Sunday, September 04, 2005

Eps6: No Business, like Monkey Business

While Anand, Darryl, Nasrul, Yong Sen, Samsul and Sylvester walking to their class, Hana came running behind them with what she calls good news. When she caught up with them, she told that she’s going to be on TV. She added that she has been chosen to play a role as a salesgirl in a new local series entitled, ‘Gentle Breeze’. Even thought it was for one episode, she was very happy and excited.

“So when and where are they shooting the show and are we invited?” Excitedly asked Darryl

“Best Denki at IMM building after school and I’m not sure but I think you guys can come and see me act. So you guys coming?” replied Hana delightfully

Everyone except Sylvester replied yes as he had to return to the base and monitor the situation on earth. After the conversation, the rangers returned to their classrooms.

In the meantime, Gumka was cooking up a plan to destroy the rangers for good when a Zetran, whom he had sent to eavesdrop the rangers conversation, and told Gumka that the rangers will be at IMM building after school. With this information in hand, Gumka had decided to summon a monster known as ‘Baboom’. Then Gumka told BaBoom to go to the IMM building to replace the existing cast members and to set a trap for the rangers. Immediately, Baboom and a crew of Zetrans went down to earth and did as they were told.

Once school was over, the rangers met up before they left for IMM. When they got there, they immediately proceed to the second level where the Best Denki is located. When they finally reached the Best Denki Store, the director asked which one of the rangers is Hana. Then Hana raised her hand and the director hand Hana a salesgirl uniform together with her lines. Then he showed her to the changing room and asked her to be quick about it. But when Hana opened the door a group of Zetrans tried to pull her in. as they tried to pull her, she managed to inform the rangers what was going on.

When their cover was blown, the director revealed his identity, as Baboom and the crews were actually Zetrans. As soon as the monsters identity was revealed, there was panic within the area and soon the entire building. As for the rangers they ran to a safe place to morph. After that the rangers engaged in battle with the Zetrans first. Once the Zetrans were defeated, the rangers turned their attention to Baboom. Then the rangers took out their blaster saber and attack Baboom. One by one the rangers were able to strike down Baboom. Then the rangers changed their saber to blaster and fired at Baboom sending him hurling into the air.

“Had enough or you hungry for more?”, asked Anand.

“No, I’m not out of the game yet “, replied Baboom, “ And now we are going to play it my way.”

After Baboom said that the rangers were confused about what Baboom was talking about. Suddenly, a huge vortex opened up behind Baboom. Then Baboom told the rangers to following him if they can and ran into the vortex. Then the rangers ran

towards the vortex but were stopped by Sylvester. He told them that if they go into that vortex, they would have to finish the job alone as he will be unable to help them once they enter the vortex. He also mentioned he will be sending them their STAR weapons as he will not be able to do so once they are inside the vortex and finally he told the rangers good luck.

Once the rangers received their weapons, they dashed into the vortex without thinking twice or looking back. Once they were inside the vortex, they soon realized they were inside another dimension. The dimension they were in had dark reddish sky and black sand for its ground. Then the rangers begin to walk around the area and was soon attack by something moving very fast. Soon the rangers realized that the fast that attacked them was Baboom.

“Welcome to my home rangers. Hope you like it cause you’re gonna stay here forever”, growled at the rangers before he continued his attack on the rangers.

After Baboom had finished his second wave of attack on the rangers, he stood in front of the rangers who were on the ground injured and asked them if they had enough or hungry for more suddenly Baboom was hit by some lasers which was fired by the blue ranger. Then one by one the rangers got up and attacked Baboom. Soon it was Baboom turn to fall to the ground. Then the rangers formed up their STAR cannon and were ready to fire at Baboom but before they could fire, Baboom told the rangers that if they destroy him, the rangers would never make it back to their world.

So the rangers deformed their cannon and continued their attack on Baboom. While they were attacking Baboom, Yong sen Noticed that the vortex was still open and then he immediately informed the ranger. Then the rangers grab the weakened Baboom and jumped out of the vortex dimension. Once out of the vortex, they continued to drag Baboom out of the building. Once they were outside, they dropped Baboom and reformed their STAR cannon. When Baboom could finally stand on his feet they fired their cannon and when Baboom realized what was happening it was too late Baboom has been destroyed.

Back at the Zeta base, Gumka fired the three poles and made Baboom grow big. Immediately the rangers called for their STAR zords and once the Zords arrived they formed up the STAR Megazord.

Once the STAR Megazord was formed, the rangers tried to push the battle away from the bystanders who were standing near the IMM Building but were only able to push about a stone’s throw away from the building. With innocent lives hanging in the balance, which the rangers knew that they have to finish off Baboom fast.

So they went for the knee drill attack but Baboom evaded it. Then Baboom was able to hit the STAR Megazord in its chest not once, not twice but five times with straight right and left. Then the rangers were able to strike back with an uppercut. Then their own mega size rights and left and ended with another uppercut, which sent Baboom flying into the air. When Baboom began to fall down the rangers jumped up into the air and scored with their knee drill attack, which drilled right through Baboom’s abs region. Finally Baboom was destroyed and everyone who was standing outside the IMM building was cheering for the rangers.

Back at the Zeta Base, Gumka was called to see Princess Lira. When he got

to the throne room, he noticed that Ripster was also there with the Princess. As soon as Gumka stood in front of her, she told him that his time was up and that it is Ripster’s turn to destroy the rangers. Then she chased Gumka out of the throne room. When Gumka was out of the throne room, he noticed that Kaijax was laughing at him. This act made Gumka really angry.

Back at the IMM, Hana was enjoying her time acting with Gurmit Singh and Aaron Aziz. After the recording the director and the two actors told Hana that she was a natural in front of the camera. Then she took out her notebook and asked for the actors autographs. When everything was over, the director gave Hana a sample tape of the particular scene and as soon the rangers got back to the command base, she watched the tape over and over again until it was time to go home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude,sounds something out of dino thunder ep.

6:27 PM  
Blogger Shadow said...

realli? it sounds more like the eps 'Pork chop' from PRNS but thanks for ur comments.

2:12 PM  

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