Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Eps5: Race On

Sylvester was in the garage of the command base with Samsul fixing what seems to be a car. While they were in the garage, the rangers were out shopping at Center Point Shopping centre.

“I can’t wait to show rangers their new vehicles”, mentioned Samsul.

“Remember Samsul”, replied Sylvester, “No one must know about this vehicle until the time is right, okay?”

Samsul then replied that he understood. As they were they were almost finished, the both of heard the rangers calling for them inside the base. Immediately, both Samsul

And Sylvester dropped their tools, left the garage and met the other rangers. When asked by the rangers what the two were up to, Sylvester replied that he have been training Samsul further. Then Samsul asked the ranger what have they bought. Then Nasrul replied that they have bought uniforms for themselves. At this point time, Sylvester was totally confused about what was going on. Then Jerlin explained that since they were a team, they should dress as a team. That’s why they went out to buy their new uniform. Each of them bought a plain short sleeved T-shirt of their own colors and a black jacket. Jerlin also added that all they need to do now sew on their logos.

While the rangers were preparing their new uniforms, Gumka was deciding which monster to summon out to attack the rangers. When he was called to see Princess Lira. When he got there, Princess Lira asked him why he hasn’t send down a monster and destroy the rangers. Then Gumka replied that he did not know which monster to summon. Then Princess Lira told Gumka to make up his mind or send a group of Zetrans while he decide. Immediately, Gumka ordered a group of Zetrans to attack the rangers.

As soon as the Zetrans reach on Earth, the M.A.S went off then Samsul checked out what was going on and soon found out that a group of Zetrans invading Earth. Immediately the rangers grab their completed jacket and were teleported to where the Zetrans location by Samsul. The rangers had no problems during dealing with the Zetrans within minutes, they have already defeated the Zetrans. After the battle, the rangers asked Samsul to teleport them back to the base. When the rangers got back, Sylvester to be careful, as that was a random attack by the Zeta Empire.

Speaking of the Zeta Empire, Gumka had decided to summon a monster called Cheetrex. Then Gumka told Cheetrex to go down to Earth and destroy the rangers and have some fun while he’s at it. When Cheetrex arrived on Earth, he hopped on his own motorcycle and speed off to cause some trouble. Just then, the rangers were alerted by the M.A.S and immediately they sprang into action when the rangers caught up with Cheetrex they called out for their weapons and began to attack him but they were unable to do damage to Cheetrex, as he was too fast to hit on his motorcycle. Then Cheetrex make a 180 degrees turn and faced the rangers. After the turn, he accelerated at full speed and fired his bikes blaster at the rangers. To make matters worse, he also drove his motorbike directly at them to run them down.

When the rangers were down, Darryl told the rangers that they should form the STAR cannon to try to stop Cheetrex. Then one by one the rangers got up and formed the STAR cannon. Then Cheetrax told the rangers that they don’t scare him and sped off straight at the rangers. As Cheetrax drew nearer to them, fired the STAR and the Millennium cannons but it wasn’t effective, as none of the blasters have hit Cheetrex. Then again Cheetrax fired his blasters and run down the rangers. After the rangers were ran down the second time, Sylvester teleported the rangers back to the command base.

Back at the Zeta base Princess Lira was quite pleased with Cheetrex that she told Gumka that if Cheetrax could finish off the rangers for good, he promoted to a higher rank. With this news in mind, Gumka thanked the Princess Lira and make his way to instruct Cheetrex to finish off the rangers the next time they meet.

Back at the command base, Sylvester told the rangers that he might be able to level the playing field. So he brought them to garage and revealed to the rangers their new STAR Vehicles. There are four vehicles two motorcycles and two cars. Anand’s Vehicle is the’ Millennium Cycle’, Darryl And Hana shared a car known as ‘Lightning Racer’, Nasrul had the other motorcycle known as ‘Top Speeder’ and Yong Sen and Jerlin shared the last car known as ‘Battle Cruiser’. When the rangers were kind of like getting to know their vehicles, the M.A.S went off and Samsul checked out what was wrong. Then he informed the rangers that Cheetrex was on the loose again.

“Well it looks like its time to put these babies to the test”, said Darryl excitedly.

