Sunday, August 07, 2005

Eps2: Birth of STAR (part 2)

The rangers brought Sylvester back to the Command Base. They were curious to find out why did Sylvester suddenly demorphed and collapsed.

Two hours later, Sylvester awaken to find himself in the Command Base. As he sat up, the first person he saw was Yong Sen. Upon seeing Sylvester awaken, Yong Sen rushed out to inform everyone and upon hearing this, everyone rushed to the room to see Sylvester. Everyone kept on asking the same questions like, ‘How are u?’ and ‘You ok man?’ and all Sylvester could reply was that his fine. Then he told every one what really happened just now. The reason he demorphed and collapsed was because his power is weakening and so every time he morphs, his power level starts to drop causing him to become weak during or after a battle. He also mentioned that the rest of the ‘Storm Rangers’ are on a mission to destroy and evil terrorist group at the planet 'Frozil' and he was the only one who stayed back on Earth because they had a feeling that evil forces may attack Earth. He added that once his job on Earth is done, he will have to rejoin his fellow teammates on planet Frozil and that it was time for the rangers to start their training.

Meanwhile back at the Zeta Base, Kaijax was still filled with rage and was trying to hatch a plan of attack when Princess Lira interrupted him by asking him what was he doing. Kaijax could only reply that he was actually trying to decide whether to send out the ‘Zetrans’, Zeta Empire’s warriors, or another monster. Then a Zetran came in and reported that ‘King Rocon’, Princess Lira’s father, has sent two more officers to aid them in their conquest for Earth. They are Capt. Gumka, a shark-type monster, and Lt. Ripster, a tiger-type monster. Then Kaijax order the Zetran to show the to officers in.

“Your father is kind enough to send two more officers to aid us in our conquest for Earth”, exclaimed Kaijax to Princess Lira.

“Yes, he has always been a King who cares a lot for his family”, replied Princess Lira.

As Kaijax was about add on, he interrupted by the two new officers. Then they did their formal introduction before they got down to business. Kaijax told the two officers that Earth is protected by the Power Rangers, who had already destroyed one his monster, so it will not be as easy as thought it would be. He also mentioned that the Red Storm Ranger is guiding them. Then Capt. Gumka had an idea and shared it everyone. His idea was to capture the Red Storm Ranger. Then Kaijax explained that it would not be easy as the Red Storm Ranger rarely comes out from the Command Base. Then Lt. Ripster purposes the idea of live bait. Princess Lira added that it was a good idea, after they do have one of their friends. After agreeing on the idea, their plan to capture the Red Storm Ranger was on.

Then Kaijax sent a monster by the name of ‘Foxtrox’ to attack Earth. Once Foxtrox had begun his attack, the ranger’s M.A.S went off and immediately, the rangers morphed up and went out to battle. The rangers then opened fire upon sight of Foxtrox it was ineffective. Then the rangers transformed their blasters into some kind of small saber and began attacking Foxtrox again. One by one, the rangers tried to strike down Foxtrox but instead they were ones being strike down.

“We can’t give up. We got to keep trying”, said Anand to the rest of the rangers.

“I agree. I won’t give up. Not When the world is counting on us”, replied Hana.

“Come on guys let’s get this Fox”, replied Darryl.

After saying that, Darryl picked up his weapon and charged straight at Foxtrox. Soon the rest of the rangers did the same and managed to overpower Foxtrox. As they were about to finish off Foxtrox, Kaijax, Gumka and Ripster appeared with Farhan in hand. Immediately, the rangers stopped their attack and turned their attention towards the three Zeta Officers.

“If you want to save your friend here, just hand over the Red Storm Ranger and we’ll him go”, bargained Kaijax to the rangers.

Back at the Command Base, Sylvester Heard about the bargain then told Samsul something before teleporting to the battle site. When got there, he asked Kaijax how he knows if he’s telling to truth. Kaijax simply replied that they would trust him. Then Sylvester Started to walk towards the three officers. Then Kaijax asked Sylvester how would he know if he’s the Red Storm Ranger. Immediately, he flashed his morpher at Kaijax. As he walked pass the rangers, he told them not to worry. When Sylvester stood in front of Kaijax, Kaijax took his morpher away. Then Sylvester asked that Farhan be released and immediately Kaijax did just that.

Immediately after releasing Farhan, the three officers disappeared with Sylvester to the Zeta Base. Then the rangers began to run towards Farhan. As they were running, Foxtrox got up and attacked the rangers from behind. Then a group of Zetrans appeared and helped Foxtrox attack the rangers. While the rangers were battling Foxtrox and the Zetrans, two more Zetrans appeared and picked up Farhan. When Jerlin noticed the two Zetrans with Farhan, she immediately gave chase to them but only to be stalled by more Zetrans. The she informed the other rangers but they were also being stalled by Zetrans. By the time Yong Sen was free to help, it was already too late as the Zetrans had fled the scene with Farhan.

By now, the rangers had already defeated the Zetrans and turned their attention towards Foxtrox. With anger and rage burning inside all six rangers, they attacked Foxtrox with no mercy but due to anger, the rangers were not able to concentrate on the task at hand. Just then, Samsul remembered what Sylvester had told him before he surrendered. Then he contacted the rangers and told them the he was sending them some cool toys to play with. He sent them their individual STAR Weapons. Hana received The STAR Baton, Jerlin received the STAR Mace, Yong Sen received the STAR Hammer, Nasrul received the STAR Dual Blasters, Darryl received the STAR Sword and Anand received the Millennium Canon. With these new weapons the rangers’ moral was boosted and they were ready to do a number on Foxtrox. Then the rangers attacked Foxtrox in turns, each testing their own new weapon. Then Samsul told the rangers that their weapons were able to form a bigger weapon unknown as the STAR Cannon. All except for the Millennium Canon as it is already a canon on its own.

Then all the five rangers combined their STAR weapons to become the STAR Canon. First, the STAR Hammer forms the base, the STAR Mace is attached to the handle of the and when the canon is fired; the Mace will be flying towards the enemy. The STAR Dual Blasters are attached to the sides of the Hammer’s handle, the STAR Baton forms the targeting scope and finally, the STAR Sword forms the Canon’s Trigger. Once that was done, they took aim at Foxtrox but just couldn’t fire at him as the Millennium Ranger was still battling with him. While he was still fighting Foxtrox, Millennium Ranger noticed the other rangers had already formed up the STAR Canon so he fired of a few rounds at Foxtrox before running towards the other rangers.

Once Millennium Ranger had joined the other rangers, the rangers shouted, “STAR Canon, Fire.”

“Millennium Canon, Fire”, shouted the Millennium Ranger immediately after them.

With two heavy duty shoots, Foxtrox was destroyed. Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, everyone witnessed the rangers destroyed Foxtrox without any help from Sylvester. Speaking of Sylvester, he was also there to witness what the rangers had done. Then Sylvester laughed at Kaijax. Then Kaijax asked Sylvester what was so funny. Then Sylvester replied that the rangers were still able to destroy Foxtrox without his help. Then a furious Kaijax ordered a few Zetrans to take Sylvester away. At once a few Zetrans did just that.

“Do you have his morpher?” asked Princess Lira.

“Right here my Princess”, replied Kaijax.

“Good, cause I have an idea on how we can use it against the rangers”, added Princess Lira.


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