Monday, January 02, 2006

Eps21: Who Am I

Farhan was walking along the beach with the rest o f his ranger friends. As they were walking, Farhan was enjoying the company of his friends. Suddenly, Farhan’s surroundings began to turn black and his friends slowly started to disappear. While Farhan was left in the dark only, a tall and dark figure began to walk towards Farhan. As the figure walks closer towards Farhan, it reveals itself to be non-other than the Prince of darkness himself, Sentra.

Farhan was shocked and surprised to see Sentra alive and well even though he knew for a fact that he was Sentra. Immediately, Farhan morphed up to become the Nova Ranger. Once he has completed morphing, he draws out his Nova Blade and began to attack Sentra. Then Sentra drew his Mystic Blade and began to retaliate. Soon the both of them began to lock their swords. As their swords were locked, Sentra told Farhan that he could never run away from his past. Then Farhan, replied that he had put it all behind him before kicking Sentra aside. Then as Farhan went in for the kill, Sentra’s helmet suddenly came off and to Farhan’s surprise, he found out that he was fighting himself. In total disbelieve, Farhan froze. Then with an opened opportunity, Sentra raised his sword and strike Farhan. As soon as Sentra strike Farhan, Farhan woke up from his bed and realize that it was all just a bad dream.

When Farhan was on his way back to school the next day, all this time, he felt a little uneasy. While he was walking from the Bukit Batok train station, he met up with Anand by chance. Then they walked to school together.

“So how are you man”, asked Anand curiously.

“Fine. Just fine. A little uneasy. That’s all”, replied nervous Farhan.

Then Anand told him that everything will be all right and that he shouldn’t be so tensed up. He added that Farhan should try to relax more. Then Farhan agreed with Anand and did as Anand advised him. While they were walking to school, Farhan asked Anand how they became rangers in the first place. Then Anand told Farhan the entire story. Anand mentioned the fact that Sylvester was a ranger and that he was the one who had given them the powers. Then Farhan asked Anand where was Sylvester as he had not seen him since he arrival back on Earth as Sentra. Then Anand replied that Sylvester had felt Earth to help the rest of his teammates on the planet Frozil. After awhile, the 2 friends found themselves outside the school’s gate.

As both friends walked through the gate together, Mr. Tay spotted them. Once Mr. Tay caught up with them, he asked Farhan where he has been all this time. Then Farhan told Mr. Tay that he was having some problems that hew had to take some time off school. Then Anand tryied to back up Farhan.

“Farhan, did you drop something”, asked Anand as he bends down to pick up a piece of paper.

“Excuse me?” replied Farhan confusedly.

Then Anand gave Mr. Tay the letter that he had just picked up. Then Mr. Tay read the letter that Anand had given to him. After reading the letter, he excused Farhan for not attending his previous lessons. As the 2 friends were walking up to class, Farhan asked Anand what he had given to Mr. Tay. Then Anand replied that he had given Mr. Tay Farhan’s excuse letter typed out by Samsul but it somehow has Farhan’s parents’ signature. Then once they arrived at their classroom, they were greeted by their classmates and began their day at school. After a few hours the school bell rang to signal the end of school. Then the rangers made their way to the old secret rangers hideout with was somewhere near their school, as their real Rangers’ Command Base was destroyed by Ripster.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was furious at the fact that she had lost not only 1 of her officers but she had lost someone whom she had bonded with ever since his arrival to the Zeta Empire and that some one was Sentra. After awhile, Princess Lira had an idea, so she called the remaining 2 officers and told them her plan. Her plan was to recapture Farhan and use his Nova Powers to destroy the rangers. Immediately after hearing her plan, Ripster Summoned a monster named, ‘Sonarris’. Then Ripster gave Sonarris the order to attack the rangers.