As Cheetrex was causing mayhem, he suddenly heard roaring of engines and when he looked over his shoulder, noticed that the rangers had arrived with their new vehicles. Cheetrex made 180 degrees turn and drove straight at the rangers but this time the rangers were ready. As Cheetrex fired at the rangers, the rangers returned fire at Cheetrex and this time, they were able to hit Cheetrex. As Cheetrex drove away from the rangers both the Blue and Millennium Ranger sped up to catch up with Cheetrax and they did. Now that the rangers had Cheetrax surrounded, they pointed their vehicle weapons at him and opened fire. This time the blast was a direct hit but only the bike was destroyed and Cheetrex was thrown out off the bike. Then the rangers formed the STAR Canon and fire at Cheetrex. Finally Cheetrex was destroyed. Just then, an angry Gumka who had just lost his promotion pressed the red button and made Cheetrex grow.

As soon as Cheetrex had grown, the rangers called for their STAR zords and formed the STAR Megazord. Once Megazord was formed, the rangers decided to use the Knee Drill Attack but they were unable to as Cheetrex was moving very fast. Then they decided to use the blasters. Then as the rangers were about to open fire, Cheetrex jumped behind the Megazord and clinged itself onto the back of the Megazord. Realizing that his friends were in trouble, the Millennium Ranger fired his Millennium Canon at Cheetrex causing him to release the Megazord. Then the rangers thanked the Millennium Ranger and prepared to fire the STAR Rapid Blasters at Cheetrex and when the timing was right, they fired the blasters at him. Now Cheetrex was permanently destroyed.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Gumka was filled with rage and hatred towards the rangers. While he was walking back to his quarters, he met up with Kaijax.

“So how does defeat taste like, Captain?” asked Kaijax in a very confident tone.

“Shut up, General. I’m not in the mood for your games”, replied Gumka as he walked away.

“Oh but the games has just began”, mumbled Kaijax.

Back on Earth, the rangers were bragging about whose vehicle was better. Then Sylvester walked into the room and looked at the rangers.

“Now that the Zeta Empire knows about your new weapons, you must always be on your guard as more and more Zeta Minions will try to invade Earth”, mentioned Sylvester, “And good job on handling your new STAR Vehicles.”

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Eps 4: STAR Clubers

"Ring, ring, ring, ring", went off Darryl's handphone.

When he answered it, he found out that it was his brother-in-law, Miky M.S, the owner of 'Club Darrome'. He called Darryl to ask him if he was interested in a job at the club. With having to consider, Darryl accepted the job offer. After the conversation, Darryl raced to the club to meet up with his brother-in-law. Once he was there, Miky gave Darryl a job as a Bartender. Darryl was so happy, that he rushed out of the club and informed his friends about the good news. After he has informed them, they congratulated him and asked him when he starts.Then Daryl simply replied that he starts later that night.

That night as Darryl,began his first day, on the job, his friends decided to pay him a visit. All except Sylvester and Yong Sen as they were not into clubbing. So Sylvester remained in the Command Base and Yong Sen was at home. Back at the club, Darryl was surprised to see his friends giving him their support on his 1st day . Then Darryl introduced his friends to the man who made his dream into a reality, Miky M.S.

At the Zeta Base, Gumka was pleased to have his chance to destroy the rangers. So he summoned a monster known as Houndon. Then he ordered Houndon to attack and destroy the rangers. Immeadiately, Houndon, went down to Earth and began his attack to lure the rangers to him. Back at the Command Base, the M.A.S went off and Sylvester alerted the rangers immediately. As soon as they received the info, the rangers rushed out of the club and found a quite place to morph up. Only Darryl remained in the club as he didn't want to give his brother-in-law a bad impression. Once the rangers arrived at Houndon's location, they were joined by Yong Sen. Even without Darryl, the rangers continued to battle Houndon but unfortunately, they were not strong enough as they could not form up the STAR Canon. The Millennium canon could only inflick minimum damage to Houndon. After 10 mintues, Houndon retreated from battle.

After the battle, the rangers return to the Command Base hoping the get some answers but instead, they were left puzzled as Sylvester did not have any answers for them. Then Sylvester asked everyone to go home and get some rest as they have school to attend to the next day.

The next day, the rangers met up with each other to discuss what had happened the other night. While they were discussing, Sylvester walked up to them and told them that Houndon was back and he was terrorisnig innocent people at Jurong Point. When being asked how did he know about it, Sylvester replied that he brought along his laptop which is linked to the Mega Computer in the Command Base.

