Sunday, January 08, 2006

Eps 23: Clash with the Past

“Hey what are you looking at, Hana?” asked Jerlin curiously.

“Huh? Nothing. Nothing at all”, replied Hana.

Then Jerlin looked at the direction in which Hana was facing and found out that she was looking at Farhan, who was making his way to class. Then Jerlin came up with a theory that Hana has a liking for Farhan and when she told Hana about her theory, Hana began to deny the theory. Immediately, Hana changed the topic by saying that they had to return to class.

Meanwhile, Farhan had already reached to his class and soon lessons have started. Once school has ended, Mr. Tay began to dismiss his class. Everyone expect Farhan. Then he told Farhan that he has missed a lot of lesson and he was willing to give Farhan remedial lessons to try and cover up those lessons that he has missed out. Then Farhan looked at the other rangers and told them to go off first and that he will catch up with them once he has finished his remedial. Immediately, the other rangers agreed and headed towards the Nova Carrier.

Once on board the Nova Carrier, the rangers began searching for an area where they could do their work and monitor the activities on Earth. Since this was their first time on board the Nova Carrier and the fact that the Nova Carrier was a huge zord, they do not know what level is for what purpose. So after looking around the Nova Carrier for about an entire hour, the rangers finally found a suitable area on the 3rd level to call the Command Bay. Immediately, the rangers began to setup their equipments.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Kaijax was given the order to test pilot the Chimerazord on the moon before he pilots it to attack the rangers. Then Kaijax walked towards the Chimerazord and sat in its cockpit. Once he was ready, he fired up the engines and began to pilot the Chimerazord out of the Zeta Base. The minute he was out, he piloted the Chimerazord to the moon and began the test piloting.

After awhile of testing, Princess Lira contacted Kaijax and asked him, “Well Kaijax, how’s the test piloting coming along?”

Then Kaijax replied, “Everything’s working perfectly, Princess. Soon the zord that once obeyed the Nova Ranger will now be his destructor”, before ending it with a hideous laugh.

Then back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira ordered Ripster to summon a monster to attack Earth. Immediately Ripster summoned a monster known as Octostrike. Then Ripster gave Octostrike the word to begin his attack.

Meanwhile, Farhan has just finished his remedial lesson and was about to make his way to the Nova Carrier when he was suddenly attacked by a group of Zetrans. Immediately, he contacted the other rangers and informed them of the situation but as the rangers were about to help Farhan, Samsul alerted them that a monster was on the lose near the Old Kallang Airport. Then Anand spilt the 6 rangers into 2 groups. 1 group will help Farhan and the other group will try to keep the monster at bay until the other group arrives.

Immediately, the rangers morphed up and when to their respective locations. Nasrul and Hana were the ones chosen to help Farhan, while the other 4 rangers began to attack Octostrike. Upon reaching Farhan’s location, Nasrul and Hana wasted on time in assisting Farhan with the Zetran problem. Once the Zetrans were defeated, Nasrul told Farhan that a monster was on the lose and that the other rangers were fighting him at that point of time. Immediately, Farhan morphed up and called for his Nova Rover. Then Nasrul called for his Top Speeder. Once both vehicles have arrived, Farhan looked at Hana and told her that he’ll give her a left to the battle site.

Meanwhile back at the battle site, the rangers had already defeated their share of the Zetrans that was sent down to help Octostrike and were now battling him. Half way through the battle, the sound of roaring engines could be heard. Soon both the Top Speeder and the Nova Rover could be seen. Then as Nasrul drove his Top speeder in front of Octostrike, he gave a little fancy kick right in the monster’s chest before joining the rest of his friends. Not long after, Farhan and Hana joined them.

Once all the rangers were ready, they called out for their STAR weapons. Upon receiving their weapons Darryl called out to the other rangers to form up the STAR cannon and when the STAR canon was ready, they fired it. Then followed by the Millennium Ranger, who fired his Millennium Canon and then the Nova Ranger, who fired his nova Rifle. With 3-mega-fire power, Octostrike was destroyed.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira gave the signal to Kaijax to begin his attack but before he could go down, Rispter would have to make his monster grow. Once Octostrike has grown, the rangers called for their zords. Then the Nova Carrier appeared from the sky and delivered the zords to the rangers. Once the zords were delivered, Anand told Darryl to form up the Millennium STAR Megazord. Then when the Millennium STAR Megazord was about to attack Octostrike, the sky suddenly turned dark and the Chimerazord appeared.

