Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Eps 24: Green Is In

As the rangers were walking to the school’s canteen, Yong Sen noticed an advertisement on the notice broad. Then being pondering on what the ad said, ”Volunteer Now To Befriend The Handicap Today”. Not long after, Nasrul noticed that Yong Sen was still looking at the notice broad.

“Yo! Yong Sen, you coming?” asked Nasrul.

“Ya, ya I’m coming”, replied Yong Sen as he caught up with his friends.

While they were having their lunch, Yong Sen told his friends what he had decided to do and that is to be a volunteer to befriend the handicap. So once school has ended, the rangers followed Yong Sen to the V.O.C, the Volunteer Organization Center. Once Yong Sen had finish registering, the registration lady, Ms. Zura, told Yong Sen that they would call him when they have found someone to assign him to.

Later that night, the Ms. Zura called Yong Sen he told him that they have already assigned him to a girl by the name of Ellena Lee, who is wheelchair bound. She also told Yong Sen to be at the V.O.C by 3pm the next day. Immediately after the phone call, he calls his friends and told them the good news.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was pondering on another way to destroy the rangers. Then she called for Ripster, as Kaijax was still recovering from the last Megazord battle with the rangers. Once Ripster had arrived, she asked him to send another monster down to Earth. Immediately, he summoned as monster known as ‘Oxnard’. Then he gave Oxnard the word to begin his attack on Earth.

Back on Earth as the rangers were fast asleep, they were woken up by Samsul who told them that a monster has begun his attack. Still sleepy, the rangers got out of their beds and morphed up. Once they have arrived at Oxnard’s position, they were still a little sleepy but they managed to stay awake and fight the monster. Then the rangers called out for their STAR weapons and formed up the STAR canon. Just as they were about to finish off Oxnard, a group of Zetrans came down an assisted Oxnard. Then as the rangers finished off the Zetarns with the STAR canon, they noticed that Oxnard had already left the area. So the rangers decided to go back home and get some rest before they wake up again for school.

The next day Yong Sen went straight to the V.O.C immediately after school and met up with Ms. Zura and then she brought him to the ‘Singapore’s School for the Handicap’ where he was introduced to Ellena Lee. When Ellena saw Yong Sen, she was not too trilled as Yong Sen was. Once Yong Sen and Ellena were properly introduced, Ms. Zura left the 2 to get to know each other better.

“So would you like to go out for a little stroll”, asked a nervous Yong Sen.

“Ya, whatever”, answered a very bored Ellena.

So Yong Sen brought Ellena out and went for a little stroll. While they were having a stroll, Yong Sen asked Ellena a few questions, which accidentally upset her. Then Yong Sen apologized and decided to bring Ellena back to the school. Once they were in the building, Yong Sen apologized to Ellena for the second time before he made his way home. Back at Yong Sen’s house, Yong Sen was thinking what he has done to offend Ellena earlier on. So he decided to go back to the Singapore’s School for the Handicap and find out what he has done wrong.The next day, Yong Sen went back to the Singapore’s School for the Handicap and met up with Ellena.

When Ellena saw Yong Sen, she looked at him and said, “You again. What do you want now?”

“Look Ellena, I think we got out on the wrong foot yesterday, so I would like for us to get reacquainted”, replied Yong Sen.

Then Ellena looked at Yong Sen dead in his eyes and said, “Ok, let go for a stroll”

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira had noticed that Yong Sen is part of a volunteering project, so she decided to use that to her advantage. So immediately she sent down Oxnard to attack the Green Ranger and Ellena. As Yong Sen and Ellena were having their stroll, Yong Sen’s communicator went off. Then Yong Sen told Ellena that he’s going to answer his handphone. Then he ran behind a bush and answered his communicator instead. When he answered, Samsul told him that a group of Zetrans was on the attack near the southern part of Singapore. Then Yong Sen told Samsul that he would be right there.

Then Yong Sen told Ellena that he had to attend to some problems that needed his fullest attention and that he would bring her back to the school first. Then Ellena told Yong Sen that he was the same as all the other guys who volunteered to look after her. She also added that they did this just to complete their CIP (Community Involvement Program) hours. Then Yong Sen looked at Ellena and told her that he wasn’t like the other guys at all and that he loves to help out other people. He also told her he would be back to chat up with her once he has taken care to the other problem.

As Yong Sen and Ellena were making their war back to the school, they were stopped by Oxnard. Then Yong Sen told Ellena to head back for the school as deals with Oxnard. Then Ellena told Yong Sen that he was crazy to fight with a monster. Then Yong Sen told Ellena not to worry. After saying that, the he began to push Ellena’s wheelchair towards Oxnard. As the wheelchair drew nearer to Oxnard, Oxnard jumped out off the way. Once Oxnard was out of the way, Yong Sen gave Ellena a finale push before he let go of the wheelchair to morph up and battle Oxnard. As the wheelchair was still moving, Ellena heard Yong Sen shout out some words and she immediately stopped to have a look. Then to her surprise, she saw thw Green Ranger fighting wuth the monster.

Unfortunately, Yong Sen was not strong enough for the monster so he decided to call for back up. After he was being thrown aside, Oxnard turned his sights on Ellena. As he walked towards her, Yong Sen shouted out to Oxnard to leave her alone but Oxnard did not listen to Yong Sen. As he got closer to Ellena, the was attacked by the other rangers. As the Nova Ranger pushed Ellena to safety, the other rangers did battle with Oxnard. Then the rangers called out for their STAR weapons and formed up the STAR canon. Once the STAR canon was formed up, they fired it at Oxnard and destroyed him.

Back at the Zeta Base, Ripster fired the 3 poles to make Oxnard grow. Immediately, the rangers called for their Zords and formed up the Millennium STAR Megazord and the Nova Megazord. Once the Megazords were formed up, the Millennium STAR Megazord fired its Hyper Drill Canons at Oxnard and the Nova Mega used its Nova Saber to finish him off.

Once Oxnard was completely destroyed, Yong Sen jumped out off the Millennium STAR Megazord and raced towards Ellena to see if she is all right. Then he demorphed and told the rangers that he was going to sent Ellena back to the school. Once they were at the school, Yong Sen asked Ellena if his secrete was safe with her and she replied that his secrete was indeed safe with her as she gave him a peck on his cheek. Then Ellena asked if Yong Sen would be coming to visit her the next day. Then Yong Sen replied that he will indeed come back to visit her the next day and he sealed that promise with a peck to Ellena’s cheek.


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