Immediately, the rangers found a quit place and morphed up. When they arrived at the Jurong Point, they couldn't find Houndon anywhere. Then Sylvester informed the rangers that Houndon had already moved to West Mall. Immediately the rangers proceeded to West Mall but by the time they got there, Houndon was nowhere to be seen. Again. Then Sylvester called the rangers back to school as he may have figured out what's going on.

"What's going on man?" questioned Darryl.

"Ya. I mean we were like on a wild goose chase", added Hana.

"Rangers relax ok. I think i have this figured out", replied Sylvester, "I think he's playing around with us. Testing us if you will."

"What do you mean?" asked Jerlin.

"I mean, he is trying to see if we will respond to almost every single call of danger or", replied Sylvester.

Then Sylvester added that he called them back for another reason. It was time to go back to class. So the rangers went back to class felling fustrated. When school was over, the rangers met up and made their way to the Command Base.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Gumka and Houndon were laughing their socks off. If they had any. Then Princess Lira came in and asked them what was so funny. So they simply replied that that they had made the rangers looked like fools. As Gumka breifed her on what had happened, Princess Lira was not so amussed as they were because she specifically told them to destroy the rangers.

That night as Darryl began his second day at work, he hoped that prayed that Houndon would not attack again that night. Unfortunately for him, Houndon did attack that night. Soon the other rangers arrived at Houndon's location where they were greeted by Houndon and some Zetrans. Soon the rangers defeated the Zetrans with ease and now they were up against Houndon.

"You made us look like a fool this morning and now it's payback time", exclaimed Yong Sen to Houndon.

After saying that, Yong Sen called out for his STAR Hammer and ran towards Houndon. Then Houndontook out his sword and striked down Yong Sen Then the other rangers called out for their STAR weapons and attacked Houndon but they ended up the same way as Yong Sen did.Then Sylvester asked Samsul to call Darryl eventhoughhe knew that Darryl was still working. After Darryl received the news, he worked up to his brother-in-law and asked if he could be released early but Miky would not allow it as it was a busy crowd that day. When Darryl was about to ask again, his communicator went off and Darryl had to tell Miky the whole story. After that, Miky let Darryl go.

As Houndon was about to finish off the rangers, Darryl came just in the next of time to help out his friends. Then Darryl told the others to form up the STAR Canon.Once they STAR Canon was ready, they aim, look on and fired it at Houndon. Again with the combined power of the STAR and the Millenium Canons, no monster could survive the blasts. Then an angry Gumka fired the 3 poles to make Houndon grow.

Immediately, the rangers called for their STAR zords and formed up the STAR Meagzord. Once the STAR Megazord was formed up, the rangers use the 'Knee Drill Raise' attack but Houndon was able to evade the attack. Then Anand decided to lend the rangers a helping hand by firing his Millenium Canon at Houndon to cause a little distraction but it only made matters worst for him as a group of Zetarns came down and attacked him.

As soon as the Zetrans came down, the Millennium Ranger did battle with the them while the STAR Megazord was still fighting against Houndon.Then the rangers decided that it was time to end this battle, so they powered up the 'STAR Rapid Blast' and when the time was right, they fired it at Houndon. Once Houndon was destroyed, the 5 rangers went down to help that Millennium Ranger . Once they have defeated the Zetrans, Darryl demorphed and rushed back to the club. Then one by one the others followed.

When Darryl arrived back at the club, he noticed that Sylvester was having a conversation with Miky. As Darryl walked towards them, Miky made his way towards Darryl and once they were standing front of each other, Miky said that he was proud of Darryl for becoming a ranger.Miky was also sworn to secrecy. After receiving the news, Miky told Darryl that if he needed to save the world during his working hours, he would have to inform him first and he also added that he and the rest of the rangers were allowed into the club at any time.

Then Darryl question Sylvester in a confused tone, "what did you do or say to him man?"

"Nothing. You were the one who told him that you were a ranger, not me. I only made him swore to secrecy, that's all", replied Sylvester as he made he way out of the club.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Eps 3: Together as One

As the rangers attended school as usual without both Farhan and Sylvester, life just doesn’t seem right. Anand didn’t concentrate in class as he was planning on how to rescue both of his friends.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Ripster was experimenting with the Red Storm Morpher. Within hours of research, he learns how the morpher works and he immediately reported this to Princess Lira. After he had reported to Princess Lira, she ordered that Sylvester be brought to the dungeon to be executed. Without any question, Ripster did as he was told to. Once he brought Sylvester to the dungeon, Princess Lira, Kaijax, Gumka and a few Zetrans where already there waiting patiently. They were preparing to have a fight to the death.

