Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Eps5: Race On

Sylvester was in the garage of the command base with Samsul fixing what seems to be a car. While they were in the garage, the rangers were out shopping at Center Point Shopping centre.

“I can’t wait to show rangers their new vehicles”, mentioned Samsul.

“Remember Samsul”, replied Sylvester, “No one must know about this vehicle until the time is right, okay?”

Samsul then replied that he understood. As they were they were almost finished, the both of heard the rangers calling for them inside the base. Immediately, both Samsul

And Sylvester dropped their tools, left the garage and met the other rangers. When asked by the rangers what the two were up to, Sylvester replied that he have been training Samsul further. Then Samsul asked the ranger what have they bought. Then Nasrul replied that they have bought uniforms for themselves. At this point time, Sylvester was totally confused about what was going on. Then Jerlin explained that since they were a team, they should dress as a team. That’s why they went out to buy their new uniform. Each of them bought a plain short sleeved T-shirt of their own colors and a black jacket. Jerlin also added that all they need to do now sew on their logos.

While the rangers were preparing their new uniforms, Gumka was deciding which monster to summon out to attack the rangers. When he was called to see Princess Lira. When he got there, Princess Lira asked him why he hasn’t send down a monster and destroy the rangers. Then Gumka replied that he did not know which monster to summon. Then Princess Lira told Gumka to make up his mind or send a group of Zetrans while he decide. Immediately, Gumka ordered a group of Zetrans to attack the rangers.

As soon as the Zetrans reach on Earth, the M.A.S went off then Samsul checked out what was going on and soon found out that a group of Zetrans invading Earth. Immediately the rangers grab their completed jacket and were teleported to where the Zetrans location by Samsul. The rangers had no problems during dealing with the Zetrans within minutes, they have already defeated the Zetrans. After the battle, the rangers asked Samsul to teleport them back to the base. When the rangers got back, Sylvester to be careful, as that was a random attack by the Zeta Empire.

Speaking of the Zeta Empire, Gumka had decided to summon a monster called Cheetrex. Then Gumka told Cheetrex to go down to Earth and destroy the rangers and have some fun while he’s at it. When Cheetrex arrived on Earth, he hopped on his own motorcycle and speed off to cause some trouble. Just then, the rangers were alerted by the M.A.S and immediately they sprang into action when the rangers caught up with Cheetrex they called out for their weapons and began to attack him but they were unable to do damage to Cheetrex, as he was too fast to hit on his motorcycle. Then Cheetrex make a 180 degrees turn and faced the rangers. After the turn, he accelerated at full speed and fired his bikes blaster at the rangers. To make matters worse, he also drove his motorbike directly at them to run them down.

When the rangers were down, Darryl told the rangers that they should form the STAR cannon to try to stop Cheetrex. Then one by one the rangers got up and formed the STAR cannon. Then Cheetrax told the rangers that they don’t scare him and sped off straight at the rangers. As Cheetrax drew nearer to them, fired the STAR and the Millennium cannons but it wasn’t effective, as none of the blasters have hit Cheetrex. Then again Cheetrax fired his blasters and run down the rangers. After the rangers were ran down the second time, Sylvester teleported the rangers back to the command base.

Back at the Zeta base Princess Lira was quite pleased with Cheetrex that she told Gumka that if Cheetrax could finish off the rangers for good, he promoted to a higher rank. With this news in mind, Gumka thanked the Princess Lira and make his way to instruct Cheetrex to finish off the rangers the next time they meet.

Back at the command base, Sylvester told the rangers that he might be able to level the playing field. So he brought them to garage and revealed to the rangers their new STAR Vehicles. There are four vehicles two motorcycles and two cars. Anand’s Vehicle is the’ Millennium Cycle’, Darryl And Hana shared a car known as ‘Lightning Racer’, Nasrul had the other motorcycle known as ‘Top Speeder’ and Yong Sen and Jerlin shared the last car known as ‘Battle Cruiser’. When the rangers were kind of like getting to know their vehicles, the M.A.S went off and Samsul checked out what was wrong. Then he informed the rangers that Cheetrex was on the loose again.

“Well it looks like its time to put these babies to the test”, said Darryl excitedly.

As Cheetrex was causing mayhem, he suddenly heard roaring of engines and when he looked over his shoulder, noticed that the rangers had arrived with their new vehicles. Cheetrex made 180 degrees turn and drove straight at the rangers but this time the rangers were ready. As Cheetrex fired at the rangers, the rangers returned fire at Cheetrex and this time, they were able to hit Cheetrex. As Cheetrex drove away from the rangers both the Blue and Millennium Ranger sped up to catch up with Cheetrax and they did. Now that the rangers had Cheetrax surrounded, they pointed their vehicle weapons at him and opened fire. This time the blast was a direct hit but only the bike was destroyed and Cheetrex was thrown out off the bike. Then the rangers formed the STAR Canon and fire at Cheetrex. Finally Cheetrex was destroyed. Just then, an angry Gumka who had just lost his promotion pressed the red button and made Cheetrex grow.

As soon as Cheetrex had grown, the rangers called for their STAR zords and formed the STAR Megazord. Once Megazord was formed, the rangers decided to use the Knee Drill Attack but they were unable to as Cheetrex was moving very fast. Then they decided to use the blasters. Then as the rangers were about to open fire, Cheetrex jumped behind the Megazord and clinged itself onto the back of the Megazord. Realizing that his friends were in trouble, the Millennium Ranger fired his Millennium Canon at Cheetrex causing him to release the Megazord. Then the rangers thanked the Millennium Ranger and prepared to fire the STAR Rapid Blasters at Cheetrex and when the timing was right, they fired the blasters at him. Now Cheetrex was permanently destroyed.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Gumka was filled with rage and hatred towards the rangers. While he was walking back to his quarters, he met up with Kaijax.

“So how does defeat taste like, Captain?” asked Kaijax in a very confident tone.

“Shut up, General. I’m not in the mood for your games”, replied Gumka as he walked away.

“Oh but the games has just began”, mumbled Kaijax.

Back on Earth, the rangers were bragging about whose vehicle was better. Then Sylvester walked into the room and looked at the rangers.

“Now that the Zeta Empire knows about your new weapons, you must always be on your guard as more and more Zeta Minions will try to invade Earth”, mentioned Sylvester, “And good job on handling your new STAR Vehicles.”


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