“Oh no! Guys look, it’s the Chimerazord”, announced Yong sento the other rangers.

“Don’t worry guys, that one’s mine”, replied Farhan caimly as he beamed himself into the Nova Jet’s cockpit.

As soon as the Nova Jet took off, the Chimerazord began its attack on it. Then Kaijax converted the Chimerazord into the Chimera Megazord. Knowing that the Nova Jet would be no match for the Chimera Megazord, Farhan asked the in-built computer whether or not the Nova Jet could be coverted into a Megazord. Then the in-built computer replied that it was able to. All Farhan needed to do was to hit the Megazord formation switch which was located on the right hand side of his control panel. Immediately after Farhan hit the switch, the Nova Jet began to covert itself into the Nova Megazord. Now that the Nova Jet has converted into the Nova Megazord, Farhan began to counter attack the Chimera Megazord just before he took the battle to the sky.

Meanwhile back on land, the Millennium STAR Megazord was giving Octostrike a mega headache with heavy rights and lefts to his head. Once the rangers noticed that Octostrike was weakened, they power up the Hyper Drill Canons and fired it at Octostrike. After destroying Octostrike, the rangers decided to join the battle in the sky and took off immediately. As the Millennium STAR Megazord made its way to help Farhan, Farhan was having not much problems dealing with the Chimera Megazord as he knew what it was capable of.

“Kaijax, what are you doing?” questioned Princess Lira as she noticed that Kaijax has not even scratched the Nova Megazord, “Quit playing around and finish off the Nova Megazord, now.”

“But Princess, I’m doing……….” Replied Kaijax as he was interrupted.

“No buts Kaijax, do it now”, added Princess Lira.

“Very well Princess, as you command”, replied Kaijax.

As soon as he said that, he began to power up his main weapon the ‘Dragon Rage’ but before he could even fire it, the Millennium STAR Megazord attacked him. Knowing that he could not battle both the Nova and Millennium STAR Megazords he immediately fired his Dragon Rage but his attack missed the rangers. Then the rangers fired their Hyper Drill Canons but that only weakened the Chimera Megazord, so Farhan summoned the Nova Megazord Saber and finished of the Chimera Megazord.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was now furious with the rangers especially, the Nova Ranger. Suddenly, Kaijax appeared out of nowhere and collapsed in front of Princess Lira. Immediately, Princess Lira ordered a few Zetrans to bring Kaijax to the Medic Room.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Eps22: The Sky’s The Limit

At a netball court in the rangers’ school, Hana and Jerlin were at the center court playing a 2 on 2 game of netball with two other girls from their class. While they were playing, Hana’s alarm watch went off. Then she remembered that she was supposed to meet up with the other rangers at West Mall Shopping Center.

“Hey guys, we’ve got to go!” said Hana as she shoots a ball into the net. “We’re going to meet up with a few friends!”

Then both Hana and Jerlin ran out of school and managed to catch the bus number 173, which was heading towards the Bukit Bakot bus station. Once they had arrived there they ran towards West Mall Shopping Center, which was just around the corner. Once they were at the entrance, they noticed they other rangers were waiting patiently.

“Hey guys, been waiting long”, called out Jerlin towards the other rangers.

“No, as a matter of fact we were just talking about you girls”, replied Farhan.

Then all 8 of them, including Samsul, walked up to 5th floor to the Cinema to catch a movie. The movie they were going to watch this time is ‘I,Robot’, which started Will Smith. Well they were watching the movie, Princess Lira was busy which a plan.

“Kaijax!!!” Princess Lira screamed.

“Yes Princess”, he said.

“Prepare to send a monster down”, she said.

“Yes Princess, at once”, Kaijax said.

