Sunday, November 27, 2005

Eps18: Nova Blast (part 1)

A day has past after the rangers had found out the identity of Sentra. The rangers were now in school attending their individual classes. During class, none of the rangers were paying attention to their teachers when they were teaching. The only thing on their minds was the unacceptable truth that Farhan was Sentra the entire time.

Then during the girls’ class, Hana was thinking about what had happened the other day and soon began to cry.

“Hana! Are you paying attention?” barked her teacher.

“Huh? Yes, yes of cause”, replied Hana panicky as she wipe away her tears.

“Hana, are you ok?” questioned her teacher.

“Yes, I’m ok. It’s nothing. Really”, replied Hana.

Soon it was lunch time and the rangers didn’t have any appetite to eat that day, so the decided to meet up in the school’s library. While they were in the library, none of them said or do anything the entire time they were there. Suddenly, a friend of the rangers walked into the library and began to chat with them. When Hairil, their friend, was trying to find out why the rangers look so depressed, Darryl got up and walked out of the library without saying anything. Then Hairil asked the other rangers why Darryl walked out like that. Then Anand told Hairil that it’s a long story and none of them felt like talking about it.

Then Hairil told them that he understood and then he told them not to forget that later that day , the rangers were suppose to help him to set up their Co-Curricular Activity’s(CCA) booth. Then Anand told him that they’ll be there. After that Anand told the others that they should go and search for Darryl.

Meanwhile at Zeta Base, Gumka walked into Sentra’s room and told Pirncess Lira that he has Good and bad news for her. At first she didn’t one to her hear what Gumka had to say but after Gumka mentioned that it concerns she forced him to start talking.

“Princess Lira, the good news is that we have found a way to re-empower Sentra”, exclaimed Gumka, “But the bad news is that if it is done wrongly, Sentra will die. As always Princess, the decision is yours to make.”

Then Princess Lira looked at Gumka straight into his eyes and say, “Do it.”

Immediately Gumka called a few Zetrans to help him carry Sentra to the Laboratory to begin the operation. Then Princess Lira asked Gumka how he’d knew that there was a way to re-empower Sentra. Then Gumka simply replied that he had found a note in Ripster’s room stating that Sentra’s power was made by using the stolen Crimson Power. Then he added that Ripster had kept the remaining power in the lab. Once everything was ready, Gumka began the operation.

Back on Earth, the rangers had already found Darryl and were now helping Hairil to set up their CCA stall. After about 3 hours, the stall was ready and the rangers were tired so they decide to make their way back to the Command Base but before they could leave, Hairil reminded the rangers not to be late for the CCA Fair the next day. Then the rangers told Hairil that they understood.

That evening the rangers met up at Club Darrome to discuss with they were going to do at the CCA Fair the next day. After their discussion, the rangers decided to chill out at the club when all of a sudden, Samsul’s laptop when off. When he checked it out, he was surprised to find out that the Command Base was attacked. Immediately, the rangers got up, morphed up and race towards the Command Base. By the time they arrived at the Command Base, they were too late as the base was totally destroyed.

“How did they…..I mean…….” asked Darryl confusedly.

“I’m not sure”, replied Samsul.

Suddenly, Jerlin ran into the wreck and began searching for the tiger cub that she had left at the base. When Hana asked Jerlin what she was searching for, Jerlin shouted back that she was searching for the tiger cub. Soon the other rangers helped in the search. After searching the wrecked base about two times, Anand wanted to call the search off when he suddenly saw a dark figure walking towards him. Immediately, he alerted the other rangers. Once the other rangers had caught up with Anand, the dark figure continued to walk closer towards them until it revealed itself to the rangers as Ripster.

“Hello, rangers. Like how I redecorate the place”, exclaimed Ripster calmly.

“How did you find the base”, questioned Darryl.

“Simple. Ask her”, replied Ripster as he looked towards Jerlin.

“What are you talking about? I didn’t bring you here”, replied Jerlin.

“Oh but you did”, replied Ripster as he turned himself into the tiger cub that Jerlin was searching for.

“Remember”, he continued just before he turns himself back to his original form.

Immediately after Ripster turned to his original form, Jerlin stood still in disbelieve. Then with hatred and anger burning inside her, Jerlin called out for her STAR Weapon and began to attack Ripster. Not long after Jerlin ran towards Ripster, the others did the same. As Jerlin was the first to go after Ripster, she was the first to get striked down. Soon the other rangers were also brought down to the ground. While the rangers were on the ground Ripster took out his Rocket Launcher and aimed it to the rangers. Then without any hesitation, he fires it at the rangers. Now that the rangers were down, Ripster turned and looked at Samsul. While Ripter was walking towards Samsul, he told him that there can only be one smart brain in the entire universe. Then while he was running towards Samsul, the rangers noticed that something was falling down from the sky and as Ripster was about to strike Samsul with his razor sharp claws, the mysterious falling object stopped falling directly in front fo Samsul’s face and Ripster accidentally strike it instead. As soon as Ripster’s claws came into contact with the fallen object, he was electrocuted. Then Ripster told the Samsul that he was lucky. He had that if his claws were sharp enough that would have been the end of Samsul before retreating back to the Zeta Base.

Knowing what had happened to Ripster, Samsul extended his hand and grabbed what was known as the ‘Mysterious Object’. While the Mysterious Object was in Samsul’s hand, it didn’t electrocute Samsul but when Samsul opened his laptop, the Mysterious Object was somehow sucked into the laptop. Once it was in the laptop, it formed a strange symbol. The symbol was the letter ‘N’ inside a halo.

To be continued...


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