Thursday, February 23, 2006

Esp 31:Grabbed by the Horns

The rangers woke up to find themselves onboard the Nova Carrier and noticed that Hairil was standing at the entrance of the Medic Room’s door. Then Darryl sat up and asked Hairil what he was doing there, so Hairil replied that the helped both Anand, Farhan and Samsul to bring the rangers back to the Nova Carrier after their intense battle with the Riot Zetrans.

Not long after, Anand walked into the room and found all 5 of the rangers have awakened. Then he escorted Hairil and the 5 rangers to the Command Room where Farhan and Samsul were waiting. Once everyone was present, Anand began the meeting. The first thing he began to discuss was about Hairil. Then he added that Hairil knows the identity of the STAR Rangers. Upon saying that, the 5 rangers turned and looked at Hairil in disbelieve.

Then Anand looked at Hairil and asked him, “Hairil, do swear in front of everyone here not to reveal the identity of the STAR Rangers?”

“Like I said last night, I will not reveal your identities”, replied Hairil, “Anyways, you guys are my friends, why would I want to betray you”, he added.

Then Darryl stood up and says, “Well, I for one believe him.”

“So do we”, added Jerlin on behalf of the other 4 rangers.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Kortana was practicing her sword fight in the Training Room. While she was practicing, she did not notice that Princess Lira was look at her. Once Kortana had finished her training, Princess Lira began to clap her hands as she walked towards Kortana. Then Princess Lira told Kortana that she was very skillful with the sword. Then Kortana thanked Princess Lira before asking her what she was doing at the Training Room, so Princess Lira told her that she was actually there to practice on her sword skills as well. Then Princess Lira had an idea. She then asked Kortana if she wanted to have a little sparring match with her. Then Kortana accepted the invitation. Immediately, the 2 ladies began their sparring match.

Elsewhere on the Zeta Base, Kaijax was hatching his new plan to destroy the Power Rangers. He had already summoned a monster known as ‘Rampage’ and was trying was using the Molecule Reconfigurater to make another monster. Once he had finished making another monster, he named it, ‘Dozer’. Then Kaijax told Rampage and Dozer to go and destroy the rangers.

Meanwhile on Earth, a group of schoolgirls from Bedok South Secondary School were making their way to the White Sands Shopping Center when both Rampage and Dozer were suddenly attacking them. Upon the attack, Samsul alerted the rangers of the situation and in an instant, the rangers morphed up and headed to the location.

“Stop right there”, shouted Anand.

“I don’t think so, rangers”, replied Rampage as he grabbed 1 of the girls by the throat.

“Let her go, you coward”, added Jerlin.

“What if we don’t want to?” replied Dozer.

“Then we’ll just have to do it by force”, added Farhan.

Just as Farhan was about to attack the monsters, Anand stopped him and told him that they would cause the girl more harm. Then Farhan asked Anand whether he has a plan but Anand could only reply that he doesn’t have any. Just then, Hairil sneaked up behind the monsters and led the other girls to safety before returning back to kick Rampage in the back to force him to release the terrified girl. After Rampage released the girl, he then turned his attention towards Hairil and began to walk closer to him. As the 2 monsters were so focused on Hairil, the Nova Ranger took out his Nova Riffle and started blasting away at the 2 monsters. Then Farhan told Hairil to get the girl to a safe place.

At once Hairil did as he was told. While he brought the girl to her friends, the rangers were already in their S-Gear attacking the monsters. Then once the rangers noticed that the 2 monsters were weakened, they called out for their STAR Weapons and formed up the STAR Cannon.

“STAR Cannon, Fire!” shouted the STAR Rangers.

“Millennium Cannon, Fire!” shouted the Millennium Ranger.

“Nova Riffle, Fire!” shouted the Nova Ranger.

Then as all 3-fire powers were traveling towards the 2 monsters, Dozer grabbed Rampage and put him in between him and the attack. Then when the smoke and dust has settled, the rangers were surprised to see that Dozer was still alive. Then Dozer looked up to the sky and asked Kaijax to help him. Then back at the Zeta Base, as Kaijax was about to hit the red button, he was stopped by Princess Lira. Then Princess Lira asked him what he was doing. Then Kaijax replied that he had sent down 2 monsters to attack the rangers with and he was about to make them grow.

After explaining himself, Princess Lira granted him permission to only make 1 monster grow, so in the end, he chooses to make Dozer grow. Once Dozer had grown, the rangers called for their STAR Zords and formed up the Millennium STAR Megazord. Soon, the Nova Megazord joined in the battle. Then the Nova Ranger summoned for his Nova Saber and began to attack Dozer. While the Nova Megazord was attacking the Dozer, the Millennium STAR Megazord was preparing to use the Hyper Drill Cannon but before it could even get it to charge up, Dozer grabbed the Nova Megazord and threw it towards the Millennium STAR Megazord.

Now that both Megazords were on the ground, Dozer began to laugh as it walked towards the 2 fallen Megazords. As Dozer was walking towards the Megazords, the Nova Megazord picked up the Nova Saber and strikes Dozer a couple of time. Then when Dozer was weakened, Dozer was destroyed completely with the Hyper Drill Cannon.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was really disappointed with Kaijax. She was disappointed with Kaijax was because of the fact that he sent down 2 monsters to attack the rangers without her knowledge and not 1 of them could destroy the rangers. Then Princees Lira looked at Kaijax and told him that he was relieved of his duties as her Loyal Bodyguard. Then Princess Lira looked at Kortana and told her that she will take over where her father has left off. In another word, Kortana is now Princess Lira’s new Loyal Bodyguard. Then Kortana graciously accepts her new duty.

Back on Earth, the rangers were having a little chat with Hairil at Club Darrome.

Then Anand looked at Hairil and told him that what he did earlier to save the girls was a brave thing to do. Anand added that he believes Hairil could be trusted to keep their ranger identities a secret before handing him a Wrist Communicator, which will allow him to board the Nova Carrier at any time he chooses. Then the rest of the rangers thanked Hairil for both his help and trust.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Eps 30: Bad to the Bone

Once Kortana was ready, Kaijax took her to meet Princess Lira. As soon as Princess Lira heard that Kaijax had created his own daughter, she was speechless. Then she asked him how was he able to do such a thing, so Kaijax brought Princess Lira to the lab and showed her the Molecule Reconfigurater.