Immediately he summoned a monster named Elestomp. Then Kaijax gave Elestomp the order to go down to Earth to destroy the rangers. Once Torrent was on Earth, he began his attack to get the rangers’ attention. While the rangers were enjoying the movie, Samsul’s laptop went off and when he checked it, he found out that a monster was on the loose. Immediately he told the rangers that a monster was attacking the central part of Singapore. Without any choice, the rangers got out off the cinema and mophered up to do battle with Elestomp.

“Stop right there”, shouted Anand.

“And who’s gonna stop me, you?” replied Elestomp before he began to cause an earthquake just by stomping his feet.

Soon the ground began to split open. Then Farhan noticed the ground splitting, so he began pushing the other rangers away from the area before jumping to a safe area. Then the rangers called out for their STAR weapons. As soon as the STAR weapons were in hand, a group of Zetrans appeared and began to attack the rangers. After the Zetrans appeared, Anand told the other rangers to deal with the Zetrans while he and Farhan deal with Elestomp. Once the rangers had understood what they had to do, Darryl was the first to attack the Zetrans. As the rangers began to attack the Zetrans, Anand and Farhan began their double team on Elestomp but even with the double team, Elestomp has proven to be too much for them.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira looked unimpressed with the battle. The only thing that was on her mind was how to get Farhan back. As the Princess Lira was thinking away, Kaijax noticed that she was being distracted, so he asked her if she was all right. Then Princess Lira could only reply that she was all right.

Meanwhile the STAR Rangers have defeated the Zetrans and have already turned their attention towards Elestomp. Then Darryl told the other rangers to form up the STAR canon. Once it was ready, the rangers told Anand and Farhan to get out of their firing way. Once they were out, the rangers fired their STAR canon. Then Anand and Farhan fired their Millennium canon and Nova Rifle respectively destroying Elestomp. After the rangers had destroyed Elestomp, Kaijax fired the 3 poles to make Elestomp grow.

“Guess this is where I stand down”, said Farhan.

“Don’t worry, we’ll finish this in a flash,” replied Hana.

“Sam, we need the zords now,” added Anand.

“They’re now their way guys”, replied Samsul.

Then their zords came towards them. Then the rangers teleported up to their zords and began to form up the Millennium STAR Megazord. Once the Millennium STAR Megazord was formed, Elestomp began to stomp his feet again. As he stomp his feet the ground began to shack violently. This causes the megazord to lose its balance and fall down to the ground. Once the megazord was on the ground, Elestomp began this attack on the megazord. Knowing that his friends were in trouble Farhan desperately search for a way to help his friends.

“There’s got to be a way for me to help them”, questioned Farhan, “Of only I had a zord.”

“But you do”, replied the in-built computer.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier”, added Farhan.

“You didn’t ask”, replied the in-built computer, “By the way, your zord is the Nova Carrier.”

Immediate Farhan summoned for his Nova Carrier. Soon, a bright light appeared in the sky and a huge zord came flying out. Then Farhan gazed upon his new zord which in it’s flight mode looked bigger then the Millenium STAR Meagzord. While he was gazing at the Nova Carrier, the in-built computer told him that the Nova Carrier could also be a command base for the rangers as well as a new hanger bay for the STAR zords and the Millennium Tankzord. Then Farhan was beamed up to the cockpit of the zord. Once he was in the cockpit, he was told that the portion of the zord that will battle was only a small part of the entire zord and it was known as the Nova Jet.

Once the Nova Jet was detached from the Nova Carrier, he began his attack on Elestomp. Due to the fact that the Nova Jet was in the air, Elestomp’s Earthquake Stomps did not affect it. So Farhan began to attack Elestomp with its laser canons once Elestomp was busy with the Nova Jet, the other rangers took this as their opening to destroy Elestomp. Once they were ready, the rangers fired their Hyper Drill Canon and destroy Elestomp.

Once Elestomp was destroyed, all 7 rangers jumped out of their zords and met up with Farhan and his new zord. Then Farhan told the other rangers what the in-built computer told him. After hearing what Farhan told them, the loaded all their zords into the Nova Carrier.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess looked at the Monitor Screen and said to Kaijax, “Why am I not surprised. No matter the next time we battle the rangers, you Kaijax will pilot the Chimerazord and attack the Nova Ranger’s new zord.”