“Any last words before u die?” asked Princess Lira to Sylvester.

Then Sylvester looked at her and replied, “Yeah, you’re not going to escape with this. I’ll win this battle.”

Then Princess Lira laughed and signaled Kaijax to hand Sylvester a weapon. Immediately Kaijax stepped forward and gave Sylvester his weapon before announcing that he was his opponent. Soon a battle between Sylvester and Kaijax had begun. Kaijax attacked Sylvester with ruthless aggression but Sylvester was able to block every attack that came in his way. Then as both of them locked up their swords together, Kaijax told Sylvester that he was indeed a worthy opponent but all Sylvester could replied was that it’s too bad Kaijax wasn’t one. Immediately after Sylvester said those words, Kaijax began to attack more fiercely and soon he strikes Sylvester on his right arm causing him to bleed profusely. Then Kaijax laughed at Sylvester and told him that he takes back what he had said earlier. While Kaijax was still bragging, Sylvester saw an opening to attack. Without a moment to lose, he strikes Kaijax at his abs region. This brought Kaijax to his knees. Then he noticed that the exit of the dungeon was being guarded by 2 Zetrans. Immediately, he made a run for it.

He strikes down the guards and ran out of the dungeon. Then Princess Lira ordered everyone in the dungeon to find and kill Sylvester. Soon everyone was running out of the dungeon in search of Sylvester, including Kaijax. As Sylvester was running, he spotted a Zetran carrying his morpher from one lab to another. With an injured arm, he strikes down the Zetran and regains his morpher but when tries to morph, he found out that his power level had already depleted so he continued to run. Soon he found himself in a control room with a few Zetrans. Realizing that he had no other choice of escape, he battled the Zetrans. Once that was over, he had lost a lot of blood and needed a way out fast. While searching, he found a teleporting switch. Immediately, he flipped it. By the time Kaijax and the other found out where Sylvester was, it was too late as he had already teleported back to Earth.

By now the rangers had already finished school and were at the Command Base. Samsul was searching for info on the Mega Computer when he receives a communication signal from Sylvester, who was near City Hall Building. Then Sylvester asked Samsul to teleport him back to the Command Base. When he got back everyone was shocked to see Sylvester’s right arm covered in blood. Immediately, Samsul attended to Sylvester’s wound. After a while, Sylvester came out off the Medic Room with his arm bandaged. Once everyone has gathered around, he told them everything that happened on the Zeta Base. He also told them about his power problem. Then Sylvester asked about Farhan, they rangers replied that 2 Zetrans had re-kidnapped him.

Back at the Zeta Base, everyone was being scolded by Princess Lira for allowing Sylvester to escape. Then she looked at Ripster and asked if he had taken the remaining powers from the Red Storm Morpher and instantly he replied that he has done so. Then she asked everyone to leave the room except Kaijax. Princess Lira was extremely disappointed with Kaijax. Then Kaijax apologized and begged for her forgiveness. Knowing that Kaijax has been serving her family for years and the fact that he is her bodyguard, she decided to forgive him. Then she told him to send another monster to attack the rangers. Immediately, he summoned a monster known as ‘Lizardroid’. Then Kaijax ordered Lizardroid to destroy the rangers.

Back on Earth, the rangers were practicing with their STAR weapons in a deserted area near the Command Base when Samsul alerted them that a monster was on the attack. Immediately the rangers morphed up and were ready to face the monster. When they arrived at the monster’s location, there was no sign of Lizardroid anyway. Then Anand called back the base and asked Samsul if he had the right co-ordinates. Then Samsul replied that indeed he had the right co-ordinates. He also told them to comb the area first. Then Anand replied that he understands.

Suddenly, an explosion erupted in front of the rangers. As the rangers were down, they noticed a dark figure approaching towards them and it was carrying a big Blaster. Immediately Anand got up and attacked Lizardroid with his Blaster Saber but Lizardroid was able to evade and hit Anand with his own Blaster instead. Then rangers up Anand up and called for their STAR weapons. Now the rangers had an easier time attacking Lizardroid. Once they noticed that Lizard was weak, the formed up the STAR Canon and destroyed Lizardroid.