When Princess Lira saw the machine for the first time, she looked at Kaijax and said, “Are you kidding me?”

“Princess, just look at my daughter and tell me if I am lying to you?” calmly replied Kaijax.

“Very well, show me how it works”, commanded Princess Lira.

“You there”, shouted Kaijax at 1 of the Zetrans who was standing nearby, “Get into the chamber now.”

Once the Zetran was inside the chamber, Kaijax activated the machine and once the process was completed, everyone was waiting to see the results. As soon as the Zetran stepped out of the chamber, another Zetran stepped out of the other chamber. The differences between the 2 Zetarns were that the other Zetran was in a red base and it was more violent than the original one. Once the red Zetran saw the other Zetran, it began to attack it. Once the original Zetran was destroyed, the red Zetran had his eyes set on Princess Lira, it ran towards her and bowed to her feet.

“Kaijax”, said Princess Lira with a smile on her face, “Make me more of this kind of Zetrans.”

“Yes Princess”, replied Kaijax, “And what should we call them?” he added.

“I think I will name them ‘Riot Zetrans’. Now get back to work, I want them to be ready by tonight”, replied Princess Lira.

Meanwhile back on Earth, the rangers were all ready for their barbecue outing with some of their CCA friend. Once they have arrived at the barbecue site, Hairil, who brought them to the barbecue pit, greeted them. Once there, the boys began work on starting the fire while the girls prepared the food to be cooked. Once the fire was ready, the girls started cooking the foods while the boys played a little game of ‘Beach Soccer’.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira returned to the lab and found out that the lab was filled with her new Riot Zetrans. They came in all kind of colours and attitude. There are Riot Zetrans in Blue base, Red base, Green Base, Purple base and even Orange Base. Their attitudes were also like their colours. They were all more violent than the original version of the Zetrans but at different levels. Some were more fiercer looking, while another group were more cunning and others were relaxed and were willing to do anything that they were ordered to do.

“Well done Kaijax”, announced Princess Lira.

“Thank you Princess”, replied Kaijax.

“Kortana, I have a mission for you”, said Princess Lira.

“Yes Princess, I am here to serve you”, replied Kortana.

“I want you to lead the new Riot Zetrans down and destroy the rangers”, added Princess Lira.

“As you wish, Princess”, replied Kortana as she took the entire army of Riot Zetrans and went down to Earth.

Back on Earth, the rangers were enjoying their wonderful barbecued meal. While they were eating, a few bolts of lightning strike the ground near the area where the rangers area and began to walk to wards the rangers. Then Yong Sen was at the barbecue pit helping himself to a chicken wing when he noticed a group of monsters headed their way. Immediately, he dropped his plate and rush off to inform the others. Then Anand stood up and saw the group for himself before asking everyone to run. Then he looked at Hairil and told him to make sure everyone gets to safety. Immediately, Hairil began to lead every away from the monsters.

Once the coast was clear, the rangers raced towards the group of monsters. Soon the monsters stopped walking. Then Kortana introduced herself to the rangers. Then Nasrul asked Kortana if Kaijax was afraid of the rangers. Then he added on to why he said that. First Kaijax sent down a Chicken monster. Then Jerlin added that now he sents a female monster. Then Darryl added on saying that she was a beautiful monster at that. Then Kortana took out her sword and pointed it at the rangers and told them not to talk like that about her father. Upon hearing that, the rangers were speechless. Then Kortana gave the Riot Zetrans the ordered to attack the rangers. Then the rangers began to retaliate.

Meanwhile, Hairil had brought the others to safety but when he did a head count, he realized that 7 of them were missing. Soon he identified that Anand and the others were the missing ones. Then he told another guy to keep an eye on the others while goes back to find Anand and the others.

Back at the battle site, the rangers were having lots of trouble with the new Riot Zetrans. Then the rangers decided that it was time to morph up. While they morphed, they did not notice that Hairil was just behind the bushes. When Hairil saw his friends were the Power Rangers. Then the rangers called for their STAR Weapons and formed up the STAR Cannon and fired it at the Zetarns but it wasn’t effective. Then Kortana began laughing and told the rangers that they will not be able to defeat the Riot Zetrans. Upon hearing that, the rangers called for their S-Gear used the Dash mode but it was ineffective. Then they switched it to the Driller mode. Hoping that by going underground would give them some advantage, they rangers went underground. Even though the rangers were underground, the Riot Zetrans found a way to lure the rangers back on land. They began to strike the ground with their fists. They did that to cause an earthquake and began to force the rangers back to the surface.

While the rangers were being forced back to the surface, Anand and Farhan were struggling to attack the Riot Zetrans, as the ground was really unstable. Soon the Rangers were on the surface ground. Then Darryl told the rangers to switch to the Jet mode. Once the rangers were in their jet mode, they took to the sky. As the Riot Zetrans were looking above the rangers, Anand and Farhan wasted no time in attacking Kortana. Althought it may be 2 guys against 1 girl, it looks like Kortana is having the upper hand. Meanwhile still in the sky, the rangers called out for STAR weapons and formed up the STAR Cannon, again. Once the STAR Cannon was ready, the rangers concentrated all their power into the STAR Cannon and fired it at the Riot Zetrans. With that much firepower, the rangers eliminated all the Riot Zetrans and as soon as the rangers landed they demorphed and collapsed.

Once Kortana noticed that her Riot Zetrans were destroyed, she kicked Anand and Farhan away before teleporting back to the Zeta Base. Then Hairil jumped out of the bushes and ran towards the rangers. Once he got to the rangers, he told Anand that he saw everything. Then he offered to help to bring the others to safety. He also promised the rangers that he would not reveal their identities. Then Anand looked at Hairil and trusted him. Then he asked Hairil to help out in bringing the other rangers to a safe place.