Then Kaijax looked at Princess Lira and replied, “Very well, Princess, as you command.”

Eps21: Who Am I

Farhan was walking along the beach with the rest o f his ranger friends. As they were walking, Farhan was enjoying the company of his friends. Suddenly, Farhan’s surroundings began to turn black and his friends slowly started to disappear. While Farhan was left in the dark only, a tall and dark figure began to walk towards Farhan. As the figure walks closer towards Farhan, it reveals itself to be non-other than the Prince of darkness himself, Sentra.

Farhan was shocked and surprised to see Sentra alive and well even though he knew for a fact that he was Sentra. Immediately, Farhan morphed up to become the Nova Ranger. Once he has completed morphing, he draws out his Nova Blade and began to attack Sentra. Then Sentra drew his Mystic Blade and began to retaliate. Soon the both of them began to lock their swords. As their swords were locked, Sentra told Farhan that he could never run away from his past. Then Farhan, replied that he had put it all behind him before kicking Sentra aside. Then as Farhan went in for the kill, Sentra’s helmet suddenly came off and to Farhan’s surprise, he found out that he was fighting himself. In total disbelieve, Farhan froze. Then with an opened opportunity, Sentra raised his sword and strike Farhan. As soon as Sentra strike Farhan, Farhan woke up from his bed and realize that it was all just a bad dream.

When Farhan was on his way back to school the next day, all this time, he felt a little uneasy. While he was walking from the Bukit Batok train station, he met up with Anand by chance. Then they walked to school together.

“So how are you man”, asked Anand curiously.

“Fine. Just fine. A little uneasy. That’s all”, replied nervous Farhan.

Then Anand told him that everything will be all right and that he shouldn’t be so tensed up. He added that Farhan should try to relax more. Then Farhan agreed with Anand and did as Anand advised him. While they were walking to school, Farhan asked Anand how they became rangers in the first place. Then Anand told Farhan the entire story. Anand mentioned the fact that Sylvester was a ranger and that he was the one who had given them the powers. Then Farhan asked Anand where was Sylvester as he had not seen him since he arrival back on Earth as Sentra. Then Anand replied that Sylvester had felt Earth to help the rest of his teammates on the planet Frozil. After awhile, the 2 friends found themselves outside the school’s gate.

As both friends walked through the gate together, Mr. Tay spotted them. Once Mr. Tay caught up with them, he asked Farhan where he has been all this time. Then Farhan told Mr. Tay that he was having some problems that hew had to take some time off school. Then Anand tryied to back up Farhan.

“Farhan, did you drop something”, asked Anand as he bends down to pick up a piece of paper.

“Excuse me?” replied Farhan confusedly.

Then Anand gave Mr. Tay the letter that he had just picked up. Then Mr. Tay read the letter that Anand had given to him. After reading the letter, he excused Farhan for not attending his previous lessons. As the 2 friends were walking up to class, Farhan asked Anand what he had given to Mr. Tay. Then Anand replied that he had given Mr. Tay Farhan’s excuse letter typed out by Samsul but it somehow has Farhan’s parents’ signature. Then once they arrived at their classroom, they were greeted by their classmates and began their day at school. After a few hours the school bell rang to signal the end of school. Then the rangers made their way to the old secret rangers hideout with was somewhere near their school, as their real Rangers’ Command Base was destroyed by Ripster.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was furious at the fact that she had lost not only 1 of her officers but she had lost someone whom she had bonded with ever since his arrival to the Zeta Empire and that some one was Sentra. After awhile, Princess Lira had an idea, so she called the remaining 2 officers and told them her plan. Her plan was to recapture Farhan and use his Nova Powers to destroy the rangers. Immediately after hearing her plan, Ripster Summoned a monster named, ‘Sonarris’. Then Ripster gave Sonarris the order to attack the rangers.