Now that Lizardroid was destroyed, Kaijax walked up to a control panel and pressed a big red button which fires 3 poles. Once these 3 poles arrived on Earth, they form a triangular shape around Lizardroid and made him grow. Then Sylvester told Samsul to deploy the rangers’ STAR Zords. Then Sylvester told the ranger that their zords were on their way. Soon the rangers were able to hear something coming from a distance. As it got closer the ranger were surprised to see only 5 zords.

The zords were a Red F-1zord, a Blue B-1 Bomberzord, a Green Trainzord, a Yellow Drillerzord and a White Hover Craftzord. Then Anand asked Sylvester why there were only 5 zords instead of 6. Then Sylvester replied that the 6th zord still has a few bugs to deal with. Once the rangers were in their zords, Sylvester told them to combine their zords to become ‘STAR Megazord’. Then the rangers pressed the ‘Megazord’ button and the zords begins their transformation.

The F-1zord becomes the Abs Region, the B-1 Bomberzord becomes the Head, Chest Plate and Wings. The Trainzord becomes the Shoulder, Upper Arms, Hips and Upper Legs, the Drillerzord becomes the Knees and the Lower Legs. Finally, the Hover Craftzord becomes the Feet, Lower Arm and Hands.

Once the STAR Megazord is formed up, the rangers were stun and amazed, including everyone at the Zeta Base. Then Lizardroid began his attack on the STAR Megazord but the rangers were alert and were able to inflict damage on Lizardroid instead. Then Sylvester instructed the rangers to use the ‘STAR Rapid Blasters’ which were located near the Megazord’s wings.

Once the STAR Rapid Blasters were ready, the rangers shouted, “STAR Rapid Blasters, Fire.”

Then the STAR Megazord fires its dual blasters at the weaken Lizardroid and destroys Lizardroid permanently. This made the Kaijax supremely angry as Princess Lira gave Gumka his chance to attack the rangers.

Back on Earth, the rangers were celebrating their 1st Megazord battle. They were celebrating at a KFC outlet near their houses. While they were eating, Sylvester told the rangers that at this rate, he will be leaving for Frozil real soon. He also told them not to worry as he will continue to guide them till that day comes.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Eps2: Birth of STAR (part 2)

The rangers brought Sylvester back to the Command Base. They were curious to find out why did Sylvester suddenly demorphed and collapsed.

Two hours later, Sylvester awaken to find himself in the Command Base. As he sat up, the first person he saw was Yong Sen. Upon seeing Sylvester awaken, Yong Sen rushed out to inform everyone and upon hearing this, everyone rushed to the room to see Sylvester. Everyone kept on asking the same questions like, ‘How are u?’ and ‘You ok man?’ and all Sylvester could reply was that his fine. Then he told every one what really happened just now. The reason he demorphed and collapsed was because his power is weakening and so every time he morphs, his power level starts to drop causing him to become weak during or after a battle. He also mentioned that the rest of the ‘Storm Rangers’ are on a mission to destroy and evil terrorist group at the planet 'Frozil' and he was the only one who stayed back on Earth because they had a feeling that evil forces may attack Earth. He added that once his job on Earth is done, he will have to rejoin his fellow teammates on planet Frozil and that it was time for the rangers to start their training.

Meanwhile back at the Zeta Base, Kaijax was still filled with rage and was trying to hatch a plan of attack when Princess Lira interrupted him by asking him what was he doing. Kaijax could only reply that he was actually trying to decide whether to send out the ‘Zetrans’, Zeta Empire’s warriors, or another monster. Then a Zetran came in and reported that ‘King Rocon’, Princess Lira’s father, has sent two more officers to aid them in their conquest for Earth. They are Capt. Gumka, a shark-type monster, and Lt. Ripster, a tiger-type monster. Then Kaijax order the Zetran to show the to officers in.

“Your father is kind enough to send two more officers to aid us in our conquest for Earth”, exclaimed Kaijax to Princess Lira.

“Yes, he has always been a King who cares a lot for his family”, replied Princess Lira.