As the rangers were walking down that very same path that lead to the capture off Farhan, memories of that unfaithful day started racing through his mind. Suddenly, Samsul’s laptop went off and after checking it, he found out that a monster was on the loose. As the rangers were about to morph, a bolt of lighting strike the ground and some as before, Kaijax appeared. This triggers more memory to race race through Farhan’s head. All of a sudden, Farhan shouted the words, ‘Stop it’ before handing over the Nova Ring to Samsul and running away.

Then Samsul told the others to deal with the monster and Kaijax first while he goes after Farhan. Immediately, the rangers morphed up. Then Anand told the rangers to go after the other monster while he handles Kaijax.

“You are either very brave or very stupid”, announced Kaijax.

“If I can handle Sentra back then, I can surely handle you”, replied Anand confidently before they began their battle.

Meanwhile, the other rangers were battling Sonarris and had already called out for their STAR weapons. After awhile, Sonarris had gotten the better of the rangers and even Anand was having a little trouble with Kaijax. While the rangers were fighting with the Sonarris and Kaijax, Samsul had finally caught up with Farhan but as he was about to question Farhan, Princess Lira had just teleported herself down to Earth and she began to have a little chat with Farhan. While they were chatting, Samsul jumped out from behind the bushes and began to confront Farhan. After much debating, Princess Lira was furious with Samsul and attacked him suddenly. As Samsul was being flung into the air, the Nova Ring was knocked out of his hand and it landed at the feet of Farhan. Now realizing what he has to do, he picked up the ring and called out Princess Lira’s name.

“Thank you Princess, for taking great care of me when I was Sentra but now I must do what I have to do for it is who I really am”, explained Farhan calmly, “and now I must help my friends for I am no longer Sentra. I am Farhan, Nova Ranger.”

Then Farhan put on the ring and shouted the words ‘Nova Blast’ as he punched the air above him with great force. After Farhan had morphed into the Nova Ranger, Princess Lira looked at Farhan and said that he will pay for what he has done as tears began to drop from her eyes. After saying those words, she teleported back to the Zeta Base. Then Farhan helped Samsul up to his feet. Then, Samsul told Farhan that the other rangers were in trouble. Immediately, Farhan asked the in-built computer if there was any vehicle for him and immediately, the computer replied that there was and told him to summon the ‘Nova Rover’. After he had called for the Nova Rover, a black Rover appeared in front of him and then Farhan told Samsul to hop on as he races to save his friends.

Meanwhile, Anand was in a bad shape as Kaijax was having quite an easy time dealing with him. Suddenly, both of them heard the sound of a roaring engine and when Kaijax looked behind him, he noticed a black vehicle was heading towards him. Immediately, Kaijax began to attack it but he ended up being the one who was knocked down. Then Farhan got out of his vehicle and helped Anand up. Then Anand thanked Farhan for his help before calling for his Millennium Cycle.

Meanwhile the other rangers were also not having an easy time with Sonarris. Soon they too could hear the sound of engines roaring and not long after, both the Nova Rover and the Millennium Cycle could be seen. Upon arriving that the rangers’ position, the Nova Ranger jumped out of his vehicle and began to attack Sonarris. Soon the Millennium Ranger jumped off his bike and began to attack Sonarris. While both the Nova and Millennium Rangers were dealing with Sonarris, Darryl told the other the rangers to form up the STAR canon.

Once the STAR Canon was formed up, Anand inform Farhan to join the others and as soon as both of them joined with the rangers, Farhan pulled out his Nova Riffle while Anand was ready and waiting with his Millennium Canon. Once all 7 Rangers were ready, they fired their weapons at Sonarris and destroyed her.

Back at the Zeta base, Ripster was about to make Sonarris grow when Princess Lira stopped him. When he asked Princess Lira why he wasn’t allowed to make his monster grow, Princess Lira just looked at him and replied that it was because she had said so before walking away.

Back on Earth, everyone was glad that Farhan had decided to join his friend in the fight against the Zeta Empire. Then Farhan told his friends that from this point on, nothing will stop him from his new mission and that is to protect the Earth with his friends.


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