As the rangers were walking down that very same path that lead to the capture off Farhan, memories of that unfaithful day started racing through his mind. Suddenly, Samsul’s laptop went off and after checking it, he found out that a monster was on the loose. As the rangers were about to morph, a bolt of lighting strike the ground and some as before, Kaijax appeared. This triggers more memory to race race through Farhan’s head. All of a sudden, Farhan shouted the words, ‘Stop it’ before handing over the Nova Ring to Samsul and running away.

Then Samsul told the others to deal with the monster and Kaijax first while he goes after Farhan. Immediately, the rangers morphed up. Then Anand told the rangers to go after the other monster while he handles Kaijax.

“You are either very brave or very stupid”, announced Kaijax.

“If I can handle Sentra back then, I can surely handle you”, replied Anand confidently before they began their battle.

Meanwhile, the other rangers were battling Sonarris and had already called out for their STAR weapons. After awhile, Sonarris had gotten the better of the rangers and even Anand was having a little trouble with Kaijax. While the rangers were fighting with the Sonarris and Kaijax, Samsul had finally caught up with Farhan but as he was about to question Farhan, Princess Lira had just teleported herself down to Earth and she began to have a little chat with Farhan. While they were chatting, Samsul jumped out from behind the bushes and began to confront Farhan. After much debating, Princess Lira was furious with Samsul and attacked him suddenly. As Samsul was being flung into the air, the Nova Ring was knocked out of his hand and it landed at the feet of Farhan. Now realizing what he has to do, he picked up the ring and called out Princess Lira’s name.

“Thank you Princess, for taking great care of me when I was Sentra but now I must do what I have to do for it is who I really am”, explained Farhan calmly, “and now I must help my friends for I am no longer Sentra. I am Farhan, Nova Ranger.”

Then Farhan put on the ring and shouted the words ‘Nova Blast’ as he punched the air above him with great force. After Farhan had morphed into the Nova Ranger, Princess Lira looked at Farhan and said that he will pay for what he has done as tears began to drop from her eyes. After saying those words, she teleported back to the Zeta Base. Then Farhan helped Samsul up to his feet. Then, Samsul told Farhan that the other rangers were in trouble. Immediately, Farhan asked the in-built computer if there was any vehicle for him and immediately, the computer replied that there was and told him to summon the ‘Nova Rover’. After he had called for the Nova Rover, a black Rover appeared in front of him and then Farhan told Samsul to hop on as he races to save his friends.

Meanwhile, Anand was in a bad shape as Kaijax was having quite an easy time dealing with him. Suddenly, both of them heard the sound of a roaring engine and when Kaijax looked behind him, he noticed a black vehicle was heading towards him. Immediately, Kaijax began to attack it but he ended up being the one who was knocked down. Then Farhan got out of his vehicle and helped Anand up. Then Anand thanked Farhan for his help before calling for his Millennium Cycle.

Meanwhile the other rangers were also not having an easy time with Sonarris. Soon they too could hear the sound of engines roaring and not long after, both the Nova Rover and the Millennium Cycle could be seen. Upon arriving that the rangers’ position, the Nova Ranger jumped out of his vehicle and began to attack Sonarris. Soon the Millennium Ranger jumped off his bike and began to attack Sonarris. While both the Nova and Millennium Rangers were dealing with Sonarris, Darryl told the other the rangers to form up the STAR canon.

Once the STAR Canon was formed up, Anand inform Farhan to join the others and as soon as both of them joined with the rangers, Farhan pulled out his Nova Riffle while Anand was ready and waiting with his Millennium Canon. Once all 7 Rangers were ready, they fired their weapons at Sonarris and destroyed her.

Back at the Zeta base, Ripster was about to make Sonarris grow when Princess Lira stopped him. When he asked Princess Lira why he wasn’t allowed to make his monster grow, Princess Lira just looked at him and replied that it was because she had said so before walking away.

Back on Earth, everyone was glad that Farhan had decided to join his friend in the fight against the Zeta Empire. Then Farhan told his friends that from this point on, nothing will stop him from his new mission and that is to protect the Earth with his friends.

Eps20: Nova Blast (part 3)

Knowing that innocent students might be caught in the cross fire, Samsul began to lead Sentra out of the hall. As he began to lead Sentra outside, the other rangers were still dealing with the Zetrans. Then Anand shouted at Hana and Jerlin to lead the other students out while he and the other rangers try to keep the Zetarns at bay.

