Monday, January 02, 2006

Eps22: The Sky’s The Limit

At a netball court in the rangers’ school, Hana and Jerlin were at the center court playing a 2 on 2 game of netball with two other girls from their class. While they were playing, Hana’s alarm watch went off. Then she remembered that she was supposed to meet up with the other rangers at West Mall Shopping Center.

“Hey guys, we’ve got to go!” said Hana as she shoots a ball into the net. “We’re going to meet up with a few friends!”

Then both Hana and Jerlin ran out of school and managed to catch the bus number 173, which was heading towards the Bukit Bakot bus station. Once they had arrived there they ran towards West Mall Shopping Center, which was just around the corner. Once they were at the entrance, they noticed they other rangers were waiting patiently.

“Hey guys, been waiting long”, called out Jerlin towards the other rangers.

“No, as a matter of fact we were just talking about you girls”, replied Farhan.

Then all 8 of them, including Samsul, walked up to 5th floor to the Cinema to catch a movie. The movie they were going to watch this time is ‘I,Robot’, which started Will Smith. Well they were watching the movie, Princess Lira was busy which a plan.

“Kaijax!!!” Princess Lira screamed.

“Yes Princess”, he said.

“Prepare to send a monster down”, she said.

“Yes Princess, at once”, Kaijax said.

Immediately he summoned a monster named Elestomp. Then Kaijax gave Elestomp the order to go down to Earth to destroy the rangers. Once Torrent was on Earth, he began his attack to get the rangers’ attention. While the rangers were enjoying the movie, Samsul’s laptop went off and when he checked it, he found out that a monster was on the loose. Immediately he told the rangers that a monster was attacking the central part of Singapore. Without any choice, the rangers got out off the cinema and mophered up to do battle with Elestomp.

“Stop right there”, shouted Anand.

“And who’s gonna stop me, you?” replied Elestomp before he began to cause an earthquake just by stomping his feet.

Soon the ground began to split open. Then Farhan noticed the ground splitting, so he began pushing the other rangers away from the area before jumping to a safe area. Then the rangers called out for their STAR weapons. As soon as the STAR weapons were in hand, a group of Zetrans appeared and began to attack the rangers. After the Zetrans appeared, Anand told the other rangers to deal with the Zetrans while he and Farhan deal with Elestomp. Once the rangers had understood what they had to do, Darryl was the first to attack the Zetrans. As the rangers began to attack the Zetrans, Anand and Farhan began their double team on Elestomp but even with the double team, Elestomp has proven to be too much for them.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira looked unimpressed with the battle. The only thing that was on her mind was how to get Farhan back. As the Princess Lira was thinking away, Kaijax noticed that she was being distracted, so he asked her if she was all right. Then Princess Lira could only reply that she was all right.

Meanwhile the STAR Rangers have defeated the Zetrans and have already turned their attention towards Elestomp. Then Darryl told the other rangers to form up the STAR canon. Once it was ready, the rangers told Anand and Farhan to get out of their firing way. Once they were out, the rangers fired their STAR canon. Then Anand and Farhan fired their Millennium canon and Nova Rifle respectively destroying Elestomp. After the rangers had destroyed Elestomp, Kaijax fired the 3 poles to make Elestomp grow.

“Guess this is where I stand down”, said Farhan.

“Don’t worry, we’ll finish this in a flash,” replied Hana.

“Sam, we need the zords now,” added Anand.

“They’re now their way guys”, replied Samsul.

Then their zords came towards them. Then the rangers teleported up to their zords and began to form up the Millennium STAR Megazord. Once the Millennium STAR Megazord was formed, Elestomp began to stomp his feet again. As he stomp his feet the ground began to shack violently. This causes the megazord to lose its balance and fall down to the ground. Once the megazord was on the ground, Elestomp began this attack on the megazord. Knowing that his friends were in trouble Farhan desperately search for a way to help his friends.

“There’s got to be a way for me to help them”, questioned Farhan, “Of only I had a zord.”

“But you do”, replied the in-built computer.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier”, added Farhan.

“You didn’t ask”, replied the in-built computer, “By the way, your zord is the Nova Carrier.”

Immediate Farhan summoned for his Nova Carrier. Soon, a bright light appeared in the sky and a huge zord came flying out. Then Farhan gazed upon his new zord which in it’s flight mode looked bigger then the Millenium STAR Meagzord. While he was gazing at the Nova Carrier, the in-built computer told him that the Nova Carrier could also be a command base for the rangers as well as a new hanger bay for the STAR zords and the Millennium Tankzord. Then Farhan was beamed up to the cockpit of the zord. Once he was in the cockpit, he was told that the portion of the zord that will battle was only a small part of the entire zord and it was known as the Nova Jet.

Once the Nova Jet was detached from the Nova Carrier, he began his attack on Elestomp. Due to the fact that the Nova Jet was in the air, Elestomp’s Earthquake Stomps did not affect it. So Farhan began to attack Elestomp with its laser canons once Elestomp was busy with the Nova Jet, the other rangers took this as their opening to destroy Elestomp. Once they were ready, the rangers fired their Hyper Drill Canon and destroy Elestomp.

Once Elestomp was destroyed, all 7 rangers jumped out of their zords and met up with Farhan and his new zord. Then Farhan told the other rangers what the in-built computer told him. After hearing what Farhan told them, the loaded all their zords into the Nova Carrier.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess looked at the Monitor Screen and said to Kaijax, “Why am I not surprised. No matter the next time we battle the rangers, you Kaijax will pilot the Chimerazord and attack the Nova Ranger’s new zord.”

Then Kaijax looked at Princess Lira and replied, “Very well, Princess, as you command.”


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