Eps 29: Cock-A-Doodle-Doo

At the Zeta Base, Kaijax was still searching for an idea to help strengthen their army. While he was searching, he heard Princess Lira called out his name, so he rushed over to her in a hurry. Once he was there, Princess Lira asked him if he had found an idea. Then he replied that he had not. Then Princess Lira gave him another job to do and that was to send down a monster to attack the rangers. Immediately, he summoned ‘Roostoo’.

Meanwhile back on Earth, the rangers were at IMM shopping for food to bring to a Barbecue, which they are planning to go to the next day. After they had finish and ready to head on home, a group of Zetrans attacked the rangers at the entrance of the shopping center. Once the rangers had finished of the Zetrans, they picked up their groceries and headed straight for the Nova Carrier.

Once the rangers were on board the Nova Carrier, Samsul checked the computer to see if there has been any more random attacks through out the country and soon found out that the Zetrans was decoy attack to keep the rangers busy while a monster attack the country. Without any hesitation, the rangers morphed up to do battle with Roostoo.

“Stop right there, bird brain”, shouted Jerlin.

“I don’t think so, rangers”, replied Roostoo as he threw some exploding feathers at the rangers.

After the explosion, Anand was seen running towards Roostoo with his Millennium Cannon in hand. Soon the others could be seen running towards Roostoo with their STAR weapons in hand. As the rangers were running towards the Roostoo, Roostoo began to fly towards the rangers and grabbed Anand’s shoulders with his claw-like feet. Once he had caught Anand, Roostoo began to put fear into him. Once that was done, he let Anand go. Then the other rangers went to help Anand up. As got back to his feet, Roostoo made his landing and as soon as Anand saw Roostoo, Anand began to tremble with fear.

When the others noticed this they were really puzzled by what had happened to Anand. Then Farhan asked Roostoo what he had done to Anand. Then Roostoo told Farhan that he will not only tell but he will also show him what he had done and soon Farhan fell victim to Roostoo. After Farhan had become just like Anand, the other rangers had no other choice but to retreat for now.

When the rangers arrived back on the Nova Carrier, Darryl shouted, “Sam, we got a problem.”

“I know”, replied Samsul as he walked towards the rangers, “They aren’t the only ones. The monster has turned most of the people into ‘Chickens’, so to speak.”

“That’s a problem but do you know how to turn them back to normal?” asked Hana.

“Fortunately, yes but unfortunately, you need to destroy the monster to break the spell”, added Samsul.

Meanwhile back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was a little impressed with what Roostoo has done with 2 of the rangers. Then she asked him to continue the good job and finish off the other 5 rangers. Immediately, Roostoo went back to Earth to complete his job.

Back on Earth, the remaining 5 rangers were planning on how to destroy the Roostoo and not to fall under his spell. Soon enough, Samsul alerted the rangers that Roostoo was back. Immediately, the rangers morphed up and did battle with Roostoo. Once the rangers arrived at Roostoo location, Roostoo began to run away.

“Hold it you chicken”, shouted Yong Sen as he and the rangers gave chase to Roostoo.

“Oh I may be a chicken but I’m certain I’m not a chicken”, replied Roostoo as he continued to run.

Soon, the rangers had Roostoo cornered at an alley but that didn’t seem to be the case as Roostoo summoned a group of Zetrans to aid him in his battle. While the rangers battling the Zetrans, Roostoo took to the sky and decided on which ranger he would like to put some fear into. As he was deciding, Nasrul noticed that Roostoo was in the sky, so he called for his S-Gear and used the Jet mode to battle with Roostoo. Not long after, the rangers called for their S-Gear and used the Dash mode to finish off the remaining Zetrans before switching it to the Jet mode to help Nasrul battle Roostoo.

While the other rangers were on the way to help Nasrul, Roostoo’s exploding feathers scored a direct hit on Nasrul. Once Nasrul had regained his balance, he attacked Roostoo with his blasters. Then the other rangers did the same and soon Roostoo crashed landed on the ground hard. While still hovering in the sky, the rangers called for their STAR weapons and formed up the STAR Cannon. Once the STAR Cannon was formed up, the rangers fired it and destroyed Roostoo.

Back at the Zeta Base, Kaijax fired the 3 poles and made Roostoo grow. Once Roostoo had grown, the rangers called for their STAR zords and formed up the STAR Megazord: Sheath mode. Once the STAR Megazord: Sheath mode was formed, Roostoo wasted no time attacking it. Roostoo attacked it with rights, lefts and some exploding feathers. Soon the rangers retaliated with the Knee Drill Attack. Then the rangers gave Roostoo a taste of the Megazord’s rights and lefts. Not long after, the rangers took the STAR Megazord into the sky and prepared to fire the STAR Rapid Blasters. Once Roostoo was locked on, the rangers opened fire at Roostoo and destroyed it. Upon destroying Roostoo, everyone that was attacked by Roostoo was turned back to normal. Including Anand and Farhan.

Meanwhile back at the Zeta Base, Kaijax did not care much about Roostoo being destroyed, instead he was interested about re-strengthening his army. Soon, he found himself in Ripster’s room. As he was going through some of Ripster’s files, he spotted a note that really got his idea running. After thinking about it, he decided to take the file and continue to read the other pages in his own room.

Once he was in his own room, he continued to read on and found out that Ripster had build an invention the knowledge of Princess Lira or himself for that matter. The invention is some kind of a cloning machine called the ‘Molecule Reconfigurater’. Soon an idea strikes his head and he soon realized that he had found away to re-strengthen his army.

After reading the rest of the notes, Kaijax went on a search for the Molecule Reconfigurater. After about half an hour of searching, he finally found the machine and soon decided to give it a try. So Kaijax called one of the Zetran to assist him. Once he got a Zetran to help him, he stood in one of the chamber and asked the Zetran to start the machine.

Once the process was completed, Kaijax stepped out of the chamber and looked at the other chamber. Soon a monster came out of the chamber and to Kaijax surprise, the monster did look a little like him. Only problem is the monster was a female monster. Once the monster had stepped out of the chamber and looked at Kaijax, it ran towards it and bowed at his feet.

“Hello father, how can I serve you?” asked the monster.

“Father?” replied Kaijax.

“You are the one who created me is it not?” added the monster.

“Yes, yes I did, my daughter”, replied Kaijax, “But first you need a name and I shall call you ‘Kortana’ ”, added Kaijax.

