Friday, November 18, 2005

Eps17: My Friend, The Enemy

At the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was still sitting beside Sentra as he was recovering in bed. While she was sitting there, a Zetran came into the room and told Princess Lira that her that Kaijax and Gumka was all ready and waiting in the Meeting Room. Immediately, she got up and walked towards the Meeting Room quietly.

At the Meeting Room, Kaijax and Gumka started the meeting with reports of the last battle. Then they started discussing about what monster to send down to attack the rangers when suddenly Princess Lira stood up and told everyone that she didn’t care what monster they sent down. Then she added that the first target will be the Millennium Ranger. Immediately, both officers agreed and together for the very first time, they summoned a monster known as Grizllowz. Then, both Kaijax and Gumka gave Grizllowz the word to destroy the Millennium Ranger. Immediately after accepting his mission, Grizllowz went down to Earth and begin to hunt down for the Millennium Ranger.

Meanwhile the rangers were in school having their P.E lesson, which was about to end anyway, when Samsul’s laptop went off. When he check it out found out that a monster was on the lose. Immediately he informed the other rangers. Even though the girls were in a different class than the boys, they were also having P.E at that point of time and were also about the end their lesson. When all of them were released from class, the rangers morphed up and were ready to do battle with Grizllowz.

When they caught up with Grizllowz, he looked at them and told them that he has the honor to destroy the Millennium Ranger. Then he summoned some Zetrans to keep the other rangers busy while he deals with the Millennium Ranger. Then the rangers call out for their STAR Weapons and begin to do battle.

As the rangers did battle with the Zetrans, Millennium Ranger was battling Grizllowz and did not have an easy time battling him. Grizllowz was hitting the Millennium Ranger with his metallic fist covered with spike. Even though Anand was getting beaten up he never backed down. He continued to fight Grizllowz. Then when Grizllowz was about to strike the Millennium Ranger with a hard right hand, the Millennium Ranger used his Millennium Canon to block the shot. Then he kicked Grizllowz aside and fired his Millennium Canon at him.

By now, the other rangers have already defeated the Zetrans and were racing their way to help Anand but before they could reach him, Grizllowz took note of the rangers’ movement and sent down another wave of Zetrans to keep the other rangers at bay while he solely deals with the Millennium Ranger.

“Guys, we have to find a way two help Anand”, exclaimed Darryl.

“We know but how?” replied Jerlin.

“How about the STAR Canon?” added Yong Sen.

“Great idea Yong Sen. Let’s do it,” replied Darryl.

Then the rangers formed up the STAR Canon and just blow up every Zetran insight. Once they were done with the second wave of Zetrans, a third wave of Zetrans appeared and tried their luck to keep the rangers at bay but unfortunately for them, the rangers finished them of with their STAR Canon. Then the rangers continued to run towards the Millennium Ranger and Grizllowz but to their horror, a fourth wave of Zetran appeared and attacked the rangers.

“Man he sure is serious about destroying Anand?” exclaimed Nasrul.

“That’s not going to happen. Not on my watch,” replied Darryl.

Then the rangers fired their STAR Canon one more time at the Zetrans and destroyed them again. Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was disappointed at the monster. First of all, he hasn’t even weakened the Millennium Ranger and secondly, he was wasting her Zetrans. So she has decided not to send down any more Zetrans to aid Grizllowz. After her orders were given out, she sat down on her throne and watched the battle.

Back on Earth, the Millennium Ranger was now getting the better of Grizllowz. Then when Grizllowz noticed that the rangers were ontheir way to help the Millennium Ranger, he kicked the Millennium Ranger aside and summoned for another group of Zetrans to help but to his horror, not a single Zetran came down to help. Then he tried again but he had the same result.

“Looks like you’re out of Zetrans fuzzy”, commented Nasrul as he and the other rangers caught up with Anand.

“Now let’s finish him”, added Anand.

As the rangers prepared to fire their STAR Canon, Anand run towords Grizllowz and did his best to weaken him. Once Grizllowz was weakened, Anand got his Millennium Canon ready on the other side. Then he gave the rangers the signal to fire at Grizllowz.

Back at the Zeta Base, Kaijax pressed the big red button to make Grizllowz grow. Once Grizllowz had grown, the rangers summoned for their STAR Zords and the Millennium Tank and formed up the Millennium STAR Megazord. Now that the Millennium STAR Megazord was formed, the rangers decided to end this one quickly. So the rangers decided to use the Hyper Drill Canons and with that massive shot, the rangers were successful in destroying Grizllowz.

Meanwhile back on the Zeta Base, Princess Lira left the throne after seeing another monster being destroyed. She decided to go and have a look at how Sentra was doing but by the time so got there, Sentra was not on his bed. Worried for his safety she began to search high and low for him. She even got her officers and some Zetrans to aid her in her search. Then when Gumka checked the radar for Sentra, they found out that he was on Earth. Then Princess Lira ordered Kaijax and Gumka to bring Sentra back to the Zeta Base.

On Earth, as the rangers were at the Command Base, as Jerlin was showing the others the tiger cub that she had found the other day, Samsul received a transmission from Sentra stating that he wants to battle the rangers to the end. Immediately, Anand told Sentra that they accepted his challenge. Immediately, the rangers morphed up and met up with Sentra at the designated Meeting Point.

As Sentra and the rangers were about to battle, Kaijax and Gumka arrived to bring Sentra back to the Zeta Base but instead of accepting their help, he gave them a taste of his Mystic Slash and attacked the rangers immediately after. With any choice, both Kaijax and Gumka entered themselves into the battle. Then Anand told the others to deal with the 2 officers while he deals with Sentra.

“So you want to be to first one to die, right?” asked Sentra to Anand.

“No but I’ll be your last opponent cause you’re going down”, replied Anand.

As the 2 of them started their battle, so did the other rangers but they weren’t having an easier time then Anand was. The Rangers were being thrown almost alover the place. Then Darryl told the others to summon for their STAR Weapons to try and even up the score. Amazingly, the rangers were able to inflict some damage on the 2 officers. Then immediately the rangers formed up their STAR Canon and fired it at the 2 officers but it didn’t destroy them it only weakened them.

Then the rangers noticed that Anand could use some help, even though he doesn’t need any. Then they shouted at him to move out of the way. Immediately Anand did as the other rangers said. Once Anand was out of the way, the rangers fired their STAR Canon at Sentra causing him to fly a few distance away and landing head first to a rocky terrain. Then the rangers raced to see if they had finally won the battle with Sentra but by the time they got there they could not believe their eyes. What they saw so shocking that the rangers froze in disbelieve and it brought Hana down to her knees and in tears. What they saw was their friend, Farhan, the one who was captured by the Zeta Empire. Twice.

As the rangers were looking in disbelieve, Kaijax and Gumka attacked the rangers from behind and took Sentra back to the Zeta Base. After Kaijax and Jumka had brought back a motionless Sentra, who was revealed to be Farhan, they place him on his bed. Once Sentra was on his bed, Princess Lira rushed into his room. Then she started crying before she rushed to be by his side. Immediately Kaijax took that as his queue to leave. So he told everyone in the room to leave the 2 alone.


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