Thursday, August 11, 2005

Eps 3: Together as One

As the rangers attended school as usual without both Farhan and Sylvester, life just doesn’t seem right. Anand didn’t concentrate in class as he was planning on how to rescue both of his friends.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Ripster was experimenting with the Red Storm Morpher. Within hours of research, he learns how the morpher works and he immediately reported this to Princess Lira. After he had reported to Princess Lira, she ordered that Sylvester be brought to the dungeon to be executed. Without any question, Ripster did as he was told to. Once he brought Sylvester to the dungeon, Princess Lira, Kaijax, Gumka and a few Zetrans where already there waiting patiently. They were preparing to have a fight to the death.

“Any last words before u die?” asked Princess Lira to Sylvester.

Then Sylvester looked at her and replied, “Yeah, you’re not going to escape with this. I’ll win this battle.”

Then Princess Lira laughed and signaled Kaijax to hand Sylvester a weapon. Immediately Kaijax stepped forward and gave Sylvester his weapon before announcing that he was his opponent. Soon a battle between Sylvester and Kaijax had begun. Kaijax attacked Sylvester with ruthless aggression but Sylvester was able to block every attack that came in his way. Then as both of them locked up their swords together, Kaijax told Sylvester that he was indeed a worthy opponent but all Sylvester could replied was that it’s too bad Kaijax wasn’t one. Immediately after Sylvester said those words, Kaijax began to attack more fiercely and soon he strikes Sylvester on his right arm causing him to bleed profusely. Then Kaijax laughed at Sylvester and told him that he takes back what he had said earlier. While Kaijax was still bragging, Sylvester saw an opening to attack. Without a moment to lose, he strikes Kaijax at his abs region. This brought Kaijax to his knees. Then he noticed that the exit of the dungeon was being guarded by 2 Zetrans. Immediately, he made a run for it.

He strikes down the guards and ran out of the dungeon. Then Princess Lira ordered everyone in the dungeon to find and kill Sylvester. Soon everyone was running out of the dungeon in search of Sylvester, including Kaijax. As Sylvester was running, he spotted a Zetran carrying his morpher from one lab to another. With an injured arm, he strikes down the Zetran and regains his morpher but when tries to morph, he found out that his power level had already depleted so he continued to run. Soon he found himself in a control room with a few Zetrans. Realizing that he had no other choice of escape, he battled the Zetrans. Once that was over, he had lost a lot of blood and needed a way out fast. While searching, he found a teleporting switch. Immediately, he flipped it. By the time Kaijax and the other found out where Sylvester was, it was too late as he had already teleported back to Earth.

By now the rangers had already finished school and were at the Command Base. Samsul was searching for info on the Mega Computer when he receives a communication signal from Sylvester, who was near City Hall Building. Then Sylvester asked Samsul to teleport him back to the Command Base. When he got back everyone was shocked to see Sylvester’s right arm covered in blood. Immediately, Samsul attended to Sylvester’s wound. After a while, Sylvester came out off the Medic Room with his arm bandaged. Once everyone has gathered around, he told them everything that happened on the Zeta Base. He also told them about his power problem. Then Sylvester asked about Farhan, they rangers replied that 2 Zetrans had re-kidnapped him.

Back at the Zeta Base, everyone was being scolded by Princess Lira for allowing Sylvester to escape. Then she looked at Ripster and asked if he had taken the remaining powers from the Red Storm Morpher and instantly he replied that he has done so. Then she asked everyone to leave the room except Kaijax. Princess Lira was extremely disappointed with Kaijax. Then Kaijax apologized and begged for her forgiveness. Knowing that Kaijax has been serving her family for years and the fact that he is her bodyguard, she decided to forgive him. Then she told him to send another monster to attack the rangers. Immediately, he summoned a monster known as ‘Lizardroid’. Then Kaijax ordered Lizardroid to destroy the rangers.

Back on Earth, the rangers were practicing with their STAR weapons in a deserted area near the Command Base when Samsul alerted them that a monster was on the attack. Immediately the rangers morphed up and were ready to face the monster. When they arrived at the monster’s location, there was no sign of Lizardroid anyway. Then Anand called back the base and asked Samsul if he had the right co-ordinates. Then Samsul replied that indeed he had the right co-ordinates. He also told them to comb the area first. Then Anand replied that he understands.

Suddenly, an explosion erupted in front of the rangers. As the rangers were down, they noticed a dark figure approaching towards them and it was carrying a big Blaster. Immediately Anand got up and attacked Lizardroid with his Blaster Saber but Lizardroid was able to evade and hit Anand with his own Blaster instead. Then rangers up Anand up and called for their STAR weapons. Now the rangers had an easier time attacking Lizardroid. Once they noticed that Lizard was weak, the formed up the STAR Canon and destroyed Lizardroid.

Now that Lizardroid was destroyed, Kaijax walked up to a control panel and pressed a big red button which fires 3 poles. Once these 3 poles arrived on Earth, they form a triangular shape around Lizardroid and made him grow. Then Sylvester told Samsul to deploy the rangers’ STAR Zords. Then Sylvester told the ranger that their zords were on their way. Soon the rangers were able to hear something coming from a distance. As it got closer the ranger were surprised to see only 5 zords.

The zords were a Red F-1zord, a Blue B-1 Bomberzord, a Green Trainzord, a Yellow Drillerzord and a White Hover Craftzord. Then Anand asked Sylvester why there were only 5 zords instead of 6. Then Sylvester replied that the 6th zord still has a few bugs to deal with. Once the rangers were in their zords, Sylvester told them to combine their zords to become ‘STAR Megazord’. Then the rangers pressed the ‘Megazord’ button and the zords begins their transformation.

The F-1zord becomes the Abs Region, the B-1 Bomberzord becomes the Head, Chest Plate and Wings. The Trainzord becomes the Shoulder, Upper Arms, Hips and Upper Legs, the Drillerzord becomes the Knees and the Lower Legs. Finally, the Hover Craftzord becomes the Feet, Lower Arm and Hands.

Once the STAR Megazord is formed up, the rangers were stun and amazed, including everyone at the Zeta Base. Then Lizardroid began his attack on the STAR Megazord but the rangers were alert and were able to inflict damage on Lizardroid instead. Then Sylvester instructed the rangers to use the ‘STAR Rapid Blasters’ which were located near the Megazord’s wings.

Once the STAR Rapid Blasters were ready, the rangers shouted, “STAR Rapid Blasters, Fire.”

Then the STAR Megazord fires its dual blasters at the weaken Lizardroid and destroys Lizardroid permanently. This made the Kaijax supremely angry as Princess Lira gave Gumka his chance to attack the rangers.

Back on Earth, the rangers were celebrating their 1st Megazord battle. They were celebrating at a KFC outlet near their houses. While they were eating, Sylvester told the rangers that at this rate, he will be leaving for Frozil real soon. He also told them not to worry as he will continue to guide them till that day comes.


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