“Kortana, I like that name. Thank you father”, replied Kortana.

Eps 28: Double Action

At the Zeta Base, Kaijax was discussing about their battle strategy with the Millennium and Nova Ranger later that day. While they were discussing, Princess Lira walked into the Meeting Room and asked them what they were talking about.

Then Kaijax told Princess Lira that both he and Ripster were discussing on a plan to defeat both of their ranger opponents. Upon hearing what Kaijax had said, a smile could be seen on Princess Lira’s face. Then she asked him who their opponents were. Then Ripster replied that their opponents are the Millennium and Nova Rangers. Then the smile upon Princess Lira’s face grew wider.

Meanwhile on the Nova Carrier, both Anand and Farhan were training themselves to keep their skills razor sharp for the duel with Kaijax and Ripster. While they were training, Jerlin walked into the room and asked if they could talk for a while.

“So what’s on your mind, Jerlin?” asked Anand.

“Nothing much. I just want to replace one of you for the battle later on because I still owe Ripster one for pulling that tiger cub stun on me”, added Jerlin with fire burning in her eyes.

“In other words, you want revenge don’t you?” added Farhan.

“Ya and is that wrong?” replied Jerlin.

Then Farhan looked at Anand, and then to Jerlin and back to Anand and say, “Ok I’ll stand down. Jerlin you can have my place”

Then Anand asked Farhan what he was doing. He also asked Farhan if he wanted to win. Then Farhan replied that he would allow Jerlin to have her revenge on Ripster. Then he added that he also wants to win but he that he has confident in her that she will beat Ripster. After saying that, Farhan looked at Jerlin and told her that it was time to start training.

Back at the Zeta Base, Kaijax and Ripster were about to leave the Zeta Base for their duel, when Princess Lira stopped them. Then Princess Lira told them to summon a monster to keep the other rangers busy, before they leave. Immediately, Ripster summoned a monster known as ‘Haredevil’. After Haredevil had been summoned, Ripster told him to destroy the rest of the rangers while he and Kaijax finish off the other 2 rangers.

When the time has come for the duel to begin, the rangers and the 2 officers, along with Haredevil, arrived at the duel site. Then both Anand and Jerlin stood in front of the rangers and asked the 2 officers if they were ready. Then Ripster was surprised to see that Farhan had given Jerlin his spot to challenge the 2 officers. Then he gave Haredevil the word to begin his attack on the rangers before telling Kaijax that he will be challenging the Yellow STAR Ranger. Upon hearing what Ripster had told Kaijax, Jerlin morphed up and began her attack on Ripster while Anand morphed up and attack Kaijax. The others morphed up to do battle with Haredevil. After the rangers had morphed up, they called up for their S-Gear.

While running towards Ripster, Jerlin used the Driller mode of her S-Gear and attacked Ripster. Ripster was having a hard time dealing with Jerlin because she was constantly diving in and out of the ground. As she was doing that, she was hitting Ripster every time she pops out of the ground.

Meanwhile, Anand was giving Kaijax a massive headache with massive blows to Kaijax’s head with his Millennium Cannon, which is mounted to his right arm. Finally, Anand finished his combo attack with a close range shot of his Millennium Cannon to the abs of Kaijax. While that was happening, the other rangers were dealing with Haredevil.

When Jerlin stopped her attack, Ripster looked at her and asks her, “Is that all you got?”

“No, this is”, replied Jerlin as she switched her S-Gear to the Dash mode and finished off Ripster with Rapid Strike.

After being hit by the Rapid Strike, a huge explosion erupted and Ripster was being flung aside where he lay motionless. Once she was done with Ripster, she helped the other rangers to finish off Haredevil with the STAR Cannon and Nova Riffle. Once Haredevil was destroyed, the rangers went on to help Anand.

Anand was still fighting Kaijax. Once Anand had weakened Kaijax, the joined the others to finally finish off Kaijax. Once they had their Cannons and Riffle locked on Kaijax, they fired the weapons. As the blasts were heading towards Kaijax, none of the rangers noticed Ripster racing towards Kaijax as well. Then just in the nick of time, Ripster pushed Kaijax away from the blast and scarified himself to save Kaijax.

Once Kaijax realized that Ripster had being destroyed, he vow that he will make the rangers pay for what they had done before he teleported back to the Zeta Base. Once he had returned to the Zeta Base, he pressed the red button and sent down 2 sets of 3 poles to make both of the fallen monsters grow.

Once Haredevil and Ripster had grown, the rangers called for their zords and formed up the Millennium STAR and Nova Megazords. As the Nova Megazords was dealing with Haredevil, the Millennium STAR was dealing with Ripster. While the Nova Megazord was having an easier time dealing with Haredevil, the Millennium STAR Megazord was giving Ripster a beating that he will never forget.

As the Millennium STAR Megazord was about to hit Ripster with a right fist, Ripster was able to stop the hit tossed the Millennium STAR aside. Once the Millennium STAR was down, Ripster was ready to attack with his razor sharp when the Nova Megazord stopped the attack with it’s Nova Megazord Saber.

“Guys get up, I can’t handle both of them alone you know”, exclaimed the Nova Ranger.

“Guys”, said Jerlin, Let’s finish of Ripster with the Hyper Drill Cannon.”

“Ok let’s do it”, replied the other rangers, as they brought the Millennium STAR Megazord to it’s feet.

Once the Millennium STAR Megazord was on its feet, the Nova Megazord continued its attack on Haredevil. After several slashes with its Nova Megazord Blade and Haredevil was destroyed. Meanwhile the other rangers were powering up the Hyper Drill Cannon. Once the timing was right, they fired it at Ripster and finally they destroyed him. Now that they have destroyed 2 Zeta Generals, they only have Kaijax left to destroy.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira found herself back to where she started. Trying to conquer Earth with only 1 General, Kaijax. After realizing this, she called for Kaijax. Once Kaijax had arrived, she asked him if he had any ideas to help strengthen their army. Then all Kaijax could reply was that he had none. Then he added that he would find a way to strengthen their army. Upon saying that, he left Princess Lira in search for that idea.