Immediately, the 2 girls did as they were told. They began to lead the other students out of the school. As that was happening, Samsul was having a hard time battling Sentra. Even with the help of the in-built computer, he was still unable to beat Sentra. Then Samsul decided to use his Nova Blade. As soon as he took out his sword, Sentra had also decided to use his Mystic Saber.

As both of their swords were locked up, Samsul said to Sentra,”Farhan stop this madness please.”

“Who are you talking about. I am Sentra, Pirnce of Darkness”, replied Sentra.

“Farhan snap out of it man, try to remember”, added Samsul just before he kicked Sentra away.

After he kicked Sentra away, Samsul revealed himself to Sentra. By then, the other rangers had already completed their other missions. The Zetrans were defeated and the students have safely escaped the school. When the other rangers caught up with Sentra and the Nova Ranger, everyone was surprised to see Samsul as the Nova Ranger. What surprised them more was the fact that Samsul was trying to make Farhan remember who he really was. Soon the other rangers joined in and help Samsul. Soon after the rangers tried to give Sentra’s memory a jump start, Sentra pushed everyone away. After that Sentra tried to attack the rangers but somehow he couldn’t.

“Ahhh. My head. What’s happening to me?” questioned Sentra as piece and bits of his memory start to return.

“Farhan, are you ok?” asked Hana as she walked towards Sentra only to be pulled back by Anand.

Then Hana pushed Anand’s hand away and walked towards Sentra. Upon reaching Sentra, she gave him a big hug and asked him to remember who he really was. Then Sentra pushed Hana away and asked her to leave him alone. Then all of a sudden, Sentra told the Nova Ranger to destroy him but the Nova Ranger replied that he can’t do that. Then Sentra told the rangers that is the only way to save their friend. Then all of a sudden, Sentra pushed everyone away and run after Gumka. When immediately, Samsul put on his helmet and chased after Sentra. Soon the other rangers followed behind.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was getting worried that Sentra might regain his memory, so she decided to ask Kaijax to send down a monster to distract the rangers. Immediately, Kaijax sent down a monster known as Rattimite. Upon his arrival on Earth, he immediately went after the Nova Ranger. While the Nova ranger was battling Rattimite, he told the rangers to go after Sentra. Immediately, the rangers continued their chase.

Soon the rangers caught up to Sentra only to be pushed away again. Then the Nova Ranger decided to use his Nova Riffle to attack Rattimite but when he pulled the trigger, Rattimite jumped out off the way and the ray accidentally hit Sentra at his power belt. Upon hitting the power belt, a dim light covered Sentra and when it fades, Farhan was revealed and Sentra was no more.

Then Rattimite realized that he had not done his job, he decided to run away. As he was running away, he did not notice that the Nova Ranger was aiming his riffle at him. By the time he realize it, it was too late. Then when he turned around, he was slashed by the Nova Blade and as soon as Rattimite’s body lands on the ground, it exploded.

Then the Nova Ranger rushed towards Gumka, who was shaken up by what has happened. Then in a blink of an eye, the Nova Ranger stole the rangers’ Ring Morpher back from Gumka who run away soon after. While Gumka was running away, he was stopped by Princess Lira who ordered him to finish of the ranger. Then without any choice, Gumka did as he was told.

Then Gumka walked up towards the rangers I challenged them to a battle. By that time Samsul had already given the rangers back their rings, so the rangers morphered up and accepted the challenge. Then Samsul told the rangers that he will let them handle things from here while he brings Farhan somewhere safe. Once they reached a safe place, Farhan thanked Samsul for freeing him from Sentra and also asked him for his forgiveness for all the things he has done while he was Sentra. Then Samsul told Farhan that he will be forgiven if he accepts one thing.

