Friday, November 04, 2005

EPS 15: Fear No Sentra

The day has come for the rangers to go on their Historical Field Trip. As the Ms. Loo, Hana and Jerlin’s form teacher, and Mr. Tay gathered their individual classes at the assembly area, they announced that the both classes will be going on the same field trips instead of their own planed trips and that they were allowed to sit in any one of the 2 buses provided. This news came with greet excitement for the rangers.

Once the time has come for the students to board the bus, the rangers boarded the bus that was first in line and once onboard, they sat together at the rear of the bus. Once the bus started to move, everyone in the bus started to cheer and sing.

“Wow, the same field trip together. This will indeed be fun”, exclaimed Jerlin.

“You said it, Jerlin”, added Nasrul, “Hey Anand what’s with the long face man?

“Nothing much but I was just thinking. Anyway let’s just try learn to something during this trip ok guys”, replied Anand.

Then in a single voice the other rangers replied that they understood. Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira called Sentra into the Meeting Room to have a few words with him. The first thing she asked him was ‘Why’. Why did he sacrifice one for their own monster when they were suppose to work together to defeat the rangers. Then he replied that if he didn’t sacrifice Unicron, he would have been destroyed instead. Then he asked Princess Lira who she would rather lose, Unicron or him. Then Princess Lira looked at Sentra straight into his eyes and told him that she would rather sacrifice a hundred monsters than to lose him. Then Princess Lira called for Gumka. Once Gumka arrived at the Meeting Room., Princess Lira ordered him to summon a monster to assist Sentra. Immediately he told her that he has already summoned one and she is waiting outside.

Then Gumka asked Pandira to enter the Meeting Room and introduce herself to Princess Lira. While Pandira was introducing herself, the rangers have arrived at their first out of two Historical sites. They have arrived at the Museum of Nation History. Once inside the museum, the tour guide showed them the weapons that were used during World War 2 (W W 2). They also saw how elections were done back then in the past. Once that tour was over, they began to make their way to their last and final stop.

Half way on their journey, Samsul’s laptop went off. When he checked it, he found out that Sentra was back again and with a new friend. Immediately, he informed the rangers of the situation. Now the rangers have a problem, Sentra’s on the lose and they can’t do anything about it as the bus won’t stop until they arrived at the next stop which was about 15 minutes away.

As Sentra and Pandira began to create havoc in the western part Singapore, they noticed something was wrong. They noticed that the rangers had not shown up to stop them. Then Sentra told Pandira to watch her back as he thought that this was one of the rangers trap. Immediately, both of them stopped their attacks and began to search the area with caution.

After about 5 minutes, both Sentra and Pandira called of their search and reported to Princess Lira that the rangers were nowhere to be seen. Then Princess Lira told them to continue the attack and also to be careful. Immediately, Sentra and Pandira did as they were told.

While the 2 monsters were having a so called ‘great time’ destroying almost everything in sight, the rangers finally arrived at Kranji War Memorial. Know that Sentra was still on the loose, the rangers made their getaway. The hid behind some bushes, morphed up and prepared to face Sentra. When they arrived at the scene, they realized that they were too late.

“Rangers, glad you all could make it. We thought that you weren’t going to show up”, exclaimed Sentra.

“Oh by the way, like how we redecorated the place,” added Pandira who ended it with a hideous laugh.

Without wasting anytime, Anand called for his Millennium Canon and told the rangers to take Pandira while he concentrates his attacks Sentra. Immediately, the other rangers called for their STAR Weapons and begin to attack Pandira. As Anand was running towards Sentra, he took out his Mystic Saber and ran towards Anand. When Anand noticed Sentra was about to strike him, he used his Millennium Canon to block the attack and used his Blaster to shoot at Sentra in his abs.

While Anand and Sentra were engaged in a fierce battle, the rangers were having a little easier time attacking Pandira. Soon Sentra noticed that Pandira was in trouble so he summoned for a few Zetrans to aid her. After a while, the Zetrans were defeated and the rangers had already formed up their STAR Canon. Once they had Pandira locked on, they opened fire at her.

Back at the Zeta Base, Gumka fired the 3 poles and made Pandira grow. Then the rangers called for their STAR zords. Once their zords arrived, they formed up the STAR Megazord. When Sentra noticed that Pandira has already grown, he wanted to call for his Chimerazord but in the end, he decided to do battle with the Millennium Ranger instead.

While Sentra and the Millennium Ranger were battling each other, Pandira was trying to strike the STAR Megazord with her sword but the rangers counted her with the Megazord’s blasters. After that, they strike her their Knee Drill attack. Once Pandira was down, they prepared to finish her off with the STAR Rapid Blaster and when the timing was right, the rangers opened fire at her. Then Pandira let out a loud cry before she exploded.

Back on the ground, Sentra and the Millennium Ranger were still going at it. During the battle Sentra told the Millennium Ranger that is truly a strong opponent. Then the Millennium Ranger replied that Sentra was strong as well. Soon they both fought till none of them could stand on their own.

“Millennium Ranger”, called out Sentra, “Since none of us could stand or even continue this fight, I suggest we finish what we started some other time.”

Then Anand replied that they should end it now but before both of them could resume their battle, Sentra was teleported back to the Zeta Base. Then the other rangers caught up with the now weakened Millennium Ranger and brought him to the Command Base to allow him to get some rest before they rejoin their class but Anand didn’t want to rest. Instead, he asked them to rejoin their classes before their teachers suspect something.

Meanwhile back at the Zeta Base, a weaken Sentra asked a worried Prince Lira why she pulled him out of the battle. Then she replied that that she would sacrifice a hundred monsters than to lose him. Then she told Sentra to get some rest.


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