Monday, January 02, 2006

Eps20: Nova Blast (part 3)

Knowing that innocent students might be caught in the cross fire, Samsul began to lead Sentra out of the hall. As he began to lead Sentra outside, the other rangers were still dealing with the Zetrans. Then Anand shouted at Hana and Jerlin to lead the other students out while he and the other rangers try to keep the Zetarns at bay.

Immediately, the 2 girls did as they were told. They began to lead the other students out of the school. As that was happening, Samsul was having a hard time battling Sentra. Even with the help of the in-built computer, he was still unable to beat Sentra. Then Samsul decided to use his Nova Blade. As soon as he took out his sword, Sentra had also decided to use his Mystic Saber.

As both of their swords were locked up, Samsul said to Sentra,”Farhan stop this madness please.”

“Who are you talking about. I am Sentra, Pirnce of Darkness”, replied Sentra.

“Farhan snap out of it man, try to remember”, added Samsul just before he kicked Sentra away.

After he kicked Sentra away, Samsul revealed himself to Sentra. By then, the other rangers had already completed their other missions. The Zetrans were defeated and the students have safely escaped the school. When the other rangers caught up with Sentra and the Nova Ranger, everyone was surprised to see Samsul as the Nova Ranger. What surprised them more was the fact that Samsul was trying to make Farhan remember who he really was. Soon the other rangers joined in and help Samsul. Soon after the rangers tried to give Sentra’s memory a jump start, Sentra pushed everyone away. After that Sentra tried to attack the rangers but somehow he couldn’t.

“Ahhh. My head. What’s happening to me?” questioned Sentra as piece and bits of his memory start to return.

“Farhan, are you ok?” asked Hana as she walked towards Sentra only to be pulled back by Anand.

Then Hana pushed Anand’s hand away and walked towards Sentra. Upon reaching Sentra, she gave him a big hug and asked him to remember who he really was. Then Sentra pushed Hana away and asked her to leave him alone. Then all of a sudden, Sentra told the Nova Ranger to destroy him but the Nova Ranger replied that he can’t do that. Then Sentra told the rangers that is the only way to save their friend. Then all of a sudden, Sentra pushed everyone away and run after Gumka. When immediately, Samsul put on his helmet and chased after Sentra. Soon the other rangers followed behind.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was getting worried that Sentra might regain his memory, so she decided to ask Kaijax to send down a monster to distract the rangers. Immediately, Kaijax sent down a monster known as Rattimite. Upon his arrival on Earth, he immediately went after the Nova Ranger. While the Nova ranger was battling Rattimite, he told the rangers to go after Sentra. Immediately, the rangers continued their chase.

Soon the rangers caught up to Sentra only to be pushed away again. Then the Nova Ranger decided to use his Nova Riffle to attack Rattimite but when he pulled the trigger, Rattimite jumped out off the way and the ray accidentally hit Sentra at his power belt. Upon hitting the power belt, a dim light covered Sentra and when it fades, Farhan was revealed and Sentra was no more.

Then Rattimite realized that he had not done his job, he decided to run away. As he was running away, he did not notice that the Nova Ranger was aiming his riffle at him. By the time he realize it, it was too late. Then when he turned around, he was slashed by the Nova Blade and as soon as Rattimite’s body lands on the ground, it exploded.

Then the Nova Ranger rushed towards Gumka, who was shaken up by what has happened. Then in a blink of an eye, the Nova Ranger stole the rangers’ Ring Morpher back from Gumka who run away soon after. While Gumka was running away, he was stopped by Princess Lira who ordered him to finish of the ranger. Then without any choice, Gumka did as he was told.

Then Gumka walked up towards the rangers I challenged them to a battle. By that time Samsul had already given the rangers back their rings, so the rangers morphered up and accepted the challenge. Then Samsul told the rangers that he will let them handle things from here while he brings Farhan somewhere safe. Once they reached a safe place, Farhan thanked Samsul for freeing him from Sentra and also asked him for his forgiveness for all the things he has done while he was Sentra. Then Samsul told Farhan that he will be forgiven if he accepts one thing.

Meanwhile, the rangers were busy battling some Zetrans, who was send down to help Gumka, and Gumka himself, when out of nowhere the Nova Ranger appeared and began attacking Gumka while the other rangers were battling the Zetrans. Then the rangers formed up their STAR Canon and fired it at the Zetrans. Now that the Zetrans were out of the way, the rangers now focus their attention on Gumka, who was busy battling the Nova Ranger. Then the Nova ranger took out his Nova Blade and attacked Gumka with an attack known as ‘Nova Slash’. After being hit by the Nova Slash, Gumka landed on the ground hard. Then the rangers took this chance to fire their canons at Gumka.

“STAR Canon, Fire!” shouted the STAR Rangers.

“Millennium Canon, Fire!” shouted the Millennium Ranger.

“Nova Riffle, Fire!” shouted the Nova Ranger immediately after the Millennium Ranger.

Now after being hit by 3 heavy duty fire powers, Gumka was destroyed. Then at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira pressed the red button to send down 3 poles to make Gumka grow. Once Gumka has grown, the rangers called for their STAR Zords and the Millennium Tankzord to form up the Millennium STAR Megazord.

Once the Millennium STAR Megazord was formed up, the rangers began to attack Gumka with its fists but Gumka was able to evade every attack that came his way. Knowing that the rangers need a little help, the Nova Ranger began to distract Gumka from the ground but shooting his Nova Riffle at him. When Gumka was distracted by the Nova Ranger, the other rangers took the opportunity to attack Gumka with the Hyper Drill Canons. Once the canons were locked on to Gumka, the rangers fired the canons and detroy Gumka.

Once Gumka was destroyed, the rangers jumped out of the Millennium STAR Megazord and caught up with the Nova Ranger.

“So Samsul, how does it feel to be a ranger now”, asked Jerlin.

“Oh it’s fun but I think I’ll stick to my old job”, a voice answered from behind the rangers.

When they turned to see who answered Jerlin, they were surprised to see Samsul and when they turn back to see who was the Nova Ranger, they were extremely surprise to see Farhan as the Nova Ranger. Then Samsul introduce to the rangers their new Nova Ranger, Farhan. Then Farhan thanked his friends for giving him a chance to undo all the wrong he has done. All that Farhan as return, the rangers felt like celebrating, so the brought Farhan to Club Darrome to have a welcome home party for Farhan.


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