Eps 27: High Flyers

As the rangers were walking home from school, the weather was hotter than usual. Suddenly, Nasrul asked the rest of the rangers if they wanted to go to the beach to cool off. Then one by one the rangers agreed, so they headed back to their house and pack their bags to head for the beach.

Once they were at the beach, the guys wasted no time stripping themselves down to their swimming trunks and dived into the cooling waters of the ocean. Once they were in the water, they began splashing about. Not long after the girls joined the guys in the water and soon, they were splashing water around as well. After a while, the rangers exited the water feeling hungry, so they open their bags and soon realized that they had forgotten to pack foods. Soon the rangers could hear some munching sound behind them and when they turned around to have a look, they noticed that Jerlin was enjoying the sandwiches that she has brought from home. Soon the rangers began to eye on the sandwiches but before any of them could grab sandwiches, Jerlin reached into her bag and pulls out 6 more packets of sandwiches and handed them to the rangers.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was having a little meeting with Ripster and Kaijax. Then she looked at Kaijax and asked him if he had any monsters left to summon to destroy the rangers. Then Kaijax told Princess Lira that he does have a few monsters left and in an instant, he summoned a monster known as 'Skydive'. Immediately, Kaijax gave Skydive the word to attack Earth and the rangers.

Back on Earth, the rangers were now resting under a big shady tree after after they had just finished eating their sandwiches. While they were resting, Samsul's laptop went off and when he checked it out, he realized that a monster was on the loose. Immediately, the rangers left the area and searched for a quite area to morph. After the rangers had morphed up, they caught up with the monster near the West Coast shores.

"Stop right there creep", shouted Hana to Skydive.

"And who's going to stop me, you little girl?" replied Skydive.

"No, we are going to stop you", replied Anand.

Immediately the rangers call for their STAR Weapons and began their attack on Skydive. Then Skydive summoned some Zetrans to help him attack the rangers. Soon the Zetrans were defeated and all 7 of the rangers were now setting their sights on Skydive. Then the rangers formed up the STAR Canon and prepared to fire it at Skydive. Once the rangers were ready, the fired the STAR Canon but to their surprise, Skydive flew out of the way and began to attackt the rangers from the sky.

"So he wants to take the battle to the sky, I say we give it to him", exclaimed Darryl.

"Right", replied the other rangers.

"S-Gear, Power up!” shouted the rangers.

Once the rangers were in their S-Gear, Darryl instructed the rangers to use the Jet Mode. Soon the 5 STAR Rangers were flying into the sky and began attacking Skydive. Then as if flying rangers were not enough, both the Millennium and Nova Rangers were attacking Skydive from the ground. Unable to concentrate with lasers firing at every direction, Skydive was shot from the sky by Yong Sen. As Skydive was falling to the ground, Farhan took his Nova Blade and ran towards Anand. Then he jumped of Anand's shoulder and was launched into the sky. As Farhan was going up, Skydive was falling down in his direction. Then Farhan slashed Skydive as they went passed each other. After being slashed, Skydive continue to fall. As he was falling, Anand had already locked his Millennium Canon on Skydive and when the timing was right, he fired it coursing Skydive to blow up in mid air.

Back at the Zeta Base, Kaijax pressed the red button to fire off 3 poles and made Skydive to grow. Once Skydive has grown, the rangers called for their zords and form up to the STAR Megazord: Stealth Mode, Millennium Megazord and Nova Megazord. When the 3 Megazords were ready, they each took turns to attack Skydive but before any of the Megazords could lay a hand on him, Skydive took to the sky again. As soon as Skydive took off, Farhan flew his Nova Megazord into the sky to chase. Not long after, the STAR Megazord took of as well leaving the Millennium Megazord all alone on the ground.

Once the Nova Megazord had caught up with Skydive, it attacked him with its Nova Saber, cutting of 1 of his wings. Then the STAR Megazord attacked Skydive with its Knee Drill Attack, cutting off the Skydive's remaining wing. Then as Skydive was falling helplessly to the ground, The Millennium Megazord was preparing to use its 'Double Barrel Arm Canon' to finish off Skydive. When the timing was right, Anand fire the canon. The shot hit Skydive but it did not destroy him.

"What that should have done it", announced Anand.

"We need to try something else", added Darryl.

"Guys let form up the Millennium STAR Megazord. That just might work", added Anand.

So as soon as the STAR Megazord: Stealth Mode landed, the rangers power down the S-Gear and combined their STAR Megazord with the Millennium Megazord to form the Millennium STAR Megazord. Once the Millennium STAR Megazord was formed up, the rangers prepared to finish off Skydive with the Hyper Drill Canon and when the timing was right, the rangers fired the canon and this time they were able to destroy Skydive.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was shouting over at Ripster and Kaijax. She was shouting at them because the rangers have always found a way to beat her monster every single time. Then after she had let out all of her anger on the 2 officers, she told them to get out off her sight.

Eps 26: S-Gear

At the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was having a little conversation with her father, King Rocon, via the Viewing Monitor. Then she told her father what had happened the other day with the White STAR Ranger. After hearing what his daughter had said, he decided to send down his most powerful General to help his little Princess.

After a while, King Rocon’s General had arrived at the Zeta Base. Upon his arrival, he was greeted by Kaijax , who brought him to see the Princess.

“Greetings, Princess. I am General Rhinex and I am here to assist you”, exclaimed the monster.

“Yes I’ve been expecting you General”, replied Princess Lira, “So I also heard that you’re my father’s most powerful General, am I right?”

“Of course I’m the king’s most powerful General, I helped him conquer many other planets for him”, replied Rhinex.

“Very well, show me what you can do. I want you to go and destroy the Power Rangers”, said Princess Lira.

Immediately, Rhinex went down to Earth and began to get the rangers attention. Not long after the rangers arrive to the scene and confronted Rhinex. Then Rhinex told the rangers that he is Rhinex, King Rocon’s most powerful General and he is here to help Princess Lira to conquer Earth. Then Nasrul walked up in front of the group and told Rhinex that that will not be possible while the rangers were around. Then Rhinex told them that that will be easy before he opened fire at the rangers.

