Saturday, August 20, 2005

Eps 4: STAR Clubers

"Ring, ring, ring, ring", went off Darryl's handphone.

When he answered it, he found out that it was his brother-in-law, Miky M.S, the owner of 'Club Darrome'. He called Darryl to ask him if he was interested in a job at the club. With having to consider, Darryl accepted the job offer. After the conversation, Darryl raced to the club to meet up with his brother-in-law. Once he was there, Miky gave Darryl a job as a Bartender. Darryl was so happy, that he rushed out of the club and informed his friends about the good news. After he has informed them, they congratulated him and asked him when he starts.Then Daryl simply replied that he starts later that night.

That night as Darryl,began his first day, on the job, his friends decided to pay him a visit. All except Sylvester and Yong Sen as they were not into clubbing. So Sylvester remained in the Command Base and Yong Sen was at home. Back at the club, Darryl was surprised to see his friends giving him their support on his 1st day . Then Darryl introduced his friends to the man who made his dream into a reality, Miky M.S.

At the Zeta Base, Gumka was pleased to have his chance to destroy the rangers. So he summoned a monster known as Houndon. Then he ordered Houndon to attack and destroy the rangers. Immeadiately, Houndon, went down to Earth and began his attack to lure the rangers to him. Back at the Command Base, the M.A.S went off and Sylvester alerted the rangers immediately. As soon as they received the info, the rangers rushed out of the club and found a quite place to morph up. Only Darryl remained in the club as he didn't want to give his brother-in-law a bad impression. Once the rangers arrived at Houndon's location, they were joined by Yong Sen. Even without Darryl, the rangers continued to battle Houndon but unfortunately, they were not strong enough as they could not form up the STAR Canon. The Millennium canon could only inflick minimum damage to Houndon. After 10 mintues, Houndon retreated from battle.

After the battle, the rangers return to the Command Base hoping the get some answers but instead, they were left puzzled as Sylvester did not have any answers for them. Then Sylvester asked everyone to go home and get some rest as they have school to attend to the next day.

The next day, the rangers met up with each other to discuss what had happened the other night. While they were discussing, Sylvester walked up to them and told them that Houndon was back and he was terrorisnig innocent people at Jurong Point. When being asked how did he know about it, Sylvester replied that he brought along his laptop which is linked to the Mega Computer in the Command Base.

Immediately, the rangers found a quit place and morphed up. When they arrived at the Jurong Point, they couldn't find Houndon anywhere. Then Sylvester informed the rangers that Houndon had already moved to West Mall. Immediately the rangers proceeded to West Mall but by the time they got there, Houndon was nowhere to be seen. Again. Then Sylvester called the rangers back to school as he may have figured out what's going on.

"What's going on man?" questioned Darryl.

"Ya. I mean we were like on a wild goose chase", added Hana.

"Rangers relax ok. I think i have this figured out", replied Sylvester, "I think he's playing around with us. Testing us if you will."

"What do you mean?" asked Jerlin.

"I mean, he is trying to see if we will respond to almost every single call of danger or", replied Sylvester.

Then Sylvester added that he called them back for another reason. It was time to go back to class. So the rangers went back to class felling fustrated. When school was over, the rangers met up and made their way to the Command Base.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Gumka and Houndon were laughing their socks off. If they had any. Then Princess Lira came in and asked them what was so funny. So they simply replied that that they had made the rangers looked like fools. As Gumka breifed her on what had happened, Princess Lira was not so amussed as they were because she specifically told them to destroy the rangers.

That night as Darryl began his second day at work, he hoped that prayed that Houndon would not attack again that night. Unfortunately for him, Houndon did attack that night. Soon the other rangers arrived at Houndon's location where they were greeted by Houndon and some Zetrans. Soon the rangers defeated the Zetrans with ease and now they were up against Houndon.

"You made us look like a fool this morning and now it's payback time", exclaimed Yong Sen to Houndon.

After saying that, Yong Sen called out for his STAR Hammer and ran towards Houndon. Then Houndontook out his sword and striked down Yong Sen Then the other rangers called out for their STAR weapons and attacked Houndon but they ended up the same way as Yong Sen did.Then Sylvester asked Samsul to call Darryl eventhoughhe knew that Darryl was still working. After Darryl received the news, he worked up to his brother-in-law and asked if he could be released early but Miky would not allow it as it was a busy crowd that day. When Darryl was about to ask again, his communicator went off and Darryl had to tell Miky the whole story. After that, Miky let Darryl go.

As Houndon was about to finish off the rangers, Darryl came just in the next of time to help out his friends. Then Darryl told the others to form up the STAR Canon.Once they STAR Canon was ready, they aim, look on and fired it at Houndon. Again with the combined power of the STAR and the Millenium Canons, no monster could survive the blasts. Then an angry Gumka fired the 3 poles to make Houndon grow.

Immediately, the rangers called for their STAR zords and formed up the STAR Meagzord. Once the STAR Megazord was formed up, the rangers use the 'Knee Drill Raise' attack but Houndon was able to evade the attack. Then Anand decided to lend the rangers a helping hand by firing his Millenium Canon at Houndon to cause a little distraction but it only made matters worst for him as a group of Zetarns came down and attacked him.

As soon as the Zetrans came down, the Millennium Ranger did battle with the them while the STAR Megazord was still fighting against Houndon.Then the rangers decided that it was time to end this battle, so they powered up the 'STAR Rapid Blast' and when the time was right, they fired it at Houndon. Once Houndon was destroyed, the 5 rangers went down to help that Millennium Ranger . Once they have defeated the Zetrans, Darryl demorphed and rushed back to the club. Then one by one the others followed.

When Darryl arrived back at the club, he noticed that Sylvester was having a conversation with Miky. As Darryl walked towards them, Miky made his way towards Darryl and once they were standing front of each other, Miky said that he was proud of Darryl for becoming a ranger.Miky was also sworn to secrecy. After receiving the news, Miky told Darryl that if he needed to save the world during his working hours, he would have to inform him first and he also added that he and the rest of the rangers were allowed into the club at any time.

Then Darryl question Sylvester in a confused tone, "what did you do or say to him man?"

"Nothing. You were the one who told him that you were a ranger, not me. I only made him swore to secrecy, that's all", replied Sylvester as he made he way out of the club.


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