As Kaijax was about add on, he interrupted by the two new officers. Then they did their formal introduction before they got down to business. Kaijax told the two officers that Earth is protected by the Power Rangers, who had already destroyed one his monster, so it will not be as easy as thought it would be. He also mentioned that the Red Storm Ranger is guiding them. Then Capt. Gumka had an idea and shared it everyone. His idea was to capture the Red Storm Ranger. Then Kaijax explained that it would not be easy as the Red Storm Ranger rarely comes out from the Command Base. Then Lt. Ripster purposes the idea of live bait. Princess Lira added that it was a good idea, after they do have one of their friends. After agreeing on the idea, their plan to capture the Red Storm Ranger was on.

Then Kaijax sent a monster by the name of ‘Foxtrox’ to attack Earth. Once Foxtrox had begun his attack, the ranger’s M.A.S went off and immediately, the rangers morphed up and went out to battle. The rangers then opened fire upon sight of Foxtrox it was ineffective. Then the rangers transformed their blasters into some kind of small saber and began attacking Foxtrox again. One by one, the rangers tried to strike down Foxtrox but instead they were ones being strike down.

“We can’t give up. We got to keep trying”, said Anand to the rest of the rangers.

“I agree. I won’t give up. Not When the world is counting on us”, replied Hana.

“Come on guys let’s get this Fox”, replied Darryl.

After saying that, Darryl picked up his weapon and charged straight at Foxtrox. Soon the rest of the rangers did the same and managed to overpower Foxtrox. As they were about to finish off Foxtrox, Kaijax, Gumka and Ripster appeared with Farhan in hand. Immediately, the rangers stopped their attack and turned their attention towards the three Zeta Officers.

“If you want to save your friend here, just hand over the Red Storm Ranger and we’ll him go”, bargained Kaijax to the rangers.

Back at the Command Base, Sylvester Heard about the bargain then told Samsul something before teleporting to the battle site. When got there, he asked Kaijax how he knows if he’s telling to truth. Kaijax simply replied that they would trust him. Then Sylvester Started to walk towards the three officers. Then Kaijax asked Sylvester how would he know if he’s the Red Storm Ranger. Immediately, he flashed his morpher at Kaijax. As he walked pass the rangers, he told them not to worry. When Sylvester stood in front of Kaijax, Kaijax took his morpher away. Then Sylvester asked that Farhan be released and immediately Kaijax did just that.

Immediately after releasing Farhan, the three officers disappeared with Sylvester to the Zeta Base. Then the rangers began to run towards Farhan. As they were running, Foxtrox got up and attacked the rangers from behind. Then a group of Zetrans appeared and helped Foxtrox attack the rangers. While the rangers were battling Foxtrox and the Zetrans, two more Zetrans appeared and picked up Farhan. When Jerlin noticed the two Zetrans with Farhan, she immediately gave chase to them but only to be stalled by more Zetrans. The she informed the other rangers but they were also being stalled by Zetrans. By the time Yong Sen was free to help, it was already too late as the Zetrans had fled the scene with Farhan.

By now, the rangers had already defeated the Zetrans and turned their attention towards Foxtrox. With anger and rage burning inside all six rangers, they attacked Foxtrox with no mercy but due to anger, the rangers were not able to concentrate on the task at hand. Just then, Samsul remembered what Sylvester had told him before he surrendered. Then he contacted the rangers and told them the he was sending them some cool toys to play with. He sent them their individual STAR Weapons. Hana received The STAR Baton, Jerlin received the STAR Mace, Yong Sen received the STAR Hammer, Nasrul received the STAR Dual Blasters, Darryl received the STAR Sword and Anand received the Millennium Canon. With these new weapons the rangers’ moral was boosted and they were ready to do a number on Foxtrox. Then the rangers attacked Foxtrox in turns, each testing their own new weapon. Then Samsul told the rangers that their weapons were able to form a bigger weapon unknown as the STAR Cannon. All except for the Millennium Canon as it is already a canon on its own.

Then all the five rangers combined their STAR weapons to become the STAR Canon. First, the STAR Hammer forms the base, the STAR Mace is attached to the handle of the and when the canon is fired; the Mace will be flying towards the enemy. The STAR Dual Blasters are attached to the sides of the Hammer’s handle, the STAR Baton forms the targeting scope and finally, the STAR Sword forms the Canon’s Trigger. Once that was done, they took aim at Foxtrox but just couldn’t fire at him as the Millennium Ranger was still battling with him. While he was still fighting Foxtrox, Millennium Ranger noticed the other rangers had already formed up the STAR Canon so he fired of a few rounds at Foxtrox before running towards the other rangers.