Immediately, the rangers called for their STAR Weapons and began to retaliate. Unfortunately for the rangers, Rhinex was too strong for them. Even with the combine power of the STAR Canon, the Millennium Canon and the Nova Riffle, the rangers were still unable to beat him. Then Samsul contacted the rangers via their communicator and topld them to retreat for now. In an instant, the rangers made their retreat and began to regroup on broad the Nova Carrier.

“Man that Rhinex character is too strong for us”, said Yong Sen.

“Even with the combine power of the STAR Canon, the Millennium Canon and the Nova Riffle we couldn’t even starch him”, added Hana.

“Ok, ok guys, slow down. Let me see if I can get to the bottom of this”, replied Samsul.

Meanwhile back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was totally impressed by Rhinex strength. Then Rhinex told Princess Lira that at this rate, Earth will belong to the Zeta Empire in no time and soon began laughing with Princess Lira.

Back on the Nova Carrier, Samsul had already began working on a new weapon with he hopes will be able to beat Rhinex the next time they battle. While Samsul was working on the new weapon, the rangers were busily working on a plan of attack if Samsul is done with the new weapon by the time Rhinex makes his attack again. While they were busy cooking up a plan, Samsul told the rangers that Rhinex was on the attack. He also told them that the new weapon was not ready. Then Anand looked at the rangers and told them that it was time to put their plan into action.

“STAR Power, Ignite!” shouted the STAR Rangers

“ Millennium Power, Ignite!” shouted Anand.

“Nova Blast!” shouted Farhan.

Soon the rangers caught up with Rhinex. Then Rhinex ask the rangers if they were back for more before he began his attack. Then once again the rangers called out for their STAR Weapons and attacked him, even though they knew that it was on effective against him. During The battle, the rangers were being beaten down. Then just to add insult to injury, Rhinex summoned a group of Zetrans down to assist him in the destruction of the rangers. While that was going on, Sansul was still struggling to finish the new weapon. Soon he has completed the new weapon but he doesn’t know if it works or not. Knowing the risk if the weapon does work, Samsul contacted the rangers and told them that he will be sending them the new weapon. He also told them to call out ‘S-Gear, Power Up’ to receive the weapons.

“You guys ready”, asked Anand.

“Yes”, replied the rest of the rangers in a single voice.

“S-Gear, Power up!” shouted all the rangers.

Soon, a beam of light shined down upon the rangers. While the light was shinning on the rangers, they were being armored with shield and new weapons and when the light began to fade, the rangers armed with their new S-Gear was revealed. The amours are attached to a backpack, which is located on the back of the rangers. These backpacks have 3 different modes. The modes are Driller Mode, Jet Mode and Dash Mode.

Hana and Nasrul used the Jet Mode, so backpack transformed into wings with booster on the tip. The weapons were located on the wings and they are blasters that fire out lasers. Jerlin and Yong Sen Used the Driller Mode, so their backpack transformed into a single booster and their weapons were located on their hands and they are also used to drill tunnels underground. Finally Darryl used the Dash Mode, so his backpack did not transform but instead, the backpack hooked 2 jagged-edged blades on his wrist and his boots were equipped with rocket powered roller blades. Then Samsul told the rangers that the good thing about these S-Gears is that the rangers can use any mode that they like but for the Nova and Millenium Ranger, they did not receive the backpacks, instead their suit base colour changed and their weapons power was increased. Farhan’s Nova suit was changed from a blackish grey to a white base with blue lining and Anand’s Millennium suit changed from a dark blue to an orange base with white shield.

With the new weapons, the rangers attacked the Zetrans and Rhinex. Hana and Nasrul took to the sky and attacked some of the Zetrans from there while Jerlin and Yong Sen attacked the rest of them from underground. Then, Darryl attacked Rhinex with super high speed and with several strike of his sword Rhinex was weakened, then it was Anand’s turn to attack, his Millennium Canon was now able to installed over his arm for maximum damage, so he used it to hit Rhinex. Then, Farhan used his Nova Blade, which was now engulfed with flame to weaken Rhinex further. Finally, Farhan placed his Nova Blade into his Nova Riffle and fired it at Rhinex. With that attack, Rhinex was destroyed.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira pressed the red button and fired the 3 poles to make Rhinex grow. Once Rhinex has grown, the rangers called for their zords. Once the rangers were onboard their zords, Samsul told the STAR Rangers that they could use the S-Gear to power up the STAR Megazord. With that in mind, the STAR Rangers formed up the STAR Megazord and due to the power of the S-Gear, the STAR Megazord changed its base colour from black to white. Then the rangers called the new mode, ‘STAR Megazord: Stealth Mode’. Then the Millennium Megazord and the Nova Megazord soon joined in the battle. Then the Millennium Megazord and the Nova Megazord began to walk towards Rhinex and do a little double team on him while the STAR Megazord: Sheath Mode was preparing to attack it with the STAR Rapid Blasters and the difference between the Stealth Mode and the Normal Mode STAR Rapid Blasters is that the Sheath Mode blasters are now equipped with the Drills. Once they were ready, they fired it at Rhinex destroying him completely.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira had no way of informing her father of what had just happened to his most powerful general because to satellite was not in line with the planet her father’s planet. Meanwhile back on Earth, the rangers thank Samsul for the new and cool S-Gear

Eps 25: For My Nova

While the Anand and the other guys were playing a game of soccer with the boys from Jerlin and Hana’s class during their P.E lesson, the 2 girls were playing a game of netball with the girls from Anand’s class. During their little friendly match, Hana did not concentrate on the game, as she was busy looking at Farhan who had just scored a goal from a corner kick taken by Nasrul.

“Hana, heads up!” shouted 1 of her classmates who had passed the ball to her but it ended up hitting her on her head.

“Hana, are you ok?” added Jerlin.

“Ya, of course I’m ok”, answered Hana.

Then as the game was about to resume, their P.E teachers blow their whistles to signal the end of the lesson. Just as the girls came out of the Netball court, the boys noticed that Hana was holding her head and were wondering what had happened. As the girls were walking, Hana told Jerlin how the ball hit her head. She told Jerlin that when she heard Farhan shouted ‘Goal’, she turned her head to have a look and the next thing she knew, the ball hit her.

After the rangers had changed up and were ready to leave, Jerlin rushed up to Farhan and told him what had happened to Hana. Then she told Farhan that Hana has a crush on him but she didn’t want him to know that. Then she added that it would be a great idea to take Hana out to the Netball tournament, which will take place the next day at the Toa Payoh Sports Complex. Then as the rangers were walking out of school, Farhan turned to Hana and asked her some questions.

“So how’s your head?” asked Farhan.

“Oh, it’s fine. Thanks for asking”, replied Hana.

“So will it be fine for tomorrow’s Netball tournament?” asked Farhan.

“But I’m not playing tomorrow”, replied Hana.

“I mean to watch the tournament”, added Farhan,

After hearing what Farhan said, Hana began to jump for joy. Then Farhan told her that he would take that as a yes. Then he added that he will pick her up at about 3pm. The next day once school has ended, Hana and Farhan went back to their houses to change up and get ready for their little outing. At the Toa Payoh Sports Complex, the both of them were enjoying both the game and each other’s company.

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was looking at both Hana and Farhan together having fun and this triggered a few memories of her and Sentra. At this point of time, tears started to fell from her eyes. Then suddenly, Kaijax walked in the room and noticed that Princess Lira was crying, so he asked her why was she crying. Then Princess Lira quietly wiped off her tears and was surprised to see Kaijax out of bed, so she asked him why was he out of bed. Then Kaijax told Princess Lira that he was felling much better and that he was ready for duty. Then he noticed that Princess Lira was looking at both the Nova Ranger and the White STAR Ranger together. Then he walked towards her and asked her if she still missed him. Immediately, Princess Lira nodded her head and began to cry even more. Then Kaijax gave her an advice to fight for the man she wants, which means she had to fight the White STAR Ranger for the Nova Ranger Then Kaijax added that he would sent down a monster to keep the Nova and the other rangers busy while she finishes off the White STAR Ranger. Immediately, Kaijax summoned a monster known as ‘Stalleon’ and together with Princess Lira, they went down to Earth.

Back on Earth, Hana and Farhan were making their way back from the Sports Complex when all of a sudden, a bolt of lighting strike the ground and out of nowhere, Princess Lira and Stalleon appeared.

“White Ranger, I, Princess Lira, challenge you to a duel and the winner will keep the Nova Ranger” exclaimed Princess Lira to Hana.

“Lira, that’s enough. What happened between us when I was Sentra is over. Sentra is dead and he is never coming back”, replied Farhan.

“Oh he is coming back all right, as the Nova Ranger”, added Princess Lira.

“Don’t worry Farhan I will win this battle. For us”, replied Hana with pure confidence as she morphed up and run towards Princess Lira with her STAR Baton in hand.

Immediately, Princess Lira gave the word to Stalleon to attack the Nova Ranger as she did battle with Hana. As soon as Farhan noticed that Stalleon was headed his way, he called the other rangers for back up just before he morphed up and began his battle with Stalleon. Meanwhile, Hana and Princess Lira were locked in a heated battle. Then both of them fought fiercely near the edge of a cliff. Then Hana saw an opening and kicked Princess Lira at her abs region causing her to off the cliff. As Princess Lira began to fall off the cliff, she grabbed Hana’s legs and pulls her down the cliffs as well.

Meanwhile back at the other battle site, the other rangers had already arrived to help out Farhan but as soon as the other rangers had everything under control, Farhan left the battle scene to help out Hana. When he arrived at the cliff, he could not see either Princess Lira or Hana anywhere. Then when he looked down, he was surprised to see both of them still fighting, so he decided to go down and stop them. While Farhan went down the cliff, the other rangers had to find another way to defeat Stalleon as they do no have the STAR Baton to form up the STAR Canon. Then Anand came up with the idea to fire all their weapons at Stalleon at the same time and eventually, they defeated Stalleon.

Back to the other battle, Farhan was running towards both Hana and Princess Lira when Kaijax, appeared and stopped him Farhan from interfering with the battle, and soon began to attack Farhan. Beginning to weaken, Hana summon up all her energy to continue to attack Princess Lira while Princess Lira was doing the same thing. Soon the 2 of them locked their weapons.

“You are a very worthy opponent, White Ranger”, said Princess Lira.

“Ya thanks, too bad I’m going to win this battle”, replied Hana.

Then with an opening sighted, Hana took it and strike Princess Lira on her back causing her to fall face first to the ground. As Princess Lira was about to get up, Hana picked up Princess Lira’s sword and pointed it directly at Princess Lira’s face.

“Do you give up?”, questioned Hana to Princess Lira.

“Never!” replied Princess Lira as she kicked Hana’s legs causing her to release the sword and fall to the ground.

While on the ground, Hana noticed that Princess Lira was about pick up her sword, so she use her STAR Blasters to attack Princess Lira but it was a little too later as Princess Lira picked up her sword. Then she picked up her STAR Baton and switched her blaster to a saber began to attack Princess Lira. As Princess Lira was aiming to attack Hana at the neck region, Hana blocked the attack with her STAR Baton and used her saber to strike Princess Lira’s right arm forcing her to drop her sword. Just then, Kaijax noticed what had happened and immediately rushed to help Princess Lira. Then to both Farhan and Hana’s surprise, they noticed Princess Lira’s hand bleeding. It wasn’t the bleed that surprised them, it was the colour that surprised them. Princess Lira was bleeding red blood.

As Kaijax was about to teleport Princess Lira back to the Zeta Base, Princess Lira turned to look at Hana and told her that she had won the battle. Then she looked at Farhan and told him that he was lucking to have her. Then she added that she will be back and this time, she will finish off all rangers. As soon as she teleported away, the rest off the rangers came.

“Ok party’s over, lets go home”, said Hana just before she demorphed and collapsed into Farhan’s arms.

Eps 24: Green Is In

As the rangers were walking to the school’s canteen, Yong Sen noticed an advertisement on the notice broad. Then being pondering on what the ad said, ”Volunteer Now To Befriend The Handicap Today”. Not long after, Nasrul noticed that Yong Sen was still looking at the notice broad.

“Yo! Yong Sen, you coming?” asked Nasrul.

“Ya, ya I’m coming”, replied Yong Sen as he caught up with his friends.

While they were having their lunch, Yong Sen told his friends what he had decided to do and that is to be a volunteer to befriend the handicap. So once school has ended, the rangers followed Yong Sen to the V.O.C, the Volunteer Organization Center. Once Yong Sen had finish registering, the registration lady, Ms. Zura, told Yong Sen that they would call him when they have found someone to assign him to.

Later that night, the Ms. Zura called Yong Sen he told him that they have already assigned him to a girl by the name of Ellena Lee, who is wheelchair bound. She also told Yong Sen to be at the V.O.C by 3pm the next day. Immediately after the phone call, he calls his friends and told them the good news.

Meanwhile at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira was pondering on another way to destroy the rangers. Then she called for Ripster, as Kaijax was still recovering from the last Megazord battle with the rangers. Once Ripster had arrived, she asked him to send another monster down to Earth. Immediately, he summoned as monster known as ‘Oxnard’. Then he gave Oxnard the word to begin his attack on Earth.

Back on Earth as the rangers were fast asleep, they were woken up by Samsul who told them that a monster has begun his attack. Still sleepy, the rangers got out of their beds and morphed up. Once they have arrived at Oxnard’s position, they were still a little sleepy but they managed to stay awake and fight the monster. Then the rangers called out for their STAR weapons and formed up the STAR canon. Just as they were about to finish off Oxnard, a group of Zetrans came down an assisted Oxnard. Then as the rangers finished off the Zetarns with the STAR canon, they noticed that Oxnard had already left the area. So the rangers decided to go back home and get some rest before they wake up again for school.

The next day Yong Sen went straight to the V.O.C immediately after school and met up with Ms. Zura and then she brought him to the ‘Singapore’s School for the Handicap’ where he was introduced to Ellena Lee. When Ellena saw Yong Sen, she was not too trilled as Yong Sen was. Once Yong Sen and Ellena were properly introduced, Ms. Zura left the 2 to get to know each other better.

“So would you like to go out for a little stroll”, asked a nervous Yong Sen.

“Ya, whatever”, answered a very bored Ellena.

So Yong Sen brought Ellena out and went for a little stroll. While they were having a stroll, Yong Sen asked Ellena a few questions, which accidentally upset her. Then Yong Sen apologized and decided to bring Ellena back to the school. Once they were in the building, Yong Sen apologized to Ellena for the second time before he made his way home. Back at Yong Sen’s house, Yong Sen was thinking what he has done to offend Ellena earlier on. So he decided to go back to the Singapore’s School for the Handicap and find out what he has done wrong.The next day, Yong Sen went back to the Singapore’s School for the Handicap and met up with Ellena.

When Ellena saw Yong Sen, she looked at him and said, “You again. What do you want now?”

“Look Ellena, I think we got out on the wrong foot yesterday, so I would like for us to get reacquainted”, replied Yong Sen.

Then Ellena looked at Yong Sen dead in his eyes and said, “Ok, let go for a stroll”

Back at the Zeta Base, Princess Lira had noticed that Yong Sen is part of a volunteering project, so she decided to use that to her advantage. So immediately she sent down Oxnard to attack the Green Ranger and Ellena. As Yong Sen and Ellena were having their stroll, Yong Sen’s communicator went off. Then Yong Sen told Ellena that he’s going to answer his handphone. Then he ran behind a bush and answered his communicator instead. When he answered, Samsul told him that a group of Zetrans was on the attack near the southern part of Singapore. Then Yong Sen told Samsul that he would be right there.

Then Yong Sen told Ellena that he had to attend to some problems that needed his fullest attention and that he would bring her back to the school first. Then Ellena told Yong Sen that he was the same as all the other guys who volunteered to look after her. She also added that they did this just to complete their CIP (Community Involvement Program) hours. Then Yong Sen looked at Ellena and told her that he wasn’t like the other guys at all and that he loves to help out other people. He also told her he would be back to chat up with her once he has taken care to the other problem.

As Yong Sen and Ellena were making their war back to the school, they were stopped by Oxnard. Then Yong Sen told Ellena to head back for the school as deals with Oxnard. Then Ellena told Yong Sen that he was crazy to fight with a monster. Then Yong Sen told Ellena not to worry. After saying that, the he began to push Ellena’s wheelchair towards Oxnard. As the wheelchair drew nearer to Oxnard, Oxnard jumped out off the way. Once Oxnard was out of the way, Yong Sen gave Ellena a finale push before he let go of the wheelchair to morph up and battle Oxnard. As the wheelchair was still moving, Ellena heard Yong Sen shout out some words and she immediately stopped to have a look. Then to her surprise, she saw thw Green Ranger fighting wuth the monster.

Unfortunately, Yong Sen was not strong enough for the monster so he decided to call for back up. After he was being thrown aside, Oxnard turned his sights on Ellena. As he walked towards her, Yong Sen shouted out to Oxnard to leave her alone but Oxnard did not listen to Yong Sen. As he got closer to Ellena, the was attacked by the other rangers. As the Nova Ranger pushed Ellena to safety, the other rangers did battle with Oxnard. Then the rangers called out for their STAR weapons and formed up the STAR canon. Once the STAR canon was formed up, they fired it at Oxnard and destroyed him.

Back at the Zeta Base, Ripster fired the 3 poles to make Oxnard grow. Immediately, the rangers called for their Zords and formed up the Millennium STAR Megazord and the Nova Megazord. Once the Megazords were formed up, the Millennium STAR Megazord fired its Hyper Drill Canons at Oxnard and the Nova Mega used its Nova Saber to finish him off.

Once Oxnard was completely destroyed, Yong Sen jumped out off the Millennium STAR Megazord and raced towards Ellena to see if she is all right. Then he demorphed and told the rangers that he was going to sent Ellena back to the school. Once they were at the school, Yong Sen asked Ellena if his secrete was safe with her and she replied that his secrete was indeed safe with her as she gave him a peck on his cheek. Then Ellena asked if Yong Sen would be coming to visit her the next day. Then Yong Sen replied that he will indeed come back to visit her the next day and he sealed that promise with a peck to Ellena’s cheek.