Meanwhile, the rangers were busy battling some Zetrans, who was send down to help Gumka, and Gumka himself, when out of nowhere the Nova Ranger appeared and began attacking Gumka while the other rangers were battling the Zetrans. Then the rangers formed up their STAR Canon and fired it at the Zetrans. Now that the Zetrans were out of the way, the rangers now focus their attention on Gumka, who was busy battling the Nova Ranger. Then the Nova ranger took out his Nova Blade and attacked Gumka with an attack known as ‘Nova Slash’. After being hit by the Nova Slash, Gumka landed on the ground hard. Then the rangers took this chance to fire their canons at Gumka.

“STAR Canon, Fire!” shouted the STAR Rangers.

“Millennium Canon, Fire!” shouted the Millennium Ranger.

“Nova Riffle, Fire!” shouted the Nova Ranger immediately after the Millennium Ranger.

Now after being hit by 3 heavy duty fire powers, Gumka was destroyed. Then at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira pressed the red button to send down 3 poles to make Gumka grow. Once Gumka has grown, the rangers called for their STAR Zords and the Millennium Tankzord to form up the Millennium STAR Megazord.

Once the Millennium STAR Megazord was formed up, the rangers began to attack Gumka with its fists but Gumka was able to evade every attack that came his way. Knowing that the rangers need a little help, the Nova Ranger began to distract Gumka from the ground but shooting his Nova Riffle at him. When Gumka was distracted by the Nova Ranger, the other rangers took the opportunity to attack Gumka with the Hyper Drill Canons. Once the canons were locked on to Gumka, the rangers fired the canons and detroy Gumka.

Once Gumka was destroyed, the rangers jumped out of the Millennium STAR Megazord and caught up with the Nova Ranger.

“So Samsul, how does it feel to be a ranger now”, asked Jerlin.

“Oh it’s fun but I think I’ll stick to my old job”, a voice answered from behind the rangers.

When they turned to see who answered Jerlin, they were surprised to see Samsul and when they turn back to see who was the Nova Ranger, they were extremely surprise to see Farhan as the Nova Ranger. Then Samsul introduce to the rangers their new Nova Ranger, Farhan. Then Farhan thanked his friends for giving him a chance to undo all the wrong he has done. All that Farhan as return, the rangers felt like celebrating, so the brought Farhan to Club Darrome to have a welcome home party for Farhan.

Eps19: Nova Blast (part 2)

Once the Mysterious Object was in the laptop, it formed a strange symbol. The symbol was the letter ‘N’ inside a halo. After that, Samsul raced towards the rangers and helped them up. When Darryl asked Samsul what had happened, Samsul replied that he had no idea. Then he showed them wat had happened to the Mysterious Object.

Then one by one the rangers got up and decided that they should go home and get some rest as there was nothing much that they could do. As the rangers were walking back home, Hana realized that Jerlin was still at the wreckage site looking at what she thought she had done. Then Hana began to comfort Jerlin and told her that it wasn’t her fault. Then Jerlin told Hana that she was the one who brought Ripster to the base but Hana told her that she didn’t know that the tiger cub was Ripster in the first place. When Jerlin looked at Hana, she smiled and told her that she was thankful to have a friend like her. Then Hana smiled back at Jerlin and soon the 2 friends were walking home together.

Back at the Zeta Base, Gumka had already completed his operation on Sentra. As soon as he came out of the laboratory, Princess Lira rushed into the lab and saw Sentra lying down peacefully. She noticed that his armor was rebuilt and so was his helmet. Then she whispered to Sentra that he looks good as new. Then she turned and looked at Gumka and thanked him before asking him to send a monster down. Then as both Princess Lira and Gumka walked out off the lab, they saw Ripster walking back into his room but before he could enter his room, he was stopped by Princess Lira. Once she caught up with Ripster, she began to shout at him. When Prince Lira asked him where did he go and what he had done and simply answer that he went down to Earth, tricked the Yellow Ranger into bringing him to the Rangers’ Command Base and then destroying it.

Upon hearing this, Princess Lira was speechless. She just couldn’t believe what she had heard. Immediately, she asked Gumka to check if there was any fire report on Earth within the last few hours. Within minutes of searching, Gumka came back and reported that there was indeed a huge report of a fire out brake in a deserted area. Then Princess Lira apologized to Ripster but she warned him not to do it again. Then she turned and looked at Gumka. Then she asked him if he has already sent down a monster. Immediately, he summoned a monster unknown as Chamelerote. Soon after Gunka had summoned a monster, Sentra woke up and walked out of the lab as if nothing had happened to him. Then he told Princess Lira that he wants to go down to Earth and finish off the rangers for good.

