing……….” Replied Kaijax as he was interrupted.

“No buts Kaijax, do it now”, added Princess Lira.

“Very well Princess, as you command”, replied Kaijax.

As soon as he said that, he began to power up his main weapon the ‘Dragon Rage’ but before he could even fire it, the Millennium STAR Megazord attacked him. Knowing that he could not battle both the Nova and Millennium STAR Megazords he immediately fired his Dragon Rage but his attack missed the rangers. Then the rangers fired their Hyper Drill Canons but that only weakened the Chimera Megazord, so Farhan summoned the Nova Megazord Saber and finished of the Chimera Megazord.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was now furious with the rangers especially, the Nova Ranger. Suddenly, Kaijax appeared out of nowhere and collapsed in front of Princess Lira. Immediately, Princess Lira ordered a few Zetrans to bring Kaijax to the Medic Room.


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