Once Millennium Ranger had joined the other rangers, the rangers shouted, “STAR Canon, Fire.”

“Millennium Canon, Fire”, shouted the Millennium Ranger immediately after them.

With two heavy duty shoots, Foxtrox was destroyed. Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, everyone witnessed the rangers destroyed Foxtrox without any help from Sylvester. Speaking of Sylvester, he was also there to witness what the rangers had done. Then Sylvester laughed at Kaijax. Then Kaijax asked Sylvester what was so funny. Then Sylvester replied that the rangers were still able to destroy Foxtrox without his help. Then a furious Kaijax ordered a few Zetrans to take Sylvester away. At once a few Zetrans did just that.

“Do you have his morpher?” asked Princess Lira.

“Right here my Princess”, replied Kaijax.

“Good, cause I have an idea on how we can use it against the rangers”, added Princess Lira.

Eps1: Birth of STAR (part 1)

As the school’s bell began to ring, a student from ITE (west) Bukit Batok dashed into school hoping not to be late for class. As he was running up the stairs, he bumped into his subject teacher. Then the student, Anand, apologized to his teacher, Mr. Tay, and offered to help carry the books to class.

Once they arrived at the classroom, Anand was greeted by his friends and classmates, Darryl, Samsul, Farhan, Nasrul, Yong Sen and Sylvester. All of them have a little secret and that secret is that they like the ‘Power Rangers’ so much that they decided to call themselves the ‘Ultra Rangers’, despite the fact that they don’t have any powers. After the greetings, the friends made their way into class to begin their day in school.

Hours passed and the school bell rang again to signal the end of school. Then the seven friends made their way out of school and to their secret ‘Ranger’s Hideout’, which was somewhere, near their school. They go there everyday after school to talk about schoolwork or anything new that they have found on the net about Power Rangers. On their way to the Hideout, they met out with two female friends from another class and who know nothing about Power Rangers, Jerlin and Raihana or Hana as they most commonly call her. As they were talking to each other, a bolt of lightning strike the ground nears them and out of the blue a monster appeared before them. The monster had a dragon-like feature with black-feathered wings. Then all nine friends began to run for their lives as the monster started chasing them. Soon they found themselves trapped into a corner with nowhere to run.

“Now you will all be slaves”, said the monster as it walked closer to the terrified teens.

Then Sylvester questioned the monster, “Who are you and what do you want with us?”

“The name’s Kaijax”, replied the monster, “General of the ‘Zeta Empire’ and loyal bodyguard of Princess Lira who will soon rule this pitiful planet you call Earth.”

With those words burning inside Sylvester, he lashed out a knuckle sandwich right at Kaijax’s face and told the others to run. Then Kaijax looked at Sylvester and said that he will be the first to die. Kaijax then caught Sylvester by the throat and began to choke the living daylights out of him. As Sylvester tired to reach for his weird looking watch, Farhan burst out of nowhere and speared Kaijax forcing him to release Sylvester. Then Kaijax grabbed Farhan after releasing Sylvester and said that Farhan will do and in a blink of an eye, Kaijax disappeared with Farhan as mysteriously as he appeared.

After Kaijax had disappeared, everyone came out of his or her hiding place and help Sylvester to his feet. Then Sylvester told his friends that the world is in danger. He also told them that it’s not safe to talk there. He asked everyone to gather around him as he teleported everyone from the alley to a real Power Rangers’ Command Base. When they arrived at base, everyone was speechless and surprised. Then Darryl broke the silence.

“Why couldn’t you bring us here earlier? Why now when Farhan’s being kidnapped and who knows what’s happening to him?” shouted Darryl to Sylvester.

Sylvester replied that he didn’t expect it to turn out this way. He also mentioned that he did tell everyone to run but Farhan chose not to. Then Sylvester told his friends to stay where they were as he went into other room to get something. When he returned, everyone noticed that Sylvester was carrying a silver container. Then let them in on a huge secret. He revealed to them that he is the ‘Red Strom Ranger’ and he is about to give six of his friends the power to save the world. Then he opened the container to reveal six ‘Ring Morphers’, five with a Star logo and one with a letter ‘M’. Then he started handing out the rings.

Hana is now known as the ‘White STAR Ranger’, Jerlin is the ‘Yellow STAR Ranger, Yong Sen is the ‘Green STAR Ranger, Nasrul is the ‘Blue STAR ranger’, Darryl is the ‘Red STAR Ranger’ and Anand is the ‘Millennium Ranger’. Then Sylvester looked at Samsul and told him that he has other plans for him. He also mentioned that Anand will be their leader. The boys were honored to receive the powers but the girls on the other hand weren’t too happy about it. They were afraid and worried about what might happen to them if they do except the powers. Sylvester told them not to worry as the power will protect them. Then one by one, the rangers came and gave their support to their female friends. Anand added that this maybe the only way to save Farhan. With that in mind, the girls agreed to help and vow to rescue Farhan from the Zeta Empire.

Now all six rangers have agreed to help, Sylvester told that their lives will never be the same again. Then Nasrul asked what were they to do next. Sylvester replied that it was time for them to start training. As they were about to begin their training, the Monster Alert Signal (M.A.S) went off. Immediately, Sylvester told the rangers to prepare for battle. When being asked by Jerlin if Sylvester was going to join them in battle, he sadly replied no.

“And why not?” questioned Anand.

Sylvester replied with an urgent tone, “It’s a long story but I will help in battle when I am really needed. Now go, innocent people are in need of ‘STAR Rangers’. Samsul come with me.”

Sylvester also added that if the rangers were to morph, they should say ‘STAR Power, Ignite’ but Anand had to say ‘Millennium Power, Ignite’. Then all the rangers nodded their heads and went out for battle. Samsul followed Sylvester to another room where a ‘Mega Computer’ sits. Sylvester told Samsul that this is where he will help the rangers. In the mean time, a monster has already begun its attack on the city. Then the rangers were surprised to see so much destruction being done by a monster. When they spotted the monster, Anand signaled the others that it was time to morph. Then a loud ‘STAR Power, Ignite’ and ‘Millennium Power, Ignite’ could be heard as the rangers morphed to do battle with the monster.

Meanwhile, back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira and Kaijax were surprised to see Power Rangers on Earth. They were surprised because they thought that the Power Rangers have left the Earth to save other planet. Nevertheless, Kaijax ordered his monster to destroy the rangers immediately.

Soon a battle between good and evil has begun. As the rangers were inexperience, they were basically being thrown around. Then Sylvester told the rangers via communicator to use their ‘Blasters’ to aid them in their battle but even the blasters were not effective. Then the monster began gather his energy into a ball of lightning and fired it directly at the rangers. Then a huge explosion erupted and the rangers flew off the ground and landed a few distance away. As the monster was preparing to finish off the rangers with another ball of lightning, a loud ‘Storm Ninja Ranger Power’ could be heard and out off nowhere, the Red Storm Ranger appeared and began attacking the monster. Then the Red Storm Ranger grabbed the monster with a huge bear hug and just tossed the monster aside. Then he ran towards the other rangers and told them to prepare to fire their blasters at the monster as he called out for his ‘Red Hawk Blaster’. When the time was right, all seven rangers fired their blasters and soon the monster was destroyed. Then all of a sudden, an electrical surge covered the Red Storm Ranger just before he demorphed and collapses to the ground near the Rangers. Immediately, the Rangers rushed to help Sylvester up.

Back at the Zeta Base, Kaijax was furious that his monster was destroyed by teenagers in colored tights but Princess Lira on the other hand was quite impressed to see that Earthlings could put up such a fight.

“Now this will surely be interesting, don’t you think so Kaijax?” questioned Princess Lira with a smile on her face.

“Yes Princess, very interesting”, replied Kaijax as he clenches his fist.

To be continued...

In The Beginning

It’s the year 2004; a year after the ‘Storm Ninja Rangers’ had protected Earth against an Alien Empire known as ‘The Brotherhood of Cells’. During this period of time, Earth was peaceful. Little did they know that Earth was about to be attacked once again by another evil empire known as the ‘Zeta Empire.’ No one was prepared for the attack, no one except the Storm Ninja Rangers. Unfortunately, the rangers followed the Brotherhood of Cells back to their home planet, 'Frozil'. So, 4 of the 5 rangers left for Frozil. Only 1 Storm Ninja Ranger was left. He is the Red Storm Ninja Ranger and now he has to recruit 6 new rangers to protect Earth before he can rejoin the other Storm Ninja Rangers on Frozil. 6 new rangers to become the ‘Power Ranger STAR’