Finally, the day for the CCA Fair has come and all the rangers were at the booth ready for their big day. Then as a group 1st year student came by to their booth, the rangers show cased their talents. Then after a few hours, everyone in school was called to assemble in the Assembly Hall. While the rangers were making their way to the Assembly Hall, they were all bumped by the same guy who they thought to be a 1st year student. Once they were in the Assembly Hall, the principle makes an announcement. He told the students that there was a special guest in the school. Then when he introduced the special guest, everyone in the Assembly Hall was horrified because the special guest was none other than Sentra.

As soon as Sentra appeared on stage, the rangers wanted to escape the hall and morphed up but they found 2 problems. First problem was the entrances were blocked by Zetrans. Secondly, the rangers found out that their ring morphers were missing. Then the rangers remembered that they were all bumped by a guy, so concluded that the guy had stolen their rings.

“Oh man, what are we to do now. Our morphers are stolen by that creep”, exclaimed Darryl.

“Stay calm Darryl, don’t forget Samsul isn’t here. His still in the toilet isn’t he?” replied Anand.

“Ya, ya you’re right we can have him to search the school for that creep”, added Hana.

Then Anand secretly contacted Samsul and told him about the current problem that they were in. Then Samsul told Anand that he understands what he has to do. Immediately, he begins his search for the guy who has stolen the rangers’ rings. Soon after 5 minutes of searching, he noticed that a student was standing in front of Gumka. He also noticed that the student was handing over something shiny to Gumka. Immediately, Samsul suspected that was the student who stole the rings from the rangers. Then he mastered up his strength and ran towards the student and Gumka.

“While, while, what do we have here?” questioned Gumka.

“I think he is just a trespasser who needs to be thought a lesson”, added the student who soon revealed himself to be Chamelerote.

Then Chamelerote begin to walk towards Samsul. As Chamelerote made his way towards Samsul, Samsul’s laptop went off. Even though he knew that this was not a good time to check the laptop, he checks it anywhere. When he opened it, the weird symbol was flashing out the words ‘Nova Blast’. In utter confusion, Samsul read out the word and soon a bright light covered him. When the bright light starts to fade, it revealed a new ranger.

After Samsul had become a ranger, a holographic image of Sylvester appeared before him. Then he told Samsul that he has now unlocked the powers of the ‘Nova Ranger’. He also told Samsul to use the power to help the rangers whenever they were in need of help. Immediately after saying that, the holographic image of Sylvester began to fade.

Then an in-built computer system gave Samsul a battle strategy on how he will be able to defeat Chameleorte. Then in-built computer told Samsul to use the Nova Riffle. Immediately, Samsul located a riffle behind him, so he pulled it out and began shoting away at Chamelerote. Now that Chamelerote is weakened, the in-built computer gave him access to another weapon known as the Nova Blade. Immediately he located the Nova Blade and began his attack on Chamelerote. Soon after a few strikes, Chamelerote was destroyed.

Once Chamelerote was destroyed, Samsul noticed that Gumka had made a run towards the Assembly Hall. Immediately, Samsul gave chase to Gumka but by the time he caught up with Gumka, he has already entered the Assembly Hall. Then without any hesitation, he ran into the Assembly Hall. Once he entered the hall, he came face to face with Sentra.

“Give back those rings Gumka”, shouted the Nova Ranger.

“First you have to get pass me, ranger”, replied Sentra.

“That won’t be a problem, Sentra. Oh and by the way, the name’s Nova Ranger. Learn it well”, replied the Nova Ranger.

Soon the two of them were locked in a huge battle. Immediately the other rangers began to give chase to Gumka. Then in their race to retrieve their Ring Morphers, a group of Zetrans came out of nowhere and distracted the rangers. Soon there was chaos in the hall. Knowing that innocent students might be caught in the cross fire, Samsul began to lead Sentra out of